OMG! It's so obvious they rush their stuff. Just look at how many sceneries they produce every year?? I have worked at LAX for the better part of 11 years and can say without a doubt their focus is NOT about quality. It can't be!! There is no pride at all in their work. Ok let's discuss frames. EVERY other developer out there is finding magical ways to increase detail with out increasing framerates. Blueprint doesn't seem give a damn, they just keep releasing the same quality stuff over and over. They don't seem to be trying to increase the level of quality in their products. I used to feel the EXACT same way about Imaginesim but imagine really is putting pride in their work and it's getting MUCH better with each release. I was quite impressed with WSSS. Just compare that with their first product.
Now compare blueprints KLAX with their first product. Same quality, no pride. I am not bashing, I am stating what is so obvious. If they create respectful products, then I will give them the respect they deserve.
And unless I am on a VFR flight to a GA airport, it had better have AES or I am not going.

Which remindes me, I just activated all those damn Overland airports so I am going to have to purchase my 20th credit pack so I can be ready for KLAX, KSFO, and Athens!! I gots 1 credit left currently!!