Author Topic: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11  (Read 23727 times)


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2010, 01:48:55 pm »
Hello Umberto,
As I said in the thread about the bglmanx.ddl problems, this video tells me: It should go!! After making a fresh install of FSX (+sp1 and sp2), the only add-ons, I installed were: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11,nothing else. Then I made the flight again from Frankfurt to Zurich and on approach no buildings were visible. So, I guess, all other add-ons do not cause the trouble. After that, I started my original FSX (with all add-ons installed), did put all setting-sliders to the left (scenery-density at sparse), and tried it again. Now, there were buildings at Zurich, but no jetways (I have AES installed) and no trees. As I don't think, it has something to do with my processor (I7-920, overclocked at 3.8GHz) and my graphics card (8800GTX, 768 MB), I still wonder, if this could have something to do with a memory problem (6GB RAM installed).
Do you have some information about the guy, who made the video? Perhaps, he could tell me something about his computer, FSX-settings, and add-ons.
Thanks in advance for an answer.
Regards, Henk


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2010, 09:41:57 pm »
Is still not clear from your message, if you are seeing or not buildings with the PMDG MD-11 when starting at Zurich, or the problem happens only with the PMDG MD-11, but only when approaching.

It's normal you don't see the jetways at the lowest complexity level. Have you tried OTHER complexity levels ? Also, DO NOT put "everything to the left", because you'll never understood what was the setting that caused the problem. Change them ONE BY ONE, and see if it makes any difference.


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2010, 10:42:43 pm »
It's only at approach. When starting at Zurich, everything is OK.
I did not set all sliders to the right. Ssenery-density as well as Autogen-density was set at sparse (as you mentioned in a previous post,and I did that as mentioned in my previous post).
Could you tell me where the YouTube video, approaching Zurich came from; I really would like to contact the person who made it.

Thanks Umberto


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2010, 10:20:21 pm »
When approaching FSDT Zurich airport, flying the PMDG MD-11, there are no buildings at the airport. All other FSDT airports don't show this strange behaviour. It only happens, flying the PMDG MD-11, with all other aircraft, buildings show up at Zurich.

Hello Henk

I have the same problem with my system. So far I didn't come around any solution... Re-installing doesn't work, with all other aircraft the scenery's fine...

I think, I found a solution to the problem. I would like if you could try it out and would send back your results.
Go into the settings menu of FSX. In the scenery settings, leave all sliders, where they are. Only put the autogendensity slider all the way to the left (autogen=none). Then try out a flight from anywhere to Zurich again. Very much interested in your findings. Please let me know.
Regards, Henk


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Re: FSDT Zurich and Saitek Instrument panels
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2010, 05:23:31 pm »
Dear Umberto,

I have to support all the users complaining about ZRH! There are lot of posts, about missing buildings and OOM's while approaching Zurich (eg Peterle's post, posted at Jan 25th 2010; please check it again and check your answer about FSX default traffic). and though I think it is one of the nicests airports I have in my collection it is defintely the one which causes most headaches to everybody!

I understand that you want to protect your work and want to be paid for it, but it seems that your copy protection scheme is way to buggy? You will loose a lot of customers this way. There is no other FSX addon company with produces such an annoying installation procedures. Maybe you should definitely recosider?!

After installing and deinstalling this airport several times the last year (because of other addon's that seem to inflict with this airport) I got it finally running smoothly in the end..Uff!

Now I bought and installed a whole collection of saitek instrument panels. which after installing made my buildings disappear again??

After restarting and reinstalling FSDT ZRH airport the install engine seemed to identify a corrupted dll.xml and a corrupted exe.xml file during the installation procedure (the same thing happened when I tried to install PMDG 747) which it offered to repair with the addon manager..? Of course you have to install the addon manager twice before this takes effect! but now after the buildings are back in ZRH my instrument panels are not working anymore (most probably because those so called dll. files were not corrupted or because FSDT seems to give their file a higher priority ??

So I have no other choice than to deinstall ZRH for good as the time spend repairing this file extended my patience to a limit , and as I really prefer my SAitek instrument panels running smoothly on every other flight.

Going though so many complaints about the couatl install engine and missing buildings in ZRH I would consider your software needs a serious overhaul and an update that deserves its name!

You should understand my frustration as I have bought and downloaded ALL your airports so far and I'm delighted by their making,( though I will definitely not buy new ones as long as they come with the same installation procedure). I think your customers deserve a REAL support by direct contact with you as they have paid for their product and they deserve a decent support and not by support forums were strangers have to your job for which you were paid for!!

I do not expect any reply from you and your help with the "Saitek issue" as I did not see any constructive advices to other users in the past. The missing building issue is going on forever!!




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Re: FSDT Zurich and Saitek Instrument panels
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2010, 11:53:06 pm »
You should understand my frustration as I have bought and downloaded ALL your airports so far and I'm delighted by their making,( though I will definitely not buy new ones as long as they come with the same installation procedure). I think your customers deserve a REAL support by direct contact with you as they have paid for their product and they deserve a decent support and not by support forums were strangers have to your job for which you were paid for!!

I do not expect any reply from you and your help with the "Saitek issue" as I did not see any constructive advices to other users in the past. The missing building issue is going on forever!!

No. I don't understand your "frustration", at all. This is your first post here, yet you were able to say we don't give any support.

That we give plenty of support, is clearly proven by a very simply indication: look at my post count! I find it really unappropriate and quite offensive, being accused (by someone that never posted here before) of not expecting any reply, after more than 3800 posts I did to SUPPORT USERS.

Now, let's try to finally give you some support, without forgetting that, we would have appreciated at least an introduction of your problem, as your first post here.

About XML file corruption.

Our installer doesn't do anything "strange".

BEFORE doing ANYTHING on your XML files, it calls the standard, official MS Internet Explorer validation routine because, there are lots of OTHER installers that simply corrupts it. Since trying to modify an already corrupted XML file would result messing it even worse, we have this measure in place so, before touching anything, the XML is checked (not by our installer, by IE itself) for syntax.

You said yourself that:

1) Before installing the Saitek instruments, Zurich was working fine

2) AFTER you installed the Saitek instruments, you had missing buildings.

3) As soon as you tried reinstalling Zurich, its installed said that the XML files were corrupted, and offered a chance to repair it, and this had Zurich working again.

Sorry, but if this is really what happened, it's quite clear that the XML WAS corrupted by the Saitek installation, and reinstalling the Addon Manager fixed it.

I repeat it again: the syntax check on the XML file is made BEFORE touching it! Only if an error is found, you are offered a chance to repair it. And only if NO ERROR is found, our lines are added.

So, it's quite clear that, the problem you had was caused by the Saitek installation. However, I have some Saitek instrument panels, and never noticed it, and of course nobody else reported so far.

Other issues

Please, don't confuse this, with all the other messages about "missing buildings", because otherwise you are then confusing the cause with the effect.

ANYTHING that will stop our Addon Manager+Couatl programs to run will cause buildings to disappear. This might be both due because of a problem with the XML file, but also because other reasons, and the most common one, is usually the antivirus.

Both reasons do not have anything to do with our software being supposedly "bugged":

- The XML issue is always caused by other installers, which was quite apparent from your description of it. Which is why we added a lot of checks in the installer, in order to clearly NOTIFY the user when his XML has a problem, BEFORE trying any modification to it.

- The Antivirus issues are always an antivirus fault, which mistakenly identifies our software being a possible threat which, opposite to what you said about "no other FSX addon company with produces such an annoying installation procedures", it's a problem that affects many others as well, most notably all products using Flight1's wrapper, which are also sometimes mistakenly taken as virus, which is why they also suggest not to use certain antivirus product that don't allow to exclude files from scanning, since they have exactly the same issue as we have with antivirus.

- There's no "OOM problem" with Zurich. Of course, OOM it's always possible with any combination of product, but that doesn't mean Zurich is causing them. If it was, we should have many hundreds of users complaining about it. Instead, we only had 2-3 people and, they were all in some way related to the PMDG MD-11, which is surely a large addon that takes lots of memory. My reply to the post from Peterle you cited, still stands. We never heard back from him but, in any case, he HAD a reply (which he also thanked for). So much for your supposed "lack of support".

I'll try to verify further the Saitek installers, to see if there might be anything that could create a problem with our software but, if the issue is really the XML corruption, this should be very easy to fix (by them, because they are corrupting it) or, if you don't want to wait, by you, by simply adding the Saitek lines to the XML file yourself, and never run their installer again, if it's really creating this problem.


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2010, 05:04:44 pm »
Hello Umberto,

First, I know that you really do your best in this forum. But up until now, you did not solve the problem of the not appearing buildings on approach at FSDT Zurich. Also the levelD B767 shows the same problem. I know the scenery is only tested with default FSX aircrafts, but how many people are using those nowadays?
All this Couatl and bglmanx.dll stuff is OK to me, and there you really help the people.
But, I still stand for my conclusion that the only airport, giving problems, and I installed a lot of add-on airports, FSDT airports included, is Zurich!
I really think, that you're not able to solve this problem and I would like it, if you would contact the real developers of this Zurich airport and see what cane done about it.

Kind regards,


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2010, 10:18:57 pm »
I'm sorry but, you are the only one reporting the problem of buildings disappearing only with two specific airplanes.

You said yourself that not many people use default airplanes today. Since this is undeniably true, if the scenery REALLY worked only with default airplanes, we would have had thousands of reports of problems with PMDG and/or Level-D.

Since you are the only one, it's clear the problem is not the scenery. I also pointed out on an Youtube video, that clearly shows Zurich works with the PMDG MD11.

Apart from another user that biggybacked the generic problem of missing buildings on this thread, that doesn't have anything to do with yours, you are still the only one reporting Zurich not working with PMDG or Level-D, but working with default airplanes (I assume this is your situation).

Besides, we are constantly updating our Addon Manager/Couatl programs and, thanks to the installers Live update feature, you can always get the current version, if you run any installer (either the scenery, or the stand-alone Addon Manager). Have you tried with an update version ? We put a new one almost weekly.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 10:58:29 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2010, 12:47:27 pm »
I'm very disappointed with your answer. I saw the video, about the landing at Zurich. I does not mean much to me, mainly because I don't know anything about this guy's settings.  As I mentioned before, I'm also able to make a landing at zurich with the MD11, but I have to put many sliders to the left, which is not normal, if I look at my computer's specs.
Furthermore, you talk about thousands of buyers, who should have complained like me. That is not fair: I don't know how many Zurich buyers fly to Zurich everyday. For instance, I bought Honolulu (works great, with my settings), but I never fly in Hawaii, so waht's the use of complaining then?
I don't have any problems with bglmanx.dll and couatl.exe, everything is OK in my FSX menu-bar.
However, I will try out the new stand-alone manager (I guess, that is sufficient and I don't need to reinstall Zurich also?)
I will report back later.
Best regards,


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2010, 02:13:54 pm »
I have to put many sliders to the left, which is not normal, if I look at my computer's specs.

As I wrote in one of my previous posts, you shouldn't have done this, because if you put the scenery density sliders way too left, the buildings WILL disappear, and that's normal. You should set them at least to "Normal".

Besides, why you decided to put your sliders to the left ? It's not clear, if you are having just a disappearing buildings problem, or you are also having a frame rate problem. Which is also not normal, since Zurich is usually considered one of our lightest scenery to run.

Furthermore, you talk about thousands of buyers, who should have complained like me. That is not fair: I don't know how many Zurich buyers fly to Zurich everyday. For instance, I bought Honolulu (works great, with my settings), but I never fly in Hawaii, so waht's the use of complaining then?

Sorry, but pretending you are the only one using Zurich today, it's a little bit too much...Zurich is, as of today, our best selling scenery. Yes, it outsold even the mighty and famous JFK.

Which should tell something: don't forget we have a TRIAL version! If the scenery *really* had a problem like that, it wouldn't be so successfull, since users had a chance to try it beforehand.

I don't have any problems with bglmanx.dll and couatl.exe, everything is OK in my FSX menu-bar.

Of this, I was quite sure.

That's why I've said your problem is entirely unique, since everybody else that had a "disappearing buildings" problem, was always associated to something that prevented our modules to run (usually the antivirus, sometimes a problem in the xml files).

In any case, you are adding a new information: before it was only the PMDG MD11, now you said you are having the same problem with the LevelD767, but I assure you we HAVE tested it with this one. In any case, this only proves my point: if it was a problem of the MD11 only, we might have less chances of users reporting (although both Zurich and the MD11 are quite popular products and ARE often used together, considering the MD11 long history at this airport), but if there was a problem with the LD767 as well, I don't think it's possible nobody else reported it, for either plane.

As I've said, try the current Addon Manager, because we think to have found a bug, that only affected VERY SLOW systems, and if yours was in that situation, it *might* be it would fix your problem.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 02:15:49 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2010, 12:18:50 pm »
Hi Umberto,
I have run the newest Stand-alone manager. No improvement.
When I start up FSX and select LSZH with any aircraft, I see the buildings, for instance the E-terminal. If I put the scenery-density slider all the way to the left, the buildings are still there (You were really wrong with your answer). In fact, it are the trees at the airport which only show up with the scenery-density slider at normal or higher. The autogen-density slider can be set all the way to the left: it does not do anything with the trees at the airport. In a previous post, I notified Peterle from the fact that when I fly the PMDG MD-11 to Zurich, with the autogen-density slider all the way to the left, I see the buildings, the scenery density-slider should be at least normal or higher to see the trees. However, if I fly to Zurich with the autogen-density slider at sparse or higher, I don't see the buildings anymore.

I stay with my conclusion, that there is definitely something wrong, and not with my computer, but with FSDT Zurich, and in my opinion, you should contact the developers of Zurich airport, to discuss this with you or with me.

Kind regards,


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2010, 02:45:34 pm »
When I start up FSX and select LSZH with any aircraft, I see the buildings, for instance the E-terminal.

Which means the scenery works.

If I put the scenery-density slider all the way to the left, the buildings are still there (You were really wrong with your answer).

The answer wasn't obviously "wrong", I just haven't mentioned that not *all* 3d objects of the scenery are affected by the scenery complexity slider. Most of them are, usually those that makes the most detail-intensive parts. But the basic structures of the main buildings only, are not affected by the complexity slider.

There are 101 objects (or objects groups, to be more precise) in Zurich which ARE affected by the Scenery complexity slider, and 18 objects which are NOT affected by the Scenery complexity slider.

In fact, it are the trees at the airport which only show up with the scenery-density slider at normal or higher.

No, it's not just the trees.

As I've said, everything in the scenery is affected by the complexity slider, *except* for the basic structures of the main buildings.  

You might have the wrong impression that only trees are affected, because most of the objects that ARE affected, have a smaller visual range anyway, while the trees are visible from longer distance so, it's more apparent when they disappear.

In any case, none of this matters, since you should see some scenery at all complexity levels, but of course you'll lost most of the details at the lowest complex setting.

The autogen-density slider can be set all the way to the left: it does not do anything with the trees at the airport.

Which is normal, since they are standard objects, and not autogen trees.

In a previous post, I notified Peterle from the fact that when I fly the PMDG MD-11 to Zurich, with the autogen-density slider all the way to the left, I see the buildings, the scenery density-slider should be at least normal or higher to see the trees. However, if I fly to Zurich with the autogen-density slider at sparse or higher, I don't see the buildings anymore.

Does it happen with a default airplane too ? In any case, nothing in the Zurich code that made the buildings appear or disappear is related in any way to the *Autogen* Complexity slider.

I stay with my conclusion, that there is definitely something wrong, and not with my computer, but with FSDT Zurich, and

Sorry but, regardless how how much you stand your opinion, it doesn't change the fact that, you are the one and only one reporting it, and it can't be replicated by anyone else.

You are keep mentioning Peterle's message, but he had a VERY DIFFERENT issue, which was an OOM message coming from FSX itself which, apart for the fact that doesn't have anything to do with your issue, can't be caused by the TOTAL sum of memory used by all the addons installed so, it can't be obviously related to Zurich in particular since, if a system is already *close* to having exausted its memory, it's obvious that flying in a complex airport, any airport, can finally trigger an OOM, especially after a long flight, which means SOMETHING ELSE is "leaking", because the Zurich airport is not loaded until you are very close, meanign it can't create a memory leak *over time*.

We haven't tested it with the PMDG MD11, but we HAVE tested it with the Level-D 767 (which you said also have the problem) and there are no problems.

in my opinion, you should contact the developers of Zurich airport, to discuss this with you or with me.

There's no need to contact anybody else, and besides, I'm the one responsible with all the code that deals with objects appearing/disappearing, which you said yourself WORKS in all other FSDT sceneries, and that code it's JUST ONE. There's no "Zurich code" or "JFK code", for example. It's exactly the same routine for all sceneries.

So, if you say it works in other sceneries, it means the code it's working, otherwise it wouldn't work in any scenery. There's nothing else in Zurich code that controls the appearance of buildings.

This, coupled with the fact that nobody else has this problem, and Zurich is our most successfull scenery so far, it clearly demonstrate you have a specific problem on your system, not the scenery.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 02:47:27 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2010, 10:44:07 pm »
Hello Umberto,

I bought my licence for the Zurich scenery today and I it works like a charm (with one little glitch, I´ll come back to that later...).

Inspired by what I read in this thread I fired up my PDMG MD-11 and flew into LSZH, once from Strabourg and once from Milan and I used runways 14 and 28 respectively for my approaches.

I encountered no problem whatsoever with respect to buildings or other elements of the scenery missing, but I was shortly frozen in mid-air about three times on each approach when getting closer, probably due to the scenery reloading (my frames were always above 18 per sec though).

So it seems to me that the problem reported by some here is not linked to the scenery but rather to something else.

As to the glitch I found: when trying to view the Key mapping from the addon menu, all I get is a black screen with a white frame for a few seconds, then that frame closes and the scenery comes back, but all buildings have disappeared as well as the meny item mentioning couatl. The last item for the settings is still there.
When I restart FSX, all is back to normal again.....

Any ideas what could cause this behavior?

Thank you, and congratulations to an excellent piece of work!



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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2010, 10:03:26 am »

the issue with Zurich and PMDG has been reported only by a couple of users in the 3 years Zurich has been out so, it's clearly not a problem of the scenery, otherwise we would have lots of reports already, considering many people use the MD11 at Zurich (which makes sense, since it's quite common view there) so, the problem must be something else which is installed only on those few people, and your report just confirm it.

About your issue, I've already replied you with email so, we'll continue with email, since it doesn't make any sense to being able to post the same thing twice on the forum and by email.


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Re: FSDT Zurich and PMDG MD-11
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2010, 06:19:17 pm »
Hallo Uberto
First time for me to this forum.
I have made more than 20 times the flight with MD-11 EHAM-LSZH FSDT and no problems.