I've been getting this again. Try this... fly around some random area far away from KORD, like NY state. Then go to KORD. Mine CTD's when the loading bar starts to load scenery.
If you are getting a crash when loading scenery, then it's fairly sure it's NOT the airport, but it's a problem with the other terrain around. Our sceneries (at least, 90% of the objects) load AFTER the loading bar, because are not in the BGL files.
This has nothing to do with AI or afcads! I don't have any other AI (heck it's not even turned on), and the only afcad I would ever have is default.
AI could be the most *common* cause of a crash, but that doesn't mean it's the only one. The 2nd most common cause, it's the VTP scenery around. For example, here's a post of an user that, like you, initially believed our KJFK was the cause of its crashes, but it turned out to be Ultimate Terrain in his case:
http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?195815-My-Out-Of-Memory-Error-SolutionAre you saying by installing FSDT scenery it doesn't replace the default acfad? It should...
First, it shouldn't, since it's plainly wrong to "replace" the default AFCAD. If you have ONLY the default AFCAD, our will TAKE PRECEDENCE over it, provided of course you left KFJK on a highest scenery layer, which is where its installer puts it by default.
I was saying an entirely different thing about the AFCAD: If the problem WAS related to an AI, you might get the wrong impression of being related to the scenery, because it *might* disappear when uninstalling the JFK airport BECAUSE, in that case the default AFCAD would become active, and it would recall a different set of AI, perhaps not calling the problematic one. That was just an EXAMPLE, in case you'll end up thinking "I've removed the scenery, the crash doesn't happen anymore, so it was the scenery", which is not always the case, if you don't know the whole implications of removing a scenery in relationship to AIs
Anyway is it possible that installing newer scenery is making these errors? Files conflicting? I just installed your KDFW and KLAS and that's when I started getting the errors again.
It's impossible that installing KDFW and KLAS would create a conflict at KORD. If you mix-match Addon Manager version, either you FSX will not start correctly, or the sceneries will not display at all.
In any case, I'll repeat it again:
- The scenery has a range of exactly 10 nm. Any crash happening farther than this, it's guaranteed not be caused by the airport.
- Most of the 3d objects are NOT loaded during the "Loading scenery" progress bar, but they load only AFTER the screen has gone back to normal flying. In fact, there's also a small delay, which means any crash that happens on the progress bar, it's unlikely caused by the airport.
If you can recall *exactly* at which stage of the progress bar the crash happened, it might help understanding which kind of data was being loaded at that time.