This issue is not specific to KORD. I have the flashing triangles at other airports. It's possible its an artifact of PBR, or graphics settings that are too high. I do notice though, that it happens more often at KORD.
That was the last point of my previous reply:
- bugs in the simulator, there are still some issues in the sim that LM is aware of in PBR.
KORD, being a 100% PBR scenery, is more likely to suffer from these problems, like the ghosting T5 or the missing DL on approach, which we could find workarounds for but, these kind of artifacts are something much more low-level (shaders, drivers or the simulator own render engine), and are really outside our control.
Yes, of course they don't happen just at FSDT KORD, that is common knowledge, but I think KORD is one of the very few 100% PBR airports out there, and surely the largest one.