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GSX Support MSFS / Re: Strange message after recent update 3.3.7
« Last post by cvitre23 on March 05, 2025, 06:30:53 pm »
same for me  :o
GSX Support MSFS / Re: FS2024 Messages display off screen
« Last post by Padinn on March 05, 2025, 04:09:25 pm »
Also seems fixed for me with latest update.
GSX Support MSFS / Unable to Re install GSX PRO
« Last post by vipercop on March 05, 2025, 04:07:34 pm »
I had problems that the error message 'unknown add on is causing Coutl to restart.'. I have tried to reinstall GSX Pro but it wont download. The error is in the attachment.
I have tried renaming the addon Manager so that a fresh folder can be created but still the same error comes up. Any help would be appreciated.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Strange message after recent update 3.3.7
« Last post by Jedi928 on March 05, 2025, 12:23:44 pm »
I have the same...
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Stop positions affected by another aircraft
« Last post by Captain Kevin on March 05, 2025, 10:54:30 am »
The stop position isn't based on aircraft type, but rather the position of the preferred exit. There's a set of instructions on how to set it up if you wish to set it by aircraft type, but at that point, you're talking about creating a Python file for the airport. Check page 108 in the manual if you wish to proceed.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Strange message after recent update 3.3.7
« Last post by liebs on March 05, 2025, 09:30:56 am »
I have the same thing and I don't really know what to do.
should i downgrade to the previous version, or do nothing?
thanks for the feedback
GSX Support MSFS / Re: iFly Boeing 737 Max 8 seated passengers do not appear.
« Last post by pete_auau on March 05, 2025, 09:19:24 am »
havnt  noticed  this  as of  yet and  have  the mod
GSX Support MSFS / Re: iFly Boeing 737 Max 8 seated passengers do not appear.
« Last post by neo16ye on March 05, 2025, 09:10:25 am »
The problem is caused by a somewhat unusual way the airplane exterior in the iFly 737 behaves. Even if you don't have GSX installed, if you go very close with the external camera (but still slightly about the fuselage root), around the airplane center, the whole exterior disappears. And, it never shows in VC.

Without the exterior visible, no Seated Passengers will show up.

We asked clarifications to iFly, because it's the only plane that behaves like that.

I can possibly fixed by changing this line in the airplane model.cfg ( for all liveries ) from this


to this:

However, I have no idea of the possible side effects, that's why we asked iFly about it, and we are discussing it, since it has an fps effect.

This change will cause the wing to become double in the in-cabin wing view, which can be clearly observed when the wing shakes.
GSX Support MSFS / Strange message after recent update 3.3.7
« Last post by moatazlashine on March 05, 2025, 08:03:46 am »
After updating to the latest version 3.3.7, I found GSX asking to roll back to the previous version. I tried updating it several times, but nothing happened. any help?

GSX Support MSFS / Re: Stop positions affected by another aircraft
« Last post by cadenysd on March 05, 2025, 03:02:21 am »
I should also mention the VDGS displays the correct aircraft type when I am coming in to park either aircraft
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