Author Topic: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up  (Read 48422 times)


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2020, 02:08:19 am »
Just bought the Key West today and I have the same problem. Is not showing the buildings. I hate to mention this but, why messing with such a good simple installation and turn it into a complicated thing just like it is with P3D? I really don't have a problem installing the airport directly to the community folder. I was hesitant to buy this product from you for this very reason. I even got an email from you telling me that I would have a discount if I buy KORS but I didn't because of this kinds of problems. I just need to know why is not showing the airport properly, and what do we need to do to fix this.



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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2020, 08:11:12 am »
It is not an installation problem, the product is simple and has no complications that you list, as at the moment the SDK does not allow active modules and other features. The installation from the point of view of windows and Flight simulator is inside the community folder we use a symbolic link to physically move the files into the addon manger folder but logically the files remain inside the community folder, even ORBX has the same approach. Flight simulator does not have a scenery library the problem is caused by interactions between products that are in the area even at a distance of hundreds of KM, obviously on a clean installation the problem does not exist, in the case of another user it is solved by removing Guitar Hotel Florida and Kennedy Space Center, it is impossible for us to try all the existing packages for the area so please tell us what you have installed additional in the area (with a radius of at least 1000 KM from KEYW)


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2020, 08:16:53 am »
I hate to mention this but, why messing with such a good simple installation and turn it into a complicated thing just like it is with P3D?

Installation doesn't have anything to do with this problem, and it doesn't bear any relationship whatsoever to the way we install sceneries in FSX/P3D, which used software modules to add features we don't have in MSFS.

 You are probably mislead thinking the Addon Manager is used here ( it's NOT ) or has anything to do with this scenery ( it's NOT ) "just" because you see it's installed *there* but that's just a convenience which gives the following benefits:

- We don't place anything in the Community folder, JUST a symbolic link. This is obviously the cleanest approach, which gives you the flexibility to choose to install our stuff in a different drive/folder than the sim, which something lots of users wanted and appreciate. I'm not sure filling the simulator own folder with stuff is very smart and, of course, is not as if we are the only one using this method, since Orbx does exactly the same.

- Being inside the Addon Manager folder, is that we can use the FSDT Live Updater there and the clear obvious advantage of this, is that since the Live Updater is run at the end of the install, you'll get the scenery automatic updated to the latest version EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE LATEST INSTALLER, which in this case is even more useful to have BECAUSE we don't use the Addon Manager/Couatl in MSFS, so the scenery doesn't have a Trial, and so the installer is not always freely available to download at any time. But this way, at least, even with an old installer, you'll still get the latest updates. An obvious advantage of this, is that we ALREADY got an update yesterday, a few hours after release, which fixed the issue of some people floating over the terminal and *adds* animated people in the elevated glass walkways.

Of course, the problem you are having doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the scenery, or the fact it's installed in the Addon Manager folder ( again, it doesn't USE the Addon Manager!! ). As being found on our forum, the missing buildings are caused by ANOTHER SCENERY in conflict. For some users it was some freeware objects for Florida, in other cases it was a freeware scenery for Cape Canaveral, but it might also be something else we don't know about.

While with FSX/P3D, there's a Scenery Library with a way to set a priority, so we could at least say "place the airport on top of everything else", and this usually solves most of the conflicts, since our scenery obviously comes with proper Exclusion zones that are supposed to exclude all sceneries *below* itself, in MSFS there's no such thing, we don't know if Asobo/MS are planning to include some kind of Scenery Library page with the ability to rearrange things, but for the time being, you just have to be careful what you install.


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2020, 03:39:00 pm »
Good morning or evening all!

I also have had this problem last night and I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. I’ve done a clean install removed all addons for Florida that were freeware and I’m still seeing no buildings what so ever.

I wonder if it has to do where my MSFS is located. It’s on my F drive and Fsdreamteam products are all on my C drive. If someone can find a fix for this please let me know thank you again.


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2020, 06:30:00 pm »
I wonder if it has to do where my MSFS is located. It’s on my F drive and Fsdreamteam products are all on my C drive. If someone can find a fix for this please let me know thank you again.

Please clarify if the simulator itself is installed in the F: drive, or F: is the location of the Content folder you chose when installing. And, which version of the sim you use ? MS Store or Steam ?


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2020, 07:43:45 pm »
Just bought the scenery and for me there is no terminal too :o. The only Floridascenery I use beside is LVFR KMIA. No freewareaddons. The installation went in my FSDT folder, where the other stuff for P3D is in. There was a separate subfolder created called MSFS, right below the folder called addon manager and in the communityfolder of MSFS there is a symlink for KEYW. I'm a little bit confused what to do know ???.


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2020, 07:50:44 pm »
I uninstalled the files you suggested are causing the problem (NASA buildings and guitar hotel) and still the buildings in Key West airport are not showing up. I noticed some users have the same problem but remo
It is not an installation problem, the product is simple and has no complications that you list, as at the moment the SDK does not allow active modules and other features. The installation from the point of view of windows and Flight simulator is inside the community folder we use a symbolic link to physically move the files into the addon manger folder but logically the files remain inside the community folder, even ORBX has the same approach. Flight simulator does not have a scenery library the problem is caused by interactions between products that are in the area even at a distance of hundreds of KM, obviously on a clean installation the problem does not exist, in the case of another user it is solved by removing Guitar Hotel Florida and Kennedy Space Center, it is impossible for us to try all the existing packages for the area so please tell us what you have installed additional in the area (with a radius of at least 1000 KM from KEYW)
So do we need to uninstall everything within at least a 1000 KM from KW to see if the buildings show up?


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2020, 08:05:49 pm »
Just discovered that cars are hovering in the air:

What a pity that KEYW is not available via the marketplace yet. I bought KORD via the place and it works like a charme. Maybe the reason will be some copy protection?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 08:11:12 pm by Kai-Uwe »


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2020, 08:23:48 pm »
I uninstalled the files you suggested are causing the problem (NASA buildings and guitar hotel) and still the buildings in Key West airport are not showing up. I don't have KMIA installed so that is out of the equation. I do not have Navigraph either.
Update: I just uninstalled all the addons in FL and TX and made no difference.
I have nothing else to uninstall that could affect the Key West airport unless I uninstall ORBX airports on the PNW and airports in Europe.


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2020, 08:31:40 pm »
Same problem here. I'm not sure what is missing, but I have people and cars hovering in the air. Guy in the tower is there, but when he moves his arm, he has two right arms.

I have noticed that since the last patch, some times when I drag an add-on into the Community folder, usually a small scenery object/fix, I get a Windows pop-up that says "the filename is too long, make it shorter." It even happens with very short 2 or 3 letter filenames.

Could this be affecting the files inside the Key West scenery installation directories?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 08:42:05 pm by dobee51 »


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2020, 08:36:55 pm »
I wonder if it has to do where my MSFS is located. It’s on my F drive and Fsdreamteam products are all on my C drive. If someone can find a fix for this please let me know thank you again.

Please clarify if the simulator itself is installed in the F: drive, or F: is the location of the Content folder you chose when installing. And, which version of the sim you use ? MS Store or Steam ?
So my MSFS was installed into my F: drive so within that drive is community and official folders. My addon manager however is in my C: drive.

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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2020, 08:48:08 pm »
I also tested out some stuff today - unfortunately without any success. My community folder contains only payware now, the only ones located in the US are LatinVFR's KMIA and KDEN/KPDX from flightbeam, but the buildings in KEYW are still missing.

Which version of Microsoft Flight Simulator are you using for development, Umberto? Because I stumbled over something: I'm using the Premium Deluxe Version and on the World Map Key West is marked as "Star Airport/POI" like KMCO airport or Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria for example. I tried to find out what kind of scenery or POI Asobo implemented there, but didn't find anything so far. So maybe that scenery is conflicting with your KEYW? Just a thought…


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2020, 10:21:02 pm »
After deleting all of the freeware from my Community folder, KEYW loaded with all buildings and people. So there is some kind of a conflict.

Sadly one of the sceneries I had to remove was the NASA scenery, which is where I wanted to fly from KEYW.


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2020, 10:21:47 pm »
I have FS2020, install files for KEYW, and Addon Manager on my D:\ and I'm seeing the problem... :-\

Something has to be done here, can't delete my NASA scenery (even though it looks like that's not what's causing the problem).
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 12:29:57 pm by Dillon »


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Re: KEYW for MSFS - buildings not showing up
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2020, 11:07:50 pm »
After deleting all of the freeware from my Community folder, KEYW loaded with all buildings and people. So there is some kind of a conflict.

Of course the conflict was caused by some other scenery. I made a post on Avsim here explaining a possible problem with these sceneries: