Developer's Backdoor > Los Angeles LAX Backdoor

LAX for P3Dv5??

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--- Quote from: CorbiniansBear on December 31, 2021, 06:11:22 pm ---Even after reading your post I'm still not sure if PHNL will work or not since the system requirements are the same and neither mention v5.
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I'll repeat again the relevant part, which you find on the Prepar3D V4/V5 page:

--- Quote ---IMPORTANT
This page indicates only those products that have a P3D4/5 Native version and don't work in FSX or older version of P3D ( 1, 2 and 3 ). On the FSX Products page, you'll find many other products that were originally made for FSX, but the installer supports all P3D version, including P3D V5.x
--- End quote ---

What, exactly, is unclear about that ?

Saying the installer supports P3D V5, obviously means all sceneries in the FSX download page WORK in P3D V5. It wouldn't be very useful purposely making an installer that support the sim, and let you install something that doesn't work with it...

--- Quote ---I have tried both PHNL and KLAX and both crashed my vanilla P3D 5.2 setup.
--- End quote ---

They surely don't, and everybody use them with V5 with no issues.

What do you mean with "both crashed" ? A scenery cannot crash, the sim can crash but, even if the crash happened *there*, doesn't mean the scenery caused it.

A common cause for crashes is AI planes with corrupted/missing textures that, due to livery/operator/schedules appear in one airport but not in others, and this can easily mislead you assuming the scenery has a problem ( "it only happens there!" ), when in fact it's an AI that caused it.

This is the only thing I can think of, considering your extremely vague report of such crash. If you could be more precise, I might be able to help you more but I can assure you BOTH sceneries works with P3D V5 just fine. The obviously do, otherwise we wouldn't allowed the installer to install in V5!


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