Really? Is the NGX that close to being released... (not that I know of the exact progress of KLAX), but in my mind, I would be amazed, if the NGX was released this side july e.g - but I haven't really been following the progress...
Would certainly buy it, when it arrives... (that goes both for KLAX AND the NGX from PMDG)
I have been following the PMDG NGX progress and from the screenshots e.g. VC,Exterior.
In the most recent post thread by Robert S. Randazzo (not an exact quote) but he said
when they reach certain miles markers in the progress of the NGX
and release to the wider beta teams to make sure there are no "bugs" or performance issues; PMDG will start talking about a release date(internal).
No matter what, Wherever the progress is for
KLAX it is more likely that it will be released before PMDG NGX.