Nope. There's no more duplicates anywhere.
There must be some, otherwise you would have seen such fps drop after installing My Traffic. However, note that, it's not as if you don't have duplicates anymore, that AI traffic can't slow down the scenery anymore.
No where near what it was before my traffic.
There are two possible options:
1) If you see a big fps increase with AI Traffic slider to 0%, then the problem is caused by too man/too slow AI models.
2) If you see a very small fps increase with AI Traffic slider to 0%, resulting in fps MUCH lower than it used to be before installing My Traffic 2013, then the problem is caused by a duplicate AFCAD.
What are my options now?
Probably posting on My Traffic support forum something along the lines of "I had good fps at KORD, which collapsed as soon as I installed My Traffic 2013". They might have a better idea *where* you could look for possible AFCAD conflicts.