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GSX Support MSFS / Re: Couatl suddenly keeps crashing
« Last post by WebMaximus on September 10, 2024, 10:21:52 am »
Something very wrong is happening in your system because, the Community folder has been found in this user folder:


And the PMDG airframe .INI file HAS been found in another user folder!


This file exists but then, GSX calculates the WASM working folder assuming the username is coherent, so it tries to look for it here, reading the %LOCALAPPDATA% system variable.


This seems to indicate, you DO have BOTH users, but your %APPDATA% system variable is pointing to C:\Users\richa\AppData\Local, while your %LOCALAPPDATA% variable is pointing to C:\\Users\ricga\AppData\Local

So, something is clearly wrong here, you can verify this by opening a new CMD command prompt, and type SET (then Enter), a list of all system environment variables will appear, check the values for APPDATA and LOCALAPPDATA, normally they point to the same user, which is the currently logged user.

I don't find anything indicating what you suggest on my side. Below are two screenshots, first one showing how the ricga folder doesn't exist and the second one, the system variables where both APPDATA and LOCALAPPDATA have the correct value of richa rather than ricga. So I'm still not sure where GSX gets the ricga from.

What is also strange is how this issue presents itself intermittently. If a value somewhere was incorrect, such as a system variable, I would expect to have the issue permanently.

Also given how the user profile folder is used in lots of places within Windows, I would expect to see the problem not only sometimes in GSX but in lots of situations. I'm not even sure if Windows would be able to run correctly if my user profile folder was incorrectly set.

EuroAirport Basel / Re: ms2020 LFSB Ground texture issue
« Last post by romoni on September 10, 2024, 08:26:57 am »

I bought this addon 2024-08-19 15:51. I'm reported 2024-08-20 problems that not caused any reaction from developer. This is the weakest support service - same level as Aero$oft. Shame You. It was to be fair if You at least to tell if You have not any intention to do nothing for Basel airport.

Thanks for nothing

GSX Support MSFS / GSX Vehicles go missing
« Last post by nwajlg2 on September 10, 2024, 01:29:04 am »
I have used GSX for some time and up to 2 months ago worked fine.  NOW, Once the GSX Menu finally displays, which takes a minute or two, selecting any Menu item and all GSX Vehicles disappear immediately.  I have attached a Couatl Zip.  Please help.  This happens with 3rd party airports and Stock Airports using Stock aircraft.  Currently am using the FBW A320N most of the time.
Thank You..
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Revert to former version
« Last post by Captain Kevin on September 09, 2024, 10:04:09 pm »
Not unless you happened to back it up before you made the update.
FSDT Promotions / Re: FSDT Summer Sale - ALL products discounted 40%
« Last post by seanpa63 on September 09, 2024, 07:00:36 pm »
Do you have a plan for your next Sale? Will I have to wait long?
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Revert to former version
« Last post by robertvdb on September 09, 2024, 02:18:45 pm »
Thanks for your prompt answer. Actually the new version has other problematic features. As soon as I deviate a little bit from the exact parking after arrival, I get the pushback menu instead of the normal menu (with disembarking). Secondly, it takes sometimes a long time waiting for the menu.
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Tow truck not correctly rendered
« Last post by simland on September 09, 2024, 02:12:31 pm »
Since a few month, I stated that the tow-truck is not correctly rendered and displayed. But other objects as baggage vehicles, baggage loading vehicles and the wing-walker are displayed correctly.

I do updates of GSX with FDS-Installer oder FDS Live Update regurarly once a week. It didn't help....

My setup:
- Win64 Pro 64 bit, latest update
- P3D v4.5
- ProSim v 1.67 (latest update)
- Active Sky for P3D v4
- AivlaSoft v2.3 (latest update)
- GSX and GSX Level 2 Extension, regurarly updated once a week with FDS Live Installer or FDS Live Update

Can you help?
GSX Support FSX/P3D / All sounds are cut while tow truck is connected to the aircraft
« Last post by simland on September 09, 2024, 01:58:38 pm »
Since about 2 months, I have the following issue for preparing for pushback and startup the engines:
- Everything is working well (all sounds from the aircraft, ext. sounds, wing-walker, etc...)
- At the moment when tow-truck connects to the aircraft, all sounds are cut (aircraft sounds, cockpit sounds, wing-walker commands, ext. sounds, etc...)
- No sounds at all while the pushback
- At the moment when the tow-truck disconnects, all sounds are working fine again
Thiss issue is not airport specific; it happens at all airports.

My setup:
- Win64 Pro 64 bit, latest update
- P3D v4.5
- ProSim v 1.67 (latest update)
- Active Sky for P3D v4
- AivlaSoft v2.3 (latest update)
- GSX and GSX Level 2 Extension, regurarly updated once a week with FDS Installer or FDS Live Update

Can you help?
GSX Support MSFS / Couatl64_MSFS.exe crash every time...
« Last post by gbruyneel on September 09, 2024, 01:42:08 pm »
Hello, I get the latest version from GSX Pro for MSFS. But impossible to make it work. I always get the following crash again and again as it tries to restart:
Name of failed application couatl64_MSFS.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x6656fa22
Name of failed module: clr.dll, version: 4.8.9261.0, timestamp: 0x667a1925
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Error offset: 0x00000000000a88ac
Failed process ID: 0x6ac0
Start time of failed application: 0x01db02ab1c2c1085
Path of failed application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\couatl64\couatl64_MSFS.exe
Path of failed module: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll
Report ID: 7ba4e73d-e335-4787-9c48-d62cf50ce874
Full name of failed package :
Application ID of the failed package :

Don't know what to do.
Help needed.
Running Win10 Pro Build 19045
RyZen 7 7800X3D + RTX 4080 + 64 GB RAM
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Revert to former version
« Last post by pete_auau on September 09, 2024, 09:20:55 am »
just untick  the  pax  option
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