Author Topic: lead in lights  (Read 4195 times)


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lead in lights
« on: September 21, 2008, 09:58:25 am »
is it possible to leave the lead in lights on all day, i know that they are on during dusk or limited visibility but it would be nice to see them during the day.

Best regards,



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Re: lead in lights
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 01:36:00 am »
Yes please!
It is vital that these lights are visible even in bright daylight! The reason for this is simple: You are not allowed to fly a VOR or visual approach onto 13L/R without those lights. And no, it is not only done at night, and certainly even less during bad visibility. So we need them ON all the time.

If FlyTampa can have the lead-in lights on all day at Kai Tak I'm sure FSDT can do the same at JFK.

