Feel that we need KLAX. Denver is something that should be done a bit later perhaps. JFK done and good, ORD done and good, DFW done and Good, LAX for FSX seems logical as no re-modeled prof airports exist on the West Coast besides LAS which is awsome, but not a real hub. LAX would be great and they would sell that around the world from Asia to Europe plus the N American mkt as it is such a global hub!
Nah, I disagree. Even though I would love LAX but since Denver is the gateway to the west then that should be first. Largest in terms of land mass in the world. Has the longest runway in the nation. Denver is an emergency airport for the shuttle(space shuttle)
I was going to say. KDEN has been an emergency Airport for Shuttle by United for YEARS.

Anyway.. I could see this.. but LAX is in desperate need of an update. A lot more has changed now since the last real world update there which moved 25L south and put in the new taxiway between 25L and 25R.
But KDEN definitely could be done.. I'd love to see someone do KDEN, then as an added (paid for) feature, add in Stapleton before it closed. Unfortunately, there aren't many shots of her left, and the only thing still standing there is the Tower.
I'd also love to see a 'patch' to KLAS that updates the highspeeds between 25L/7R and 25R/7L.
klax..then others....i know theres a version for fs9 but we are in the 2010 and we all espects a fsx version with the new technic....fs9 is the past....fsx is the present....xplane 10 (maybe) will be the future...hope a fsx version of klax
Something you're missing here. Sometimes newer does not mean 'better'. Case in point: you had to wait almost 3 *years* for FSX to be able to be run smoothly on good hardware, and that's the best out right now! On the same hardware, you could get similar quality with all sliders maxed on FS9. In fact you could use the same hardware from when FS8 was new, install FS9 on it, and still be able to max out the sliders and get great performance.
Add in now the fact that FSDeveloper and GMax broke through the pixel barrier to create some absolutely killer models in FS9, you can tell easily tell that there was a lot more that can be done with FS9.
http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=40723I haven't seen anyone do something this detailed in FSX.