Hey guys.
I have tried the above fix in P3D V4 and it seems to work with KSFO, but does not work with my KDEN and KIAD sceneries. I deleted the .ini out of the respective FlightBeam folders.
The only way to even get the Control menu to appear in my sim for those two sceneries, I have to delete the other airport .ini in the Virtuali GSX folder under Users/Program Data. Otherwise, it just says my parking is isloated just like when the .ini was in the FlightBeam folder.
Doing so, gives me the option to select GSX services and as soon as I request a jetway or any other service, it just locks out the Control Menu. It doesn't even get to the point of asking which airline I would like to use.
I've worked several hours to try and remedy the situation. Any help would be great. I have also attached my Couatl File to see if that will help.
Thank you all and I appreciate anyone's help/advice.