If I said that to my customers, I would lose all my customers in the next hours...
What is "that" ? I said your 32 bit application has reach its limit, how this, exactly, is something you can't say to your customers ?
I'll make an analogy:
YOU: "dear Adobe support, I have this picture taken with my new 50M/Pixel camera, and I would like to edit it but, the problem is, I'm still running 32 bit Photoshop, and it crashes when I opened it. Could you make it fit in the 32 bit Photoshop ?"
ADOBE: "Do you have a 64 bit CPU and you run a 64 OS ?"
YOU: "Sure, I have a shiny new i7 and I use Windows 64 bit"
ADOBE: "Well, you can just download the 64 bit version of Photoshop. You know it's free for all our customers ?"
YOU: "No, I can't switch to 64 bit Photoshop. I have a scanner which I bought during the Reagan administration, that only has 32 bit drivers, they made new scanners but, they cost too much to upgrade. I also bought a plugin from this developer, which has now retired, so he won't upgrade it to 64 bit. I'm stuck with 32 bit"
ADOBE: "I'm sorry but, your Photoshop installation has reached the limit of what a 32 bit application can do."
YOU: "If I said that to my customers, I would lose all my customers in the next hours...I DEMAND you can make Photoshop 32 bit to perform just like the 64 bit version."
That means I can't use any FSDT airport at all?
Obviously not. Restoring default jetways will restore *only* default jetways. We don't use them...