Author Topic: New FSXBA Hornet  (Read 1169406 times)


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1230 on: July 06, 2016, 09:18:47 am »
Rocco and Snowbird

These addon textures require a fallback to the standard "texture" file in order to work (you'll notice there are only a few texture files in the actual repaint folders themselves, which means all the common texture files must be somewhere else). If this other common "texture" folder is not referenced, then you'll get black textures and maybe just another texture altogether. It depends on how you've set up your folder structure for the various versions of the Hornet.

If you have all versions in your SimObjects folder, then check that the "texture.cfg" file INSIDE the particular repaint folder that's giving you problems, has a fallback to the Base model's "texture" folder (so mine reads "... fallback.1=..\texture... etc). That's assuming you add all new repaints to the Base model first. If you just put the repaint into, say, the a-a version, then the fallback will need to read "fallback.1=..\..\FA-18C_FSXBA2016 16.1 Base\texture" in order to point it to the correct "common" texture folder.

Hope that helps.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1231 on: July 06, 2016, 09:37:44 pm »
Perfect explanation! Thank you! It works!

Greetings from Meiringen/Switzerland! ;-)


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1232 on: July 07, 2016, 06:14:28 am »
I got the question how to realize this fallback-stuff. Now this is the way:

1. Copy all three Swiss Hornet Folders in to the FSXBA2016 16.1 BASE folder (After installing they are only in the training folder!)

2. Go in the FSXBA2016 16.1 Training folder. Open one of the swiss hornet folders.

3. In each of the swiss hornet folder there is a aircraft.cfg. Open this .cfg.

4. Every cfg has to be changed in the first two lines with the fallback-stuff. Please notice, that in the first line the ending has to be like the folder you opened. So when you open the SwAF019 folder, so check that the ending is also SwAF019. like on the Fotos... I hope, that could help.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 06:16:32 am by Rocco31alpha »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1233 on: July 13, 2016, 01:08:11 am »
Hey jimi, I downloaded the 16.1 version of the Hornet and me and some of the other guys that i fly online with feel as though the flight model is busted. Is there anyway you can look at this for me?




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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1234 on: July 13, 2016, 07:06:42 am »
I don't mean to be rude, and interrupt if this is meant to be private, but can you be more specific? Just HOW is it busted? Maybe I can be of service? I have the v16.1, and it works perfectly for me. Maybe even better than that :)
Real quick though, 1) maybe your Hornet.dll is corrupted, or the wrong version? I think Mr. Orion put out a new one to address some problems people were having, iirc. and 2) are you sure you have the correct Simconnect and C++ Redistributable versions? Those two things seem to be the most common causes of problems...

If it's none of my bees-wax, of course, feel free to tell me to butt out and I will, of course. Just trying to help a little...


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1235 on: July 13, 2016, 10:12:33 am »
Hey jimi, I downloaded the 16.1 version of the Hornet and me and some of the other guys that i fly online with feel as though the flight model is busted. Is there anyway you can look at this for me?



Hey Panic,

Appreciated your feedback.  Agree with Pat on this one.  "BUSTED" is pretty vague.  More specificity would be appreciated. 
Did the aircraft install properly?  (no "FCS FAIL" flashing across the HUD)
What configuration was the aircraft in? 
What maneuvers where you performing? 
What altitude/airspeed? 
What exactly felt off (maneuvering, acceleration, handling, etc)?
Are you/your friends making these comparisons to another aircraft (i.e. SuperBug, Default F-18,  the Real Aircraft, Flight Data)?

I will admit that this aircraft is still a work in progress so there is still work to do, but any QUALITY FEEDBACK is always welcomed and considered.

Thanks again.


Justin "Jimi" Hendrix
FSX Blue Angels
FSXBA F/A-18C Hornet Latest Download Link:,6944.msg117011.html#msg1

Raptor 1-1

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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1236 on: July 20, 2016, 03:41:46 am »
Does anyone have a problem where there is a gradual fps drop every time they fly this thing? Its annoying the hell out of me.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:43:49 am by Raptor 1-1 »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1237 on: July 20, 2016, 07:36:42 am »
I don't seem to have that problem, Raptor.
I can fly for 2-3 hours (with midair refueling or a quick landing for a hotpoint refuel :D ) and my FPS stay right where they should be, depending on the scenery loaded and so on. Not super helpful, I know.
May I ask, which video card you have? Maybe the fan on it is failing, and the card is getting hot? When was the last time you cleaned out you computer? Given it a real good dusting with canned air? Same with the cooling fins on the CPU and GPU. You would be surprized how little dust it takes to ruin cooling efficiency. Fans are also notorious for failing, but those are pretty inexpensive, and USUALLY easy to replace. Laptops are the notable exception.
I may be totally off base, here but it sounds like a heat-up kind of problem to me. The hotter your GPU/CPU get, the slower they run, in a self-defense measure to prevent actual damage. Some get pretty aggressive about it for sure.
Again, I may be totally off, but it's something to look at...

On another subject, and it's been a while since it happened, but on the v14.9, does anyone remember the UFC having problems with setting ILS frequencies? IE: You set the frequency in and if you switch to another plane to test it, it's off by .01 or some other small value? I remember people having this a long time ago, but I'll be danged if I can recall, or find, a fix for it. I could swear (I swear a lot. Former Marine ;) ) there was a solution, but dogged if I can remember or find it.
Someone on another forum asked, and I'm trying to help him, but nothing I've tried so far has worked...
Thanks all! Have fun...


Raptor 1-1

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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1238 on: July 20, 2016, 10:30:50 am »
My computer doesn't get too hot when I run fsx. I also noticed the same thing happens when using the 2012 Blue Angels Hornet (The one that uses the default Acceleration hornet). But it doesn't happen with the Sludge Hornet. It think it could be something to do with a gauge or maybe one of the effects that are used. My frames go from 50 fps down to 10 fps within about 5 minutes.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 10:32:29 am by Raptor 1-1 »


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1239 on: July 20, 2016, 09:50:43 pm »
Sorry about the late reply Jimi and pat,
I knew that using the word busted would be vague and sorry about that. Me and the group I fly with feel like going from 14.x version of the FSXBA hornet to the new 15.6 version the aircraft doesn't feel the same it seems to handle very differently overall as to how the 14.x version handled.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1240 on: July 21, 2016, 07:25:58 am »
Mr. Panic: Yes, it DOES fly "differently". Much better, or should I say closer to the "real world", where ever that place is. Ever iteration just gets better and better. Or more and more realistic, whichever you prefer. Remember, there can be a big difference between "realistic" and how a plane flies in the Sim. I am no Hornet driver by any sense, but from what I've read, Jimi's (and all the rest of the team!) planes just get more and more realistic. That's realistic to the way a Hornet actually flies. Is it what you're used to, or what you think it "should" be? I can't say, although it seems not.
All I can say is, enjoy the way it flies NOW, not THEN. I sure do.
Just wondering, have you thought of trying the v16.1? It might be worth your time. Just my opinion, but from what I've been able to tell it is lightyears beyond the v14.9. Again, I am NOT a "real" Hornet driver, but I've studied the NATOPS excessively, for what it's worth, and from what I can see, it's approaching "total realism".
I would love to hear from a real Hornet Pilot about this. It would be invaluable, IMO. Until we do, however, I can only give my ongoing impressions of the plane.
Do you have a specific problem with the v15.6? Feel free to let us know what it (or they) are and maybe we can work out a solution. In my very humble opinion, and yes, I am well aware what they say about opinions, your best bet would be to try the v16.1 instead of the v15.6, although the v15.6 is better than the  v14.9. Like I say, every iteration just gets better and better.
I know that doesn't answer your question, but you are still a little vague as to just WHAT about the v15.6 you are having trouble with. I am NOT a super Hornet Pro or anything, but maybe I can give you an idea of where it might be, or where to look to find a solution.

Mr. Raptor: Sorry, I'm not ignoring you, I am still working on trying to figure your trouble out. Does it maybe happen approaching a specific scenery location?
Have you tried turning some of your AI sliders down, maybe? AI GA planes, especially Airport Vehicles. That really draws down Framerates. So does 3D Clouds. maybe turn them down a little?This plane does take more CPU power than previous versions, so possibly...
Have you tried deleting your FSX.CFG file and letting the sim rebuild a new one? Maybe your old got corrupted, or there is a setting in it this plane doesn't get along with. Make sure you make a back-up before you "delete" the one that's there. Or just rename it to something else, so you can bring it back easily.
Did you get the correct C++ Redristributable 2015? How about Mr. Orion's updated Hornet.DLL? Or the correct Simconnect version? I am just shooting in the dark here. I've done that before (former Marine :) ) and hitting any target is a lot harder, trust me...
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 07:51:21 am by PhantomTweak »

Raptor 1-1

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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1241 on: July 21, 2016, 12:57:29 pm »
All of my traffic settings are set to 0% and I tried replacing my config but it still didn't work. I also noticed around about six months ago, the Hornet was working fine for me until one random day the fps drops started. I tried a lot of things when it started, like reducing every single setting down to 0% and creating a brand new config. It doesn't change with different sceneries. Even when I go out to the Australian outback (where there is absolutely nothing as far as the eye can see) it still does it. I do use Rex Essential+Overdrive but I purchased that before the fps drops started and some settings like cloud resolution and some other things are down to their lowest values.


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1242 on: July 21, 2016, 08:11:02 pm »
Well heck!
I am running out of ideas fast. I will do some research as soon as I can to look this problem up.
Of course, as soon as I find the solution, one of the super brains on this site will post the answer to your problem in one short sentence :D

I'll keep looking though!


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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1243 on: July 24, 2016, 10:41:21 pm »
I installed the 16.1 bird but I never posted my problems I was having with it due to thinking it was my machine I run it on. I don't have a huge budget for a high end computer. As much as I want to fly the C model I just can't, I get this crazy yaw left to right consistently above 300 knots, I've tried enabling and disabling auto rudder and nothing changes. Animations of flight control moments are minimal, full up elevator get little movement. I quit commenting back when I would fly and I would get a lock in elevator at a full pull, I'd release and the plane would continue to pull.
Waiting for the next release to see if it reacts on my computer better.

Raptor 1-1: any chance your machine updated drivers for your graphics card in between now and when the frame rates were good? Did your computer update from 8/8.1 to 10 in that time? It sure sounds like a driver change issue to me with a trickle down frame rate. It is typical for frame rates to drop off some especially on long flights. If it is major drop off I would look at the driver issue and see if that might be it. Other than that you might have GPU fixing to tank on you or is heating up, still could be a sign it is about to fail if it is heating up. If your graphics card has its own fan  make sure it has not failed.



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Re: New FSXBA Hornet
« Reply #1244 on: July 25, 2016, 07:51:41 am »
Hi, Rick!
Y'know, I could swear (fairly often) that that problem, with the rudder waggling, was fixed by an change or update some time ago. Do I recall WHAT exactly? Of course not. I've slept since then :)
I'll look back through the thread here and see what I can see.
Just to be safe, have you downloaded and installed Mr. Orion's latest Hornet.dll? Same with the correct C++ Redistributable 2015 (32 bit version?) Have you tried DLing the latest v16.1 Jimi has posted and giving it a try? It maybe the fix is in, so to speak...
If none of that fixes it, I'll look at mine and see what I did to it, if I can find my notes. Mine did the same things, but doesn't any more, soooo...
But I could swear Jimi put out a fix for that problem.