You can't make a comparison like this because FSUPIC is never included in a product. You always must separately download it, at YOUR discretion. And you can always freely uninstall it.
That's the the case.
Qualitywings, for example, installs it, and so ALL addons that are sold in a boxed version with a CD also installs it (Wilco, Aerosoft, Flight1, etc.). CD users are NOT accustomed having to download something, so everything needed to run a product is always included, which of course includes FSUIPC.
With SODE, you are FORCED to use it with KMEM-and it's included in the installer, and it's integrated with KMEM!!! It's not like it's an "option" to use it. So it's only obvious why people are coming here for support with SODE with KMEM!!!
You are NOT "forced" to use it. It's needed only to animate the jetways in GSX. If you are not interested in animated jetways, you can disable SODE, if you find it crashes your system. Jetways will STILL display, but static.
Instead, there are other developers that use SODE to create actual objects (AND jetways) of the scenery that won't even display if you disable it. And the same is valid for any airplane using FSUIPC: it won't work without it.
So no, is exactly the opposite of what you say: KMEM is perfectly usable without SODE, and will just have static jetway (like so many other sceneries out there), while many of other sceneries out there using SODE will not work without it, and no airplane requiring FSUIPC will work without it, for example if you need to disable it because of a problem.