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GSX Support FSX/P3D / Re: Problem with "Customize Parking Editor"
« Last post by Captain Kevin on Today at 03:27:15 am »
On the axis assignments, you should see a circle that says normal and one that says slew. You need to select slew, then check to make sure you don't have anything assigned for all the hardware that you have.
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Re: Problem with "Customize Parking Editor"
« Last post by skip d on June 02, 2024, 10:12:00 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply.
Couple things....1. I looked in the Key and Axis Assignments,but didn't see anything with 'slew' attatched.(I never use 'slew' so maybe I was looking for the wrong thing)
2.Was I looking in the right place for a Logfile to show the problem ??? (APPDATA/Virtuali/GSX/compile.ini)
I see "Logfile=....nothing else !!
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Re: Problem with "Customize Parking Editor"
« Last post by Captain Kevin on June 02, 2024, 01:59:35 pm »
Skip, check your control assignments in P3D and make sure that you don't have any slew commands tied to any hardware that you have, like yokes or rudder pedals. Chances are that's the issue.
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Problem with "Customize Parking Editor"
« Last post by skip d on June 02, 2024, 01:19:13 pm »
Sir....I have been using GSX and GSX 2 for a few years wiyhout any trouble.
Its made  my P3Dv5.4 very happy.
Recently I added over 100+ new parking spots at 28 payware airports without a single proble.
Now for some strange reason the Editor has broken.
My procedure is....
I open aa airport/select any plane. I see the Green box notifying me "Airport cacheloaded sucessfully"
I click on "Add-ons" in the menu.....And then click on "Customize Parking" in the editor...
The airplane immediately starts zooming backwards...accross the entire airport...and into the surronding area.
The only way I have found to stop this zooming movement is to close the Sim.
I have checked in the "compile.ini" and see the Logfile....but it has NO entry.
I tried re-building the p3d.cfg....but get the same result.
Can you please help me ??
Skip d
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Blue Handling (Ryanair) dont appear anymor
« Last post by DSurfer on June 02, 2024, 12:30:46 pm »


thanks for your post. I did not see the Blue Handling in the list of all of the operators. I will post a picture of it, thats why my post.

Im in Dublin, and without any profile. Just the std instalation..

GSX Support MSFS / Re: GSX sends bus regardless of setting in airport profile
« Last post by Andreasmb on June 02, 2024, 10:52:14 am »
Same here with the enclosed profile for Aerosoft EDDK at EDDK, for instance Gate B12.
Walk In Gate B12 with no bus setting in the ini ( nopassengerbus = 1), but Bus coming when deboarding. Passengers are then walking to and entering the Bus...., ignoring no bus setting and as I suspect therefore ignoring to use the Walk In Path?

Umberto, tks for help, or something wrong with the .ini?

GSX Support MSFS / Re: Where ?
« Last post by kukoluk on June 01, 2024, 05:58:24 pm »
Thanks this is what i need to know :D that´s why i asking "where". I will create all things and post there.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: GSX sends bus regardless of setting in airport profile
« Last post by vekant on June 01, 2024, 07:18:41 am »
Hello, I have the same problem, and that it is on any profile, and any door. If the option is checked, either disembark only by bus or the opposite so that boarding, the buses come, open the doors but no one gets off. The walking passengers come to the plane, but the boarding or deboarding never ends because there is this famous bus that blocks everything.
General Discussion / msfs not installed
« Last post by rynatlike on May 31, 2024, 08:55:43 pm »
hello i had gsxpro for a while i couldnt download it so i just gave up but now i want to try again and when i tried to download gsxpro when i open my fsdtinstaller it says "msfs is not installed" i have tried opening msfs but it didnt help also the products wont show up so idk what to do

Update: i think i dont have Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe because i cant find i think that may be the problem but im not sure
GSX Support FSX/P3D / No FMC Loader at fwd cargo
« Last post by Pitter on May 31, 2024, 04:16:25 pm »
A/C: Skyspirit B777-300ER
Why I do not get a FMC loader for fwd cargo door?

GSX file attached

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