Cloud9 Support > Phantom

Compatibilià Con Wind7

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Prima di tutto un sentito grazie a tutti per la vostra cosrtese pazienza nel rispondere e commentare i problemi ,e poi risolverli .comunque vado al sodo del problema riscontrato sul simulatore FS9 /2004 quando seleziono l'aereo Phantom o pure  F-104 dal menu mi va in tilt il simulatore, non si avvia e pertanto non posso usare il modello di volo sia F104-o Phantom,al contrario il modello di volo MB339 va bene funziona correttamente.Sapete darmi gentilmente delle notizie in merito?.

Ho il sistema operativo Windows7.64 Bit ,precedentemente evevo il sistema Windows XP 64 bit ( funzionava correttamente).

Ci sono problemi di compatibilità?

Grazie attendo una vostra cortese risposta.

First, this forum is English only, you should use email if you want to use Italian. That's just for convenience for other forum users.

In any case, your problem is likely that you haven't done what is indicated as "IMPORTANT" in the Cloud9 page:

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If the Cloud9 product you purchased doesn't have an FSDT updated installer yet, you have to install the Cloud9 product first, then update the Stand-alone Addon Manager
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Since the F104 doesn't have an FSDT installer, you have to update the Stand-Alone Addon Manager AFTER installing everything else.

Sorry, yes I did as written on the forum I updated the addon but when I select the F104 or flight model Phantom I closes around the Simulator.I would understand if it is a problem of incompatibility or not. Thanks sorry again ...

You need to update the Addon Manager as the LAST thing you do, after you installed all the airplanes and their updates, because the Addon Manager will update the airplanes themselves too, but only those that are find to be installed when the Addon Manager installer is run.

There are no compatibility issues with Windows 7. In fact, nobody at FSDT uses any other OS to test anything, we all use Windows 7 64 bit.

I installed the scenarios and airplanes, and then as a last thing addon download from your site .... everything was installed correctly but I can't operate in definitive ways planes scenarios ... even with the reg Key. ask me addon one key (key) I have posted sheet where it says everything ex: ST01222 Etc ... ??? or serial Nambar is Es: C9Axxxxxxxx  ???entered both but not working, Where I'm wrong?


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