Was just about to post but figured surely this must be an already known and reported issue. Looks like I found the right thread and will do what you suggest, a complete uninstall of GSX Pro and then reinstall it from scratch. Plus removing those folders mentioned if I find them.
What I saw on this first flight using GSX Pro was how passengers when deboarding via the jetway suddenly was walking up in the air after part of the jetway vanished.
I also noticed when the bags were unloaded from the aircraft and put on the baggage cart, moment after the guy placed a bag on the cart, the bag simply disappeared. Meaning I would only see one bag on the cart at any given time. And only for about 1 second before it was gone.
I think I saw a similar thing on departure. Where I noticed how the baggage carts didn't have a full load of bags. Yet, the guys on the ground was able to pick bags from the carts and load them into the aircraft.
I'll do the suggested uninstall/reinstall and see if that will fix the issue.
Finally I just want to say Umberto, I've been within this flight sim community for many, many years by now and have been using GSX (and many other products from you) since way back and I just think it's so cool that we got the chance to experience what we discussed many years back...(or guess it was mainly me wishing for it

) to have visible passengers that would actually board/deboard the aircraft. Back then, I think you said it's simply not possible due to limitations of the flight sims. Now we have MSFS2020 and right before posting this, I just sat there in the cockpit in VR at the destination gate in Athens and watched passengers deboard the aircraft via the jetway (before it vanished...) and it was SOOO amazing.
I'm so happy for all of us having the chance to experience what is possible today thanks to MSFS 2020. And for you Umberto and what it allows you to do, things you could never have done before in previous flight simulators!