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GSX Support MSFS / Re: PMDG planes missing from MSFS after enabling seating option
« Last post by SN737 on July 26, 2024, 05:10:38 pm »
Can you expand on how you got it to work?

Did you uncheck the seated passengers option and restart GSX then recheck it or just go in uncheck it and recheck it?  What livery are you using? 
Thank you

Edit:  I tried just re-running the FSDT Installer which is what it says you need to do if you add a new livery as well as unchecking, restarting and re-checking an no luck so I give up at this point.  Until there is some sort of official fix I am just unchecking the option and glad to at least have my PMDG aircraft back in the sim.
I'm with you on this.  I love GSX, but not to this level of aggravation.  I'll wait for several updates before enabling this again.  The time wasting have to uninstall and reinstall is far too texting.

Agreed and the radio silence in terms of acknowledging there is an issue that is impacting numerous users to the point they are having to reinstall their addons after trying to enable a GSX feature is a little off-putting. 
At least acknowledge the issuies and let us know they are being worked on.  I don't think one of these threads has had a developer respond...
exactly this
GSX Support MSFS / Re: PMDG 737-700 Fuel set to 100% and not as in Simbrief
« Last post by oskar11 on July 26, 2024, 03:21:31 pm »
Hi, today flying PMDG B737-800 and I can confirm the refueling amount with GSX is not correct as calculated with simbrief also the the cargo is not correct .... pax are okay.

Thank you!
GSX Support MSFS / New Default EGSS in MSFS2020. Glass jetways not working.
« Last post by mwyatt on July 26, 2024, 02:38:07 pm »
Hi. How do I get the replacement GLASS jetways to work with the brand new Default EGSS (Stansted UK) in MSFS2020.
MSFS2020 and GSX Pro up to date.
If EGSS is disabled in CONFIG, then the default metal jetways work correctly.
If EGSS is enabled, then the glass jetways are there, but do not operate, and I see a message "this airport has default jetways".
Best regards, Martin.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: PMDG planes missing from MSFS after enabling seating option
« Last post by psolk on July 26, 2024, 01:02:32 pm »
Can you expand on how you got it to work?

Did you uncheck the seated passengers option and restart GSX then recheck it or just go in uncheck it and recheck it?  What livery are you using? 
Thank you

Edit:  I tried just re-running the FSDT Installer which is what it says you need to do if you add a new livery as well as unchecking, restarting and re-checking an no luck so I give up at this point.  Until there is some sort of official fix I am just unchecking the option and glad to at least have my PMDG aircraft back in the sim.
I'm with you on this.  I love GSX, but not to this level of aggravation.  I'll wait for several updates before enabling this again.  The time wasting have to uninstall and reinstall is far too texting.

Agreed and the radio silence in terms of acknowledging there is an issue that is impacting numerous users to the point they are having to reinstall their addons after trying to enable a GSX feature is a little off-putting. 
At least acknowledge the issuies and let us know they are being worked on.  I don't think one of these threads has had a developer respond...
General Discussion / Pretty Girls in your town for night
« Last post by wai1029 on July 26, 2024, 12:22:54 pm »
Hello I have followed the steps in the manual and tried several other things but it is as though the aircraft was not updated at all. GSX does not open or close any doors, Refueling doesn't detect that I've changed the fuel amount in the FDC when it prompts me and the passengers just board the aircraft and turn right into the bulkhead and disappear.

Any thoughts on new things to try?
Appreciate it.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: 777 Automatic Fueling and Door Opening
« Last post by Hambone on July 26, 2024, 08:58:49 am »
I'm seeing the same thing and the seated passengers are not showing either.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Cabin passengers in PMDG 777
« Last post by Hambone on July 26, 2024, 08:57:28 am »
I'm having the same problem. I've done every step in the Manual and whatever I could find on Discord and the forum. It just seems like the update did not apply at all. The aircraft is completely unchanged and the passengers just walk on then turn and disappear. GSX is still not opening the doors with the services either.
GSX Support MSFS / Cabin passengers in PMDG 777
« Last post by BrzI on July 26, 2024, 08:42:29 am »
I have been trying for hours to get this to work. No luck.
Have a fresh MSFS and 777 installation.
Can somebody please layout what files need to be in which directory.
Do we need to use both the Live Update and Live installer ? If yes, in what sequence ?
GSX Support MSFS / Re: GSX Menu constantly Loading in MSFS2020
« Last post by ben1england on July 26, 2024, 06:49:36 am »
Resolved.  We can close this thread.

Uninstalled all of FSDreamTeam, and then deleted my Addons and Virtuali folders, and then redownloaded everything.
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