I landed at the KSDF just taxing to the ramp and Poof no more airport. I have the latest addon manager
loaded. Using P3Dv3 latest version. Doesn't happen at any of the other FSDreamteam locations and I purchased all of them...
Attached is the following error message
couatl v3.2 (build 3852)
panic log started on Fri Oct 13 14:10:27 2017
problem raised by addon __init__.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\GSX\__init__.py", line 772, in onSimStart
File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 2040, in reset
File "couatl\common\sceneryAddOnMulti.py", line 1068, in resetGate
File "couatl\KSDF\__init__.py", line 927, in onResetGate
AttributeError: 'KSDF' object has no attribute 'l'
{'Airport': 'KSDF'}