I have this strange problem with kfll only, if I start the flight there every thing is ok all texture load everything is perfect , but if I fly from some airports to kfll,almost before landing I'm taking about maybe 20 feet from the runway the textures start disappearing or mixing with the default one, before that I can see the texture of the airport just right. I say some airports because doesn't happen when I fly within some regions it only happen if I fly from the eastern Caribbean ( I far as know) TNCM, TJSJ etc, if I fly from any American airport doesn't happen . It only happen on this airport if I fly from the eastern Caribbean to any other add on airport doesn't happen so its clearly an kfll problem, before start giving me suggestion let me say
fsdt kfll is the only kfll I had ever install
there is not duplicate afcadt I run world of ai and I make sure I install them manually , just the wowoffai bgl file which include the airplane and flight plan
I have no region install nor orbx , nor mesh nothing like that, just pay add on airports that set .
there is not OOm problem no running out of memory king of thing, how do I know , well I can make multiple leg flight without droping below 40 fps in any moment Im taking about maybe 6 airport straight in one flight KTPA flytampa, ImagiSim Katl , FSDT KORD, CYUL flytampa, back the other way (it just an example ) with the aerosoft airbus it just amazing the performance
not problem with the coult..., it cache every airport right away,
I DO NOT MODIFY THE CFG FILE, but just in case i rebuild it once in a while to be sure, proper fsx maintenance I guess like clearing scenery indexes in program data
no problem in any other fsdt airport at the moment
I really think is kfll problem , may be the scenery mipmap not loading beyond their lowest , I don't know
any suggestions