Brought it back to work, maybe these steps help someone else...
1. Uninstall GSX (Windows Programs&Features)
2. Uninstall XPOI (Windows Programs&Features)
Answer "Remove AddonManager ?" -> Yes
3. Uninstall Universal Installer (Windows Programs&Features)
Installation folder C:\Games\FSDT\Addon Manager leftovers: Couatl_Updater2.exe, Couatl_Updater.exe, XML-Dateien
and a directory Couatl64 with QlmLicenseLib.dll and .manifest
4. Removed manually Subdirectory "Addon Manager"
P3D V4 environment examined with
Lorby Addon Organizer: searched for FSDT, GSX, XPOI in all tabs, nothing found
5. Started P3D 4.5 HF3
No special message
6. Regedit
- contains some GSX parameters
- Subtree GSX, GSX Level 2, XPOI contain only serial numbers, not deleted !
- Only subtrees GSX , GSX Level2 Expansion, XPOI with content Name: SerialNumber, Data: my license keys
These trees contain my former flightsimstore keys (key in name field)
I left all these entries
7. Downloaded these three installers (Universal Installer, GSX+GSX Level2, XPOI)
- FSDT_Universal_Installer.exe from FSDT Attention ! I didn't download the Addon Manager from this site, it's for FS9
- gsx_p3d4_setup.exe from Attention ! GSX and GSX Level 2 Expansion installers are equal: GSX Level 2 is part of the GSX installer
- setup_xpoi.exe von Although "FSX site" XPOI has to be downloaded from here as it works for P3D V4 too
8. Kaspersky Exception
"gearwheel" -> "Threats and Exclusions" -> Add
-> File or Folder: C:\Games\FSDT (my FSDT target folder) including subdirectories
-> leave object and hash fields empty
-> protection components: all components
-> state : activ
-> add
-> back to "Threats and Exclusions" and "save"
9. While installing, stopped Kaspersky temporarily
10. Installation FSDT Universal Installer 1.0.90
Path: C:\Games\FSDT\Addon Manager
Creates three icons:
- FSDT Live Update
- FSDT Installer
- Start Couatl for GSX MSFS
afterwards FSDT Live Update was started automatically,
then the FSDT Universal Installer itself was started automatically
11. FSDT Universal Installer
Clicked on GSX, GSX Level 2, XPOI "Install"
For all three, the installer mentions, he couldn't install them, with "OK", he calls the download page,
so I clicked "Cancel" and terminated the installer by Exit
12. Installation GSX and GSX Level 2
Start of gsx_p3d4_setup.exe
loads "additional files" (2,3 GB), then starts the "GSX Setup Wizard"
-> Fsdreamteam GSX 2.9.5
-> installation folder was fixed to my former selection (see above): C:\Games\FSDT\Addon Manager
-> "Install in prepar3d V4.4+" was activated already
Installer installs VC++ Redist too
Then he calls the Live Update and loads a bunch of GSX files.
Asks me if I want to keep the GSX installer "gsx_p3d_setup2.exe" for future re-installations, I say "Yes"
-> stored in C:\Users\...\Documents\GSX_Installer
Three icons added:
- FSDT GSX Control Panel
- FSDT GSX Manual
- FSDT Installation Guide
13. Installation XPOI
Start of setup_xpoi.exe
-> installation folder was fixed to my former selection (see above): C:\Games\FSDT\Addon Manager
-> "Install in prepar3d V4.4+" was activated already
Installer installs VC++ Redist too
Then he calls the Live Update and loads some files.
Icon FSDT Live Update was created again
14. Running FSDT Universal Installer
Now the Universal Installer shows GSX, GSX Level 2 and XPOI as "Installed" with a green hook on it.
Clicked on "Update all", it seems to check the installtion, but no further downloads.
15. First start of P3D V4.5 HF3
Addon Manager starts, shows all three products as "Trial Mode"
Trying to register them shows message that the Couatl Scripting Engine couldn't be started.
Stopped P3D and (as always) wait for process termination (Windows Task Manager: processes)
16. Running FSDT Live Update again
It downloads some files
17. Second start of P3D V4.5 HF3
A "Couatl Debug Window" came up, in Windows Task Manager, I saw "Couatl Scripting Engine for MSFS/P3D"
Again in P3D the Addon Manager : all three products are active (instead of "trial mode")
XPOI seems to work, I see icons of the towns but without text
GSX seems to work, the "Parking Brake to request ground services" voice comes again.
Stopped P3D and (as always) wait for process termination (Windows Task Manager: processes)
18. Third start of P3D V4.5 HF3
Rebooted Windows, then started P3D
Didn't notice a "Couatl Debug Window"
Everything seems to work again.