Products Support > GSX Support FSX/P3D

Help :(

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--- Quote from: eirikc on February 01, 2012, 02:14:33 pm ---yes when i started fsx i accepted the module to start. but the only thing i have in addons menu is the addon manager and in the addon manager it says GSX is activated...
--- End quote ---

With "the module" you mean the COUATL scripting engine ? There are TWO modules with question being asked, it's not clear from your reply if you have been asked permission to run BOTH and you replied Yes to BOTH.

Your problem doesn't have anything to do with activation, the Couatl menu should be there even without any activation, because otherwise nothing would obviously work in Trial mode.

Looks like i am missing COUATL.exe in the fsdreamteam directory... i tried to uninstall both the gsx and addon manager but when i install now COUATL.exe isnt in the directory and when i start fsx it didnt ask if i want to run COUATL.exe

The Couatl.exe file is supposed to be in the FSX\fsdreamteam\Couatl folder.

If you don't have it there, then it's *sure* the antivirus has removed it while it was installed, mistakenly flagged it as a threat.

Solved :) thanks for a great software, it was my antimalware software that had blocked it.. didnt think it would do as it is not a antivirus software...


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