First off, I have nothing to do with fsdt. But, I'm a locksmith in the immediate area of O'hare; and I've replaced keys for trucks owned by the construction company currently working on another new 9/27 runway. Becasue of that, I've spoken with some of the guys working on the O'hare project. O'hare is going through a massive, years long upgrade dealing with the airport itself, and western access that hasn't been available before. So, on top of the second and third 10/28 runway people here are anxious for; there's a new north, 9/27 runway currently being built.
On top of that, the new roadway being reconstructed (Thorndale Ave/Elgin O'hare Expy), is being debated on for a new western terminal, helping decrease traffic all being funneled by two interstates (I294/I90) into I-190 servicing the airport exclusively and causing terrible back ups on a daily basis.
So while it seems fsdt could simply 'add' the 10C/28C and 10r/28L; there's the third 9/27C being built (early stages, mind you), the deletion of the N/S runways, plus the bigger scope of completely redesigning the airport. Just keep this in the back of your mind when asking for an update for KORD. I can't imagine that the team here can have anything worth selling out anytime soon.
edit: reword the title