I can report I'm having the same issue:
AC - PMDG NGX and Maddog X
GSX, latest build per the updater tool. GSX settings are default
Steps to recreate:
Power on AC, start pre-flight procedures, Connect jetbridge either SODE via SimConnect or ctrl - J if non-Sode
SimConnect Menu - call Catering first, then call boarding.
Open baggage bays
Catering completes, close service doors, boarding begins - **Don't see the green bar displaying how many pax are boarding**
baggage trucks arrive - load bags. Once finished, they drive away. **at this point, nothing else happens, I should hear - 'baggage handling complete', but that does not happen. Look in Simconnect menu, status displays, boarding in progress. If I don't reset the position, this will stay indefinitely,**