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I´m using P3Dv4.5 and the FS Labs A320. Since approx. 2 months I encounter an issue when performing Quick Edit pushback on the Airbus.
As soon as I start the pushback by pressing Y after setting desired position of the aircraft, the Airbus shows the ECAM Landing Memo on the ECAM. It´s not
possible to restore the ECAM properly to get the ECAM T/O Memo for departure. This only occurs when doing a Quick Edit pushback, when using
the "normal" pushback (e.g Nose left/Tail right) this doesn´t happen and it´s all good.

Kind regards
I have the missing passengers problem with the Fenix A320. Haven't tested on the 737/777 Yet. As soon as they turn to sit, they disappear.
GSX Support MSFS / Seated passengers in new update (PMDG) not working
« Last post by BazAir on Today at 12:00:29 pm »
I am loving this product. Never fly without it. I have had nil issues with passengers seated in the Fenix A320, after reading a post re VR increasing your object level of detail to 200 (all my flying is via VR), however since updating your installer today that now includes the PMDG 737 and 777 range, I am unable to see any pax seating. I can see them walking the jetway/ ground and boarding the aircraft but as they enter they disappear as per normal prior to the update. It is the same for both 737-700 and the 777. I have both aircrafts ticked in the config but am not seeing any difference after I installed the update. Any assistance would be really appreciated.


My "%APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\PackagesCache" is empty

Following the Fenix v2.2.0.232 update, my passengers seated in the aircraft are all pink.

Please tell us how to correct this problem
Agreed and the radio silence in terms of acknowledging there is an issue that is impacting numerous users to the point they are having to reinstall their addons after trying to enable a GSX feature is a little off-putting. 
At least acknowledge the issuies and let us know they are being worked on.  I don't think one of these threads has had a developer respond...
The last time Umberto was on the forum was on the 23rd, and the initial post was made on the 24th, so I'm not sure how he could have responded to a post he hasn't seen.
With all due respect unless he is unwell then I can't understand releasing 3.07 and then not monitoring the official forums to see if there are issues which there have been... 
So hopefully he is well the last time he was on Avsim was also Wed although if he is on Discord but at the same time not even checking here that's quite baffling. 
Give everyone the benefit of the doubt though and hope all is well with Umberto.  To be fair to him it's not like him to be non-responsive.

He is currently troubleshooting on the unofficial discord at the time we speak.
I mean glad he is troubleshooting but yeah, makes me feel like a bit of an outcast sitting here on the official forums for days listening to crickets chirp.

I agree with you.
General Discussion / Seated passengers in new update (PMDG) not working
« Last post by BazAir on Today at 09:05:11 am »
Good day to you all

I am loving this product. Never fly without it. I have had nil issues with passengers seated in the Fenix A320, after reading a post re VR increasing your object level of detail to 200 (all my flying is via VR), however since updating your installer today that now includes the PMDG 737 and 777 range, I am unable to see any pax seating. I can see them walking the jetway/ ground and boarding the aircraft but as they enter they disappear as per normal prior to the update. It is the same for both 737-700 and the 777. I have both aircrafts ticked in the config but am not seeing any difference after I installed the update. Any assistance would be really appreciated.

I started with AntiVirus Off. I deactivated all selected aircrafts from FSDT Installer of GSX Pro page. Uninstalled Fenix A320 and deleted all Fenix traces left by the uninstaller. Rebooted machine and started with the new Fenix A320 Installer. I went back to FSDT GSX Pro and activated all aircrafts I had before. Launched to MSFS2020, loaded Fenix A320 and all went just fine with no issues related with GSX yet.
I hope this help to others.

Patricio Valdes
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Boarding and refueling at the same time
« Last post by Captain Kevin on Today at 02:05:08 am »
If you call for catering first, the fuel truck won't come until after the catering is done. Though I admittedly have never tried to call the fuel truck and then call catering, so I'm not sure what would happen there.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Boarding and refueling at the same time
« Last post by Seralia on Today at 12:12:06 am »
Thank u, I will give them a try.

Whats not work is request Catering first an than Refueling, That dont work at the same Time. sadly.

Fuelingpoint is on the Left an Catering on the right. PMDG 777

Otherwise, When Caterining is in Progress and I request the Refueling Truck, it wont come, even when Catering is finish :S
So I have to reset GSX and request Refueling again^^
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Boarding and refueling at the same time
« Last post by Captain Kevin on July 26, 2024, 11:59:24 pm »
If you have the refueling point set to the left side of the aircraft, you would call for refueling first, and whilst you're getting refueled, you would call for boarding. If the refueling point is set to the right side of the aircraft, the cargo won't get loaded whilst refueling is taking place because the vehicle paths for the fuel truck and cargo loaders can interfere with each other, so the cargo loaders won't move until the refueling is complete. Likewise, if the refueling point is set to the left side of the aircraft and you board the aircraft using stairs, you might run into that same issue.
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