Hello Developer,
Operating: Window 10
Platform: P3D v4
Product: GSX and GSX level 2 with Product Keys
I previously can use GSX with the above setup and it has been working very well with no issue. I was able to do all kinds of Ground Service, Push back, and Assignment of Airbridge outlook design and locations.
Due some issues with my computer, I reformat my computer.
After formatting the computer and reinstalling P3D and related addon as usual, I was unable to local the FSDreamteam / GSX under the AddOn in the menu in P3D.
I have tried:
1) Download the " newer" verison of GSX bundle from FSDT website
2) Uninstall and reinstall the GSX
3) Update the C++
4) Deactivate and activate the GSX and GSX level 2 , in FSDT Universal Installer
I saw GSX is being installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager
I wonder if any steps I might have done wrong and missed.
Thank you very much.