Author Topic: WFSS Hong Kong VHHH V5  (Read 3430 times)


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WFSS Hong Kong VHHH V5
« on: January 07, 2023, 09:02:53 am »

This started when i could not get gsx to identify the SODE jetways on the N501-510 gates. Found out that the Sode xml had the new R13-R21 designation that is in the scenery and charts but the afcad had them listed as N501-N510. My attached XML file fixes this if you are interested. I have contacted WFSS about this and they eventually will change this and other gate signs that have been altered at the airport.

All gates/stands except N24-N70 and the cargo stands have Hong Kong Airport services handling and Gate Gourmet catering.
Cathay Pacific has its own handling/catering so i chose N24-70 for those only. Just change this if you wish. They use most of the gates in the main passenger terminal.

Areas where i edited:

D Large gates
No errors

N Large stands and gates
N501-510 are R13-21 in charts and scenery. See attached picture. Medium gates.
E5-9 are N 5-9 in charts and scenery.
Did even numbered stands on N: 142-144
N10 is a medium gate.

S Large stands and gates
E1-4 are S1-4 in charts and scenery.
Did even numbered stands on S: 102-104-106-108-110

W Large stands and gates
No errors
Did even numbered stands on W: 122-124-126
W126 is a medium gate with own taxiway in and no pushback.

Cargo Ramp stands
Named X in charts and also some are called C gates in scenery.
The numbers match so X16 is called ramp cargo 16 when you load P3D.
Did 4-5-11-12-15-16-17-21

Replace the original SODE xml with my attached WFSS_VHHH.xml file to get the jetways to work.
Do this in the C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml folder. Backup if you wish.

Place ini file in the C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX folder. Delete or Remove&backup other files starting with vhhh.



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Re: WFSS Hong Kong VHHH V5
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2023, 01:03:24 am »
Hi. I made sure to exclude jetways via control manager and I placed the ini folder / xml folder where needed. However, my jetways are still not showing up!!!


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Re: WFSS Hong Kong VHHH V5
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2023, 02:32:16 pm »

No need to exclude jetways. Have you tried the sode menu in the top bar and hit reload all?

Make sure there are no other VHHH ini files in the gsx folder.

Thus scenery and setup uses the standard SODE jetways so if the jetways are not showing maybe try to repair your sode install. Could be many things causing this.
