i sent them a message about it not working at KCLT and there answer was "That may be because they applied exclude rectangles that removed library objects. If you can ask them to remove the rectangles and just do exclude specific polygons it should work. As it does with other airports". Oh and it works at my other fsdt airports, thanks
Strange reply.
We obviously excluded library objects with exclude rectangles, EXACTLY as we did with all our previous airports. One of the main advantages of MSFS, is that creating the infamous "micro-excludes" is NO longer required and, it was a very unreliable method, but it was forced by an old FSX/P3D bug that, when creating complete exclude rectangles, you were excluding some of YOUR objects (jetways and effects), instead of just the objects with a lower priority in the Scenery Library. That's why we had to use micro-excludes in FSX/P3D.
However, we never used them for MSFS, because that bug is no more so, instead of the unreliable micro-excludes (they would work ONLY if you had just the unmodified default scenery and nothing else) we can use proper exclude as it should be and, with a sim like MSFS that is constantly evolving and that sometimes has different versions of the same default airports, going back to micro-exclude is a no-go.
The reply from LVFR seems strange because, now that excludes work properly, it should be enough to have that static aircraft product on an higher priority. Yes, there's no UI for users to control the Scenery Library ( we have been asking this to Asobo for months ) but, it doesn't mean the priority system doesn't exists anymore, and you can control it, by rearranging areas in the CONTENT.XML file.
The rule is that, normally, the latest scenery installed will have an higher priority so, I think what is happening here is you are being mislead thinking KCLT is "different", just because you installed AFTER that Static aircraft product so, it got an higher priority so, by means of its Exclude areas, is excluding everything that stays below, as it should be.
So, it should be enough to put that product back as the last line of the CONTENT.XML file, and it should work. The file is located here:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache ( MS Store version )
%APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator ( Steam version )
And can be edited with any text editor. Just move the line that contains the static aircraft packages after all other packages. The packages below will be loaded last, meaning they'll get an higher priority.