Author Topic: Sludge Hornet v2.0  (Read 85884 times)


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Sludge Hornet v2.0
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:10:47 pm »

Checking back in here at FSDT, to let everyone know that I will be releasing a SH v2.0 Test Candidate shortly. The main problems have been streamlining/reorganizing the setup (ie. moving Betty Sounds to main gauges/sounds directories), improving the effects both looks-wise and less FPS, and incorporating some of JIMIs XMLs into my mods. Remember, we are similar-in-spirit (modding for more realistic Hornet) yet different-in-the-details (me=less XMLs/coding, more baseline A/C; Jimi=more XMLs/keybinding commands), so when he comes out with some great XMLs, I have to "slim them down" to get the to work with my mod version of the Hornet.

Another HUGE problem has been the prior installer and I'm working on making a completely new installer that will work with all Windows versions. I know the last installer worked well in WinXP but since those days are over, and the community is mostly Win7, the new installer will be built to work with Win7 PRIMARILY. I've been getting personal feedback from people who couldn't get the installer to work and I've encountered the same problems. Dont worry, its being addressed.

In regards to the TC release, once you install it, just know some of the XMLs are still "in work" status and wont be properly tweaked. Feel free to let me know any real-world discrepancies or even perceived discrepancies. As always, your inputs will be factored into the final release, even if some are not NATOPS-approved. However, thanks in advance for everyone's support and I hope this latest version's updates will make everyone's FSX naval aviation experience more enjoyable.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2013, 09:00:49 pm »
Sounds great Sludge. Many thanks for your hard work - along with Jimi - and not forgetting FSXNP!
RAN FAA A4G NAS Nowra ɐıןɐɹʇsn∀ :-)


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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2013, 09:05:17 pm »
Good to have you back Sludge. Thank you - Johan


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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2013, 10:35:05 pm »

In addition to my initial comments, also be aware that this TC will have ONE TEST BIRD scheme in the FX version, to give a full feel of the updated effects. As I get closer to a full release point (v2.0 Full Release), I will integrate the changes/fixes (from users and NATOPS-required) with the Basic (non-effects/multiplayer) version and also with the Capt Sim Delta Hornet.

Again, alongside JIMIs FSXBA Hornet, and some other possible releases, this year should be really good in terms of legacy Hornets in FSX. Their demise has been woefully overstated, IMO, as there are plenty of us legacy Hornet lovers out there who are still in the biz of keeping them alive in FSX Nav Av.

Thanks for the good words, its good to be back. In my protracted absense from the board, was great to see others taking the lead here, as well as the vLSO progress. I have been doing some testing myself, against my changes/fixes, and will be giving Serge inputs in the near term.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 08:55:41 pm »

Another update, this last weekend, I was able to get alot of things done with the ongoing revamping of the Sludge Hornet file structures.
1- Now all the Gauges will be referenced from the main FSX\Gauges folder, so changes will happen across all platforms (Basic/FX, CS Delta Basic/FX, and default) by modding the base reference XMLs. Say if I change the PA-PID.XML (powered approach-PID, controls auto-trim), it will now change that behavior for all of them because they all reference this one gauge.
2- Re-designate/re-reference all textures to the main FA-18 folder, via ALIASing in each particular texture folder, so that all platforms can include them easily.
3- Moved Sounds to main FSX\Sound folder, so they too can be modded/used by all platforms far easier than previous versions.

*- The installer should be able to make all the necessary changes but I'd recommend starting from scratch by deleting the old Sludge Hornets when I send out the v2.0 Test Candidate.
** Keep in mind that most of these revamping changes listed in this post will mostly benefit me or other modders, so that we can change stuff across multiple platforms with far less pain than the current setup. Also, it will help those that like to change their jets to suit their particular likings. Say in regards to the IFLOLS gauge (not the FLOLS on the carrier)... some like this, others cant stand it. This way, it'll be far easier to mod and you'll only have to make a few line changes to the panel.cfg file to get what you want. Once the base files are setup in the FSX\Gauges folder, the only thing you'll have to worry about is getting the panel.cfg gauge syntax right. The more people that get into modding, the more we win....



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2013, 11:35:46 pm »
** Keep in mind that most of these revamping changes listed in this post will mostly benefit me or other modders, so that we can change stuff across multiple platforms with far less pain than the current setup. Also, it will help those that like to change their jets to suit their particular likings. Say in regards to the IFLOLS gauge (not the FLOLS on the carrier)... some like this, others cant stand it. This way, it'll be far easier to mod and you'll only have to make a few line changes to the panel.cfg file to get what you want. Once the base files are setup in the FSX\Gauges folder, the only thing you'll have to worry about is getting the panel.cfg gauge syntax right. The more people that get into modding, the more we win....

Excellent. I was actually considering putting together a "Pyro Hornet" that was going to be similar to this for the exact same reason.  Glad to see you're making some headway on it.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2013, 06:27:30 am »

Making some really good headway on it. Ive got all gauges and textures synced up, so that you only have to do a few mods and ALL your Hornets (even the default if so desired) can have all the same things the Sludge and/or FSXBA Hornet have with a few, simple mods. The texture side is a TAD BIT trickier to make happen than the gauges, as you have to do a local ALIAS folder and then have a main default F-18 FALLBACK folder, but once that's done, bamm-o, you can then add the aircraft.cfg entry and it will sync right up. Works like a champ.

Plus, I'm finding that the Capt Sim Hornet adaptations are coming long equally well. I just have to remember to hit the rack at a decent time so I dont make boneheaded mistakes that make me backtrack the next day to clear up something simple. And, as before, after I get out a FULL RELEASE of the Sludge v2.0, I will do a limited FSDT release here for CS Weapon implementation to all Sludge variants.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 07:11:46 pm »

Update from last night's work. Along with ALL the textures (not just the NASA HARV), I can also include the Capt Sim Delta Hornet, if people want. Things have gone soo well in re-configuring the gauges and espcially the textures that its now a snap to update and include ALL the previous textures (some default, Ray Gagnon's, and Micro's) into the Test Candidate release. Once you get the hang of it, its soo easy.

Also, I will DISABLE the PA PID (Powered Approach Proportional-Integral-Derivative) XML for the time being, as its still too "notchy" to use well, so you will have to set trim manually when dirty. You'll still have the Trim-Weight-Fuel gauge that comes up, so you can see the Trim settings without having to look anywhere else.

Most of the gauges should work as before. I've added the freeware VC Shake gauge package that "shakes" the VC during medium to high Gs and gives a rattling sound during high Gs. Also, have reconfigured Doug Dawson's Sound gauge so that IF you have a USB headset along with outside speakers, the Betty warnings will happen in your headset. If you dont and just use speakers, you'll get them through your regular speakers.

The Capt Sim gauges have been reworked and included into the littany of gauges in the Sludge Hornet. The 2 CS gauges (ACLoad and Animations Control) are grouped in the same Window, and they are positioned at the upper left and right. They are "special" case gauges, so they will remain visible even when you switch views.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2013, 11:35:24 pm »

Me too. Especially once I release it and start getting feedback from you guys about the installation (good/bad) and if the jet works as advertised.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 01:20:47 am »
I too am looking forward to flying it and getting you some feedback on its handling and landing characteristics.  I like the Test bird and have been flying it quite a bit.  I always replace the default hornet with yours.

I hate to ask this here, but here it goes.  I just tried to register on your forum Sludge and Christian Snow is not the answer to the question for registering.  What is the answer then?  Please!



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2013, 04:53:44 am »
Sludge, thanks for keeping the updates running parallel with the CS Delta, the one I normally fly since I can actually change the stores in game, something I wish the FSX-A model was designed with from the start. Looking forward to the test flights with the family wagon.


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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2013, 06:39:56 pm »

Sludge, thanks for keeping the updates running parallel with the CS Delta, the one I normally fly since I can actually change the stores in game, something I wish the FSX-A model was designed with from the start. Looking forward to the test flights with the family wagon.

No problem. I know as far as realism, its better to fly the CS Delta as you have the added weight and sluggishness that the ever-present two drop tanks (real world Legacy Hornet ops) will give you. Plus, as you said, you can add A/A or A/G stores and the look is really cool.

Family wagon... LOL.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2013, 11:37:48 pm »
I love flying this version, F/A-18A+ test bird.  I noticed that when the tail hook is lowered, it extends into the scenery and partially disappears.  Is this something I can modify?  The trim also does not respond as it used to.  It also auto adjusts to 5.0 when the gear/ flaps and hook are configured for carrier landing.  Is this the normal setup?  I am working hard at getting to know this aircraft better to give you a better feedback when the 2.0 version bird comes out.   Lots of circuit work here at my home base Trenton Ontario Canada, CYTR. 



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2013, 04:01:03 am »

I love flying this version, F/A-18A+ test bird.  I noticed that when the tail hook is lowered, it extends into the scenery and partially disappears.  Is this something I can modify?  The trim also does not respond as it used to.  It also auto adjusts to 5.0 when the gear/ flaps and hook are configured for carrier landing.  Is this the normal setup?

OK, to question 1, yes... you can modify it. Its in the [Hook] section of the aircraft.cfg file. Now, this only happens on the carrier right? The reason for this is an FSX-to-real world work around, like we talked about in the vLSO thread. The "wires" of the FSX carrier are behind and higher than the physical model. That's why without the mod, if you catch the hook, more than likely you'll do the "pee pee" dance. In essence, due to inaccurate scaling of the FSX carrier models, you are doing an inflight engagement of the arresting gear when it APPEARS you are landing on the deck.

Question 2. Yeah, the trim is auto-configured and once you get within "LIMs" (parameters), in AoA, less than 180 kts, in a dirty config, the auto-trim XML will kick in. Once the v2.0 Test Candidate comes out, it will have the auto-trim DISABLED, so you'll have to put the trim in yourself. Once I figure out a way to lessen the Powered Approach XML "notch" (where the XML literally GRABs the TRIM inputs and abruptly dumps in trim to get you at 8.1 AoA), I'll show you how to RE-ENABLE it, so you can give me feedback.



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Re: Sludge Hornet v2.0
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2013, 04:35:03 am »

Working on the installer now. Having to do alot of reading and whatnot, but the jets are ready to go, now I just have to get the installer working.

Will keep you updated as I make progress.
