Author Topic: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization  (Read 35186 times)


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2022, 09:27:50 am »
Hoping it integrates with PMDG more than before - like progressive refuelling (like the QW787 had). 

You could sort of simulate that, by using the "Always refuel progressively" option, which means the GSX fuel truck will react to the the airplane refueling itself, staying there for as long the fuel is increasing.

It wasn't perfect because, if you needed multiple trips of the tanker (not an issue with the hydrant), the airplane would continuing to refuel itself while a new truck was coming, and if the set quantity was reached while the new truck was still enroute, it would have made the trip for nothing and would just go away as soon it arrived. A "perfect" integration would have been the plane pausing the refuel process while the GSX truck disconnects and resume it when a new one connects, but that would need the developer working on his code, since there's no way GSX could force a pause of a custom progressive refuel process.

I hate the PMDG ground support functions - especially the pushback - it's terrible!  Good plane though.

If you check my previous post, we found a nice safe and elegant way to integrate with those, with the new Aircraft Handler feature, which is a flexible snippet of code that can be different for each single airplane and gets executed in specific moments of a GSX service. In case of the PMDG 737, we use it to enable the new automatic door opening feature, and to send them away automatically the PMDG ground vehicles when you call GSX.

Thanks for your precious explanations. I was wondering if Follow me car will be used in the upcoming MSFS version and if it will be possible to choose multiple kinds of cars depending on the airport (it would be great, for example, to have the Lamborghini at Bologna airport!). Thanks


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2022, 01:27:22 pm »
it's the addon I expect the most for msfs I'm ready to pay 1000 € to have it now. Can you please tell us an approximate date or is it possible to join a beta, I have been a gsx customer since fsx. Anyway congratulations for your work.


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2022, 04:50:04 am »
it's the addon I expect the most for msfs I'm ready to pay 1000 € to have it now. Can you please tell us an approximate date or is it possible to join a beta, I have been a gsx customer since fsx. Anyway congratulations for your work.

I do not think there's any program like that. Everybody is in the same boat karty3200 :D


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2022, 01:30:33 pm »
Will GSX in MSFS be able to suppress the default ground crew and GSE, or will they overlap if you select a stand through GSX that happens to be one that the default crew/GSE spawned at?


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2022, 03:10:08 pm »
Will GSX in MSFS be able to suppress the default ground crew and GSE, or will they overlap if you select a stand through GSX that happens to be one that the default crew/GSE spawned at?

When you select a gate for service in GSX, it will remove all default ground services there, just like the FSX/P3D version. In addition to that, a change from the previous version is if you want to select a gate that is already taken by an AI, it will ASK if you really want to use it, and will remove the AI if you confirm.


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2022, 03:13:27 pm »
Can we have some news please, or at least one or two videos that show the passengers, the catering,...?


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2022, 03:47:32 pm »
Can we have some news please, or at least one or two videos that show the passengers, the catering,...?

We are working on some new videos, but we are fairly close to release. In other places we confirmed GSX will be out in August.


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2022, 06:44:48 pm »
wow that's great news!!!!!


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2022, 08:06:22 pm »

We are working on some new videos, but we are fairly close to release. In other places we confirmed GSX will be out in August.

Great news indeed Umberto, thank you



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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2022, 11:52:14 pm »
Hello, it would be super cool if you could add a optional feature like a macro to mute gsx ground crew voice so we would have to turn on the interphone on the plane to hear the ground.

(extra++) It Could also add a new layer of immersion for GA planes for example gestures like the CL650 in xplane to interact with pushback tug driver

And by the way let’s ask for another one lol, I posted in the past for kinda GSX Online feature where we would see other VAtsim traffic catering or juste jetway attached. I see now you had success making it work with AI, maybe simpler integration for MTL with a tug attached when the aircraft moves backwards?
« Last Edit: August 11, 2022, 11:54:44 pm by hurfifx »


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2022, 10:55:10 am »
That is a great news! Asides from MSFS, I wanna talk about FSX/P3D.

Since most have abandoned FSX/P3D in favor of MSFS, there might be some who haven't moved to MSFS yet, because they could stick to FSX/P3D for a while before moving into MSFS, likely or not. I have moved to MSFS, eagerly waiting for the release of GSX for MSFS, in favor of abandoning FSX/P3D. The suggestion is: Why not make FSX/P3D addons freeware with last updates & features, such as Biz-Jets recognition, with the abandonment of developing, maintaining & updating addons for FSX/P3D? It would be perfect if you guys could continue developing, maintaining & updating addons for MSFS only, not for FSX/P3D.


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2022, 12:08:36 pm »
. The suggestion is: Why not make FSX/P3D addons freeware with last updates & features, such as Biz-Jets recognition, with the abandonment of developing, maintaining & updating addons for FSX/P3D? It would be perfect if you guys could continue developing, maintaining & updating addons for MSFS only, not for FSX/P3D.

Your suggestion is based on missing any solid data, since there are still users that buy GSX, today, for *FSX* and ask questions about it. What you read on forums are only the active users, the tip of the iceberg, the "elite".

The ones you don't see ( but we do ) are the ones asking support by email, and when you get an interesting quantity of people starting their email with "I just bought GSX last week, and I have a problem with FSX", it's clear that is will take a long while before *ALL* simulators other than MSFS will "disappear".

So no, we are doing exactly the opposite of what you are suggesting, and is:

- Continue to release free updates to the GSX CODE for FSX and P3D. That is the GSX "logic", the brains behind it. This is possible and doesn't costs us much, due to the flexibility of our scripting engine, which conceals to 95% of the GSX code which simulator it's running under.  When we'll release GSX for MSFS version, which apart for an almost totally remade graphic, also has tons of small quality of life improvements and changes, all FSX/P3D users will get those at the same time, because the code running it's the same. Audio is an example: since we have out own audio engine, anything we do with audio is completely platform-independent and, in the MSFS version we added lots of new audio, like many more accents to the pushback/decide crew, or more sounds effects, or female voice variations, and all these will make it to FSX/P3D automatically, for free.

- We'll consider the idea of making a paid upgrade, to port what is possible to port of the new MSFS graphics back to P3D. FSX will be likely excluded, since the graphic differences are just too much ( no PBR ), but if there's enough request, we might do something like that.

And, most of all, we confirmed multiple times the FSX/P3D version will still be supported so, no backpedaling now.  Obviously, the MSFS version will be the "main" version, and what MSFS can do ( or can't ) will drive what we'll add to the other versions. That's not news, and we explained so many times: we decided to abandon the Render To Texture for P3D V5, not only because DX12 it's incredibly complex, but also because MSFS doesn't have any form of Render To Texture, so it wasn't worth continuing to use that feature, if we couldn't use it in the MSFS, which at this time supports only standard multi-liveries, so that's what we reverted back to in P3D V5.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2022, 12:12:18 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2022, 01:11:23 pm »

I don't know if GSX is only for the user or also applies to AI aircraft, but one thing that is really unreal with all simulators is the pushback of AI aircrafts, They backtrack a little bit alligned with the stand, and now the truck is also there in many cases (fortunately!), but after the truck is gone, they start to do circles before going to the taxiway instead of pushing back in a 90 degrees angle like in most part of the cases. Will it be possible with GSX or even another program to correct this? I think this is one of the most unrealistic things with all the simulators until now, together with the lack of weather radar in all user's aircrafts.



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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2022, 01:56:52 pm »
I don't know if GSX is only for the user or also applies to AI aircraft

GSX for FSX/P3D was always made for the user only.

GSX for MSFS is made of two main products, which are both included in the purchase:

- The "Pro" package, which is similar to the current GSX, which works for the user only.

- A "lite" package, which is what we call "GSX World", that does jetways replacement, and default ground services replacements. Both only replace the vehicle models, so they'll work with AI as well, exactly like the default one.

We ( and other retailers ) will only sell the complete version with both packages, the reason why we made two separate package, is that "GSX World" will only be available on the MS Marketplace as a separate product, with a lower price, because it's mainly geared to Xbox users, since it runs without any extra software.

Will it be possible with GSX or even another program to correct this?

Considering how the whole AI system works in MSFS anyway, it's not probably worth trying to improve ground services before the main problems with AI at large are fixed. Also considering that, if they'll ever be fixed, the whole system might underwent so much change, that it will surely break any add-on designed to improve it.


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Re: Third GSX Preview in MSFS: Airport Customization
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2022, 03:55:07 am »
Any chance of real time refueling support in the Fenix A320?