Author Topic: can't see buildings  (Read 16386 times)


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can't see buildings
« on: December 15, 2008, 06:59:26 pm »
Hi all,
Just downloaded Geneva. On going there via the GoTo was presented with the jettys but no buildings.
Had to shut down FS, re-install AES V198, reboot FS and repeat the GoTo. This time all the buildings plus jettys showed up.
Once the trial period ended, I was back to square one, ie no buildings.

This sequence also happens on KORD and JFK, which I have purchased, if I intend to land at either of those AP I have to ensure I have run AES prior to start-up.

Any comments?

Regards JohnT
« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 07:07:29 pm by virtuali »


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 07:09:15 pm »
I've moved your message in the correct area.

First, what happens if you turn off AES entirely ?

Since AES for Geneva hasn't been released yet, it might be that you have (it was already reported by another user) an AES file for ANOTHER Geneva scenery active, which excluded ours.


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 02:58:56 am »
Hi Umberto,

Your comment, other scenery for Geneva covered by AES. To my knowledge there is'nt any and certainly not installed on my machine anyhow. I have also checked KORD & KJFK and in all instances only have the stock and your versions installed.

OK, things have now gone from bad to worse.
I de-activated all the AP in AES, via ,AES Help. Then booted up FS, went to Geneva, using default cessna. All the buildings and jettys  appeared. Then via Worl/GoTo tried KORD & KJFK, again all appeared OK. Once again went via Worl/GoTo back to Geneva only to find the buildings had disappeared and a few moments later FSim crashed, ie all that was displayed was the menu bar and a black screen, plus the mouse was ineffective.
On restarting FS called up the scenery library and de-activated AES base scenery. Shut down FS, then restarted and went back to Geneva, whereupon FS crashed as noted above after a few seconds. Restarted FS and this time decided to go to KORD. All buildings plus jettys showed up and FS did not crash.

Your comments would be appreciated.

Also sorry for the delay in answering but did not receive notification of your previous answer.
Have posted this problem on the AES forum and they have suggested it may be an FSUIPC problem, FYI I have version 3.75 installed is this adequate?

Regards JohnT


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 09:58:43 am »
Your comment, other scenery for Geneva covered by AES. To my knowledge there is'nt any and certainly not installed on my machine anyhow

Since you said you didn't see buildings at Geneva, and that this was fixed by reinstalling AES, since there's nothing in AES for FSDT Geneva (yet), the only thing that might have created a problem like that at Geneva that could be fixed by reinstalling AES, could only have been another AES file for Geneva that was active.

I've asked you to de-activate AES itself, not its airports or its base scenery. Can you try that ?

FSUIPC version shouldn't matter, we don't need it, we don't use it and we should't be affected by its presence/absence.

Also, have you patched FS9.EXE to use more than 2GB of RAM ? Because I think there are still problems in AES under that config.


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 11:59:26 am »
Hi again,

Other than de-activating base scenery and individual AP, how else can I de-activate AES.
Do you mean uninstall AES altogether?

Regards JohnT


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2008, 12:45:20 am »
I forgot :- Also, have you patched FS9.EXE to use more than 2GB of RAM ?

The answer No i havent done that either,

Regards JohnT


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2008, 01:08:10 am »
Then try to deactivate AES, and see if it makes any difference. I don't know exactly what would be the safest way to do that, it's better to ask on the Aerosoft forum or, perhaps Oliver might jump in here with a suggestion.


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2008, 01:18:06 am »
according to Oliver, I have done more than is required to de-activate AES. He says all that is needed is to dis-enable the AES base pack in the scenery library to inactivate AES.

Regards JohnT


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2008, 11:20:56 am »
Still, it doesn't explain why you didn't see the scenery initially, then you saw it when reinstalling AES 1.98.

Maybe there's another AFCAD coming from another scenery (or an AI traffic package) in conflict. Try to use this utility to find if you have duplicate AFCAD files:


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2008, 11:46:54 am »

check your scenery.cfg for double entries. They are one of the main reasons when Buildings are lost.

You may also try to deactivate all other add on sceneries. There are some, where the exclude file is designed to big, so that they can erase a whole country (Dubrovnik Scenery for example or ISD Olbia)



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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2008, 01:47:06 pm »
This is starting to become hard work :-)

To business :- Downloaded and used the program you suggested. On scanning for duplicates it showed in most cases taxiway.bgl and APP.bgl . Dont know what APP files are but surely we are not meant to dis-enable these, are we? Cannot understand how these files are being picked up anyway as they are not prefixed AFD etc.

If it helps in any way find attached my current .cfg

Regards JohnT

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2008, 02:06:07 pm »
I don't think that utility cares about the name of the files, but it will probably look at BGL headers to find coordinates and range and recognize a duplicate.

Try to take note of where the duplicates are found, and use the "rename" feature, so you can go back and rename them back to bgl, if something is wrong. Don't try to do more than one change at a time, but test in FS9 each time to do a rename. You will eventually find the culprit.

Also, I'm assuming you haven't moved Geneva from the top position on the Scenery Library. Putting AES on top of it should be fine as well (provided you don't have any other AES file for Geneva, like the Dreamfactory's for example), but you shouldn't put anything on top of Geneva. This should minimize the chance of something else excluding it.


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2008, 04:21:20 pm »

 (provided you don't have any other AES file for Geneva, like the Dreamfactory's for example), but you shouldn't put anything on top of Geneva. This should minimize the chance of something else excluding it.

Understood all your comments, except the above. are you saying that there is an AES file for Geneva within the DFGeneva scenery?
If so, is this also the case with KORD and KJFK. Because this problem started as soon as I  installed KORD may weeks ago.

Regards JohnT


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2008, 04:50:38 pm »
Understood all your comments, except the above. are you saying that there is an AES file for Geneva within the DFGeneva scenery?

I'm saying that, if you have any AES file for Geneva, it can only belong to Dreamfactory LSGG, because there's no AES file for FSDT Geneva yet so, I guess this one should be disabled as well.

However, please take my comments on AES with a grant of salt, because I don't fully know how AES works, this is really a question which doesn't belong to this forum. I don't even have AES installed, and never really tried any of our products with AES. We just trust they work and, in case there might be any problems, it's usually Oliver that contacts us alerting of that.

If so, is this also the case with KORD and KJFK. Because this problem started as soon as I  installed KORD may weeks ago.

I'm sorry, but you initially said a very different thing: you said that you just installed Geneva, and it didn't worked, then you installed AES 1.98b, and it suddendly start working again, so it obviously had something to do with AES in some way.

Also, reading your first message again, were you say the scenery worked (after reinstalling AES 1.98b) fine, until the trial period ended. But it's not clear if you have actually *bought* Geneva because if you haven't, that's exactly what is supposed to be happening.

Now, you are saying the problem instead when you installed KORD many weeks ago ? Then why you haven't reported it back then ? And, are you using KORD with AES or not ? I'm a little bit confused.

Anyway, the suggestions are always the usual ones:

- If the Addon Manager appears, it means there are no problem with the software running.

- If the Addon Manager says in the "About" option the scenery is Active, then it's active, no doubt about it, so you would know it's not a registration problem.

- If the Addon Manager doesn't list the scenery as active, it WILL run in Trial mode for a few minutes at a time, it WILL NOT just disappear!

- If the scenery, instead, just disappears at start, it's not a registration problem, it's not an activation problem, it's 100% sure it's ANOTHER scenery in conflict OR a problem in the Scenery Library.

- Another scenery in conflict might be either a duplicate AFCAD OR another scenery with a wrong exclusion area. I'm sorry not being more helpful, but we can't really control what other sceneries out there do.

- A problem with the Scenery Library might be a corrupted scenery.cfg that our installer hasn't touched, because in case of error in the file, the installer will not touch it. You can check this easily: if you go to the Scenery Library and don't see either Geneva, or KORD, or KJFK listed, this was the reason. In this case, you can easily add the sceneries manually, by browsing the Fs9\fsdreamteam folders and add the missing sceneries one by one, the RESTART FS9 to apply the changes.

I think to have covered all possible cases.


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Re: can't see buildings
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2008, 04:57:04 pm »

I had a look at your scenery.cfg files, and you have BOTH KORD and KJFK disabled!



You probably need to just activate the sceneries. You can do it either by editing the scenery.cfg file and changing "Active=FALSE" to "Active=TRUE" OR, just click on the checkbox in the Scenery Library under FS9.

Also, as was said, it's best if you move our sceneries further up on the list. Leave ONLY AES files on top.