Author Topic: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac  (Read 9765 times)


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How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« on: January 05, 2018, 04:13:27 am »

I recently tried to edit the parking spots for the gates in ADE but I wanted to wait until I can also change the gate number written on the tarmac, or pavement. First of all, are the numbers and letters, such as C32, ground polygons? If so, are the ground polys located in the FSDT sub-folders or are they FSX ground polys? I've tried searching for those GPs using a program called MCX and XnView MP, and I haven't been able to locate them. I've search the textures files and the mdl files.

The reason I want to edit them is because the gate numbers do not match the current ones. For example, C32 at Dallas is now gate C39. I can edit that in ADE but could someone explain how I should edit the one on the tarmac, of refer me to a tutorial or video that explains it how to edit ground polys. I know how to edit ground polys in ADE, but these are not GPs from ADE.



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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 01:31:04 pm »
I don't believe you can.



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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2018, 04:00:02 am »
I don't believe you can.


Yes, they can be edited. After posting this, I've found and located the file I want to update. They appear to be ground polys that are mapped over the main texture. At first, I could not get the textures to load in MCX because I forgot to set the correct path for the textures. I'm not sure what program the developers here use to view these files but I use MCX. I want to update these ground polys so that when I do real world flights, the gate locations will be correct. Of course, it may take me awhile, depending on how many that's been changed since the release of FSDreamTeam KDFW.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 04:18:09 am by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2018, 08:15:06 pm »
You cannot edit .MDL files with MCX, not in the way which would be required to change gate numbers on ground. You might be able to do so by exporting in a standard 3D file format, like .OBJ, import them in 3DS Max, edit them then exporting them again, using the SDK.

However, it would be a very big task, and you won't be able to redistribute those files, since they are obviously copyrighted.

Instead, it would be much better if you took the time to make a clear list of everything that has been changed, so WE might work at it, both scenery, AFCAD and GSX customization, which would be best for everyone.


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2018, 04:24:37 am »
You cannot edit .MDL files with MCX, not in the way which would be required to change gate numbers on ground. You might be able to do so by exporting in a standard 3D file format, like .OBJ, import them in 3DS Max, edit them then exporting them again, using the SDK.

Well, they say I can edit ground polys using the ground poly wizard, but I'm not sure about that. But I can use it to make the placement after it has been edited. When you say 3D file format, are you referring to a 3D program, such as GMax? And which do I import into a 3D file format, the .mdl file containing the ground poly or the texture file showing the ground polys only? You also mentioned about exporting into a standard 3D file format, like .OBJ. I'm confused as to rather you mean an .OBJ file, or is it an object viewer program? You said to import them in 3DS Max. I do not have that program. I have GMax. Studio max cost thousands of dollars and most people could never afford that.

However, it would be a very big task, and you won't be able to redistribute those files, since they are obviously copyrighted.

Yes, it's a very big task. No, I will not redistribute them.

I assume your team use 3DS Max to make the sceneries I've purchased, and really look great, but I use the G-Max version 1.2. Although I like to have the 3DS Max, I can't afford it. In the mean time, I just use G-Max or another 3D product called Schetchup. Although G-Max is better, the thing I like about Schetchup is that you can create your 3D models very fast, and is used by real engineers that design buildings. The problem is that if you draw too many good details in your model, it doesn't do well in MCX when you convert those files to bgl files. But if I plan to design airport sceneries for FSX and P3Ds, I really need to stick to a better 3D program, such as 3D max. But I'm still learning how to use it better.    

Instead, it would be much better if you took the time to make a clear list of everything that has been changed, so WE might work at it, both scenery, AFCAD and GSX customization, which would be best for everyone.

I'll be happy to. Let me go over the entire airport and make notes of all the changes and I'll get back to you.


« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 11:33:15 pm by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2018, 02:08:06 am »
Hi virtuali
I guess you recall that I've mentioned that I would send you the correct gate numbers that are marked on the tarmac a few months ago. Sorry it took me this long but I was trying to correct and install them myself, and I've successfully have them installed in FSX. So far, I've only done the A and the C terminals. Regarding the information you said I can send you so that your developers can work on then. here are the correct gate numbers for the C Terminal:

  1. C32 is C39
  2. C31 is C37
  3. C30 is C36
  4. C29 is C35
  5. C28 is C33
  6. C27 is C31
  7. C26 is C30
  8. C25 is C29
  9. C24 is C28
10. C22 is C27
11. C21 is C26
12. C20 is C24
13. C19 is C22
14. C17 is C20
15. C16 is C17
16. C15 is C16
17. C14 is C15
18. C12 is C14
19. C11 is C12
20. C10 is C11
21. C08 is C10
22. C07 is C08
23. C06 is C07
24. C04 is C06
25. C03 is C04
26. C02 is C02

The numbers on the right are the correct gate numbers for that location and the numbers on the left reflect the current gate numbers as shown in the airport scenery for that same location. Before posting this, I've went back and checked and confirmed these number using the satellite image dating September 5, 2017. But there is one note that I do need to make and that is the C Terminal at KDFW has 28 parking spots but there are only 26 in the airport scenery. This is really no big deal because 2 of the jetways, C19 and C21 join at the same exit/entrance of the terminal as C20 and C22. So, this will leave you with 26 parking spots, which is exactly the case in the airport scenery. You can start on the C Terminal and I'll send you the A Terminal one day next week, if I don't forget.

I've tried installing the new ground polys into P3Dv4 but I've having an issue with it. I don't know if it's a P3Dv4 issue or if I'm not doing something correctly. I'm aware of the new xmls that the product uses in the documents/Prepar 3D Add-On folder, but it has not made any difference. When the sim is first launched, the ground polys show up correctly. But when I fly somewhere and return to the same parking gate, for example C39, the C39 has reverted back to C32. This seems to only occur whenever I fly a few miles outside the airport boundaries, maybe about a mile or 2. I don't have this issue in FSX. I can even put the sim in slew mode, move the plane outside the airport boundaries and when I slew it back to C39, it's C32. Is this a bug within P3Dv4 or am I doing something wrong here? As far as I know, I've installed them correctly. When I made the corrections, I created a new ground poly with the correct number and placed them on top of the older ones using IS3. I've used the MCX to convert the textures and the bgl files, and it is designed to convert bgl files for P3Dv4. Of course, I know this is not the best way, and I would have preferred to clean out the older numbers and replaced them without having to lay another ground poly on top of another. For one thing, I could not find a placement bgl file so that I could put them back in the exact same location. But the way I've done it works okay for the time being.


« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 04:36:24 am by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2018, 02:14:47 pm »
Thank you for the changes report, we'll try to add them to the scenery as soon as possible. I'm sorry, but we really cannot help you with making changes to the scenery.


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2018, 04:46:00 am »
Thank you for the changes report, we'll try to add them to the scenery as soon as possible. I'm sorry, but we really cannot help you with making changes to the scenery.

Is it possible that you can let me know before they're released so that I will remove the one's I have installed? I'll send you the ones for the A Terminal one day this week.



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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2018, 03:36:43 am »
Hi virtuali,

Okay, here are the correct parking numbers for each gate at the A Terminal. I've just checked them against the satellite image and they're correct as of September 5, 2017. The numbers on the left are the current numbers in the FSDT KDFW. The numbers on the right are the correct parking gate numbers for that parking spot. If I get a chance, I'll check those for the B, D, and E Terminals.


Correct Parking Numbers for Gates at Terminal A

  1. A35 is A39
  2. A34 is A38
  3. A33 is A37
  4. A29 is A36
  5. A28 is A35
  6. A26 is A34
  7. A25 is A33
  8. A24 is A29
  9. A23 is A28
10. A22 is A25
11. A21 is A24
12. A20 is A23
13. A19 is A22
14. A18 is A21
15. A17 is A20
16. A16 is A19
17. A15 is A18
18. A14 is A17
19. A13 is A16
20. A12 is A15
21. A11 is A14
22. A10 is A13
23. A09 is A11
24. A08 is A10
25. A07 is A9
26. A06 is A8

« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 03:52:31 am by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2018, 01:55:37 am »
Hi Umberto,

Here are the correct ground markings for the E Terminal at Dallas Forth Worth KDFW. Notice you'll see E34 listed twice. That's because there are 2 gates marked with the same number E34 in the sim, so don't let that confuse you, or point that out to your team. Some of the ground images on google earth were not that clear so I used the numbers shown at their official website. Did you receive the ones for the A Terminal?

Here are the ones for the E Terminal:

  1. E35 is E38
  2. E34 is E37
  3. E34 is E36
  4. E33 is E35
  5. E32 is E34
  6. E31 is E33
  7. E21 is E32
  8. E20 is E31
  9. E19 is E21
10. E18 is E20
11. E17 is E18
12. E16 is E17
13. E15 is E16
14. E14 is E15
15. E13 is E14
16. E12 is E13
17. E11 is E12
18. E10 is E11
19. E09 is E10
20. E08 is E9
21. E07 is E8
22. E06 is E7
23. E05 is E6
24. E04 is E5
25. E03 is E4
26. E02 is E2

Hope to see them soon.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 02:00:18 am by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2018, 04:43:28 am »
Hi Umberto,

I was just wondering if you've got my changes for the GPs. I've just posted those for the E Terminal. By the way, would you rather for me to attach it here or just post it like I've been doing? I was thinking that it might be easier for you and the team if I attach it. Just let me know.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 04:46:07 am by kmanning »


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2018, 11:04:13 am »
If would be much easier if you could post, in a SINGLE message or a file, a single list with the current situation (FSDT AFCAD), compared to what you would like to be changed.


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Re: How Do I Change the Gate Numbers on the Tarmac
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2018, 03:31:13 am »
Hi Umberto,

Hear are the correct gate markings for the B Terminal taken from their official website. There is a problem here because there are officially 46 parking spots and your scenery shows only 29. Notice I have a section listed as gates B30 through B39. There is an extension that's perpendicular to the main terminal and goes out around and back to gate B40 on the main terminal. I don't guess it's necessary to add these, unless your team just wants to. For gates B30 through B39, I excluded those in the list. I only counted those that go around the main terminal, but just those alone number 36 gates, which is 7 more than you have in the afcad. Of course, some of these are labeled, for example, B22, B22A, so that will take out some. I count these as one gate. I'm not sure how ya'll want to work out the extra parking spots so whatever is easier for ya'll is fine. I don't think I'll be using those gates anyway. I have a text file and the terminal map image attached. Is this how you wanted me to do it?


« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 03:42:06 am by kmanning »