Author Topic: AI Carriers .NET  (Read 105750 times)


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #60 on: January 05, 2017, 05:55:34 am »
In some of the cfg files above there seem to be blanks (whitespace). I don't have it installed right now, but I would assume that if there's a whitespace in a path then the path needs to be enclosed in double quotes.


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #61 on: January 05, 2017, 08:54:06 pm »
I may be wrong, and/or looking at the wrong files, but I didn't see any "paths" in the .cfg files AIC uses to set ship formations.
Could you post an example file or screenshot, please? I do better with pictures... :D


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #62 on: March 31, 2017, 07:38:23 am »
A question for Mr. Orion, if I may: Is it possible to have multiple instances of AIC running at the same time?
If so, is there anything special needs be done?
I ask because a gentleman (I presume, anyway :D ) over at Sim Outhouse was asking. He said he used to have multiple instances of the JAVA based version running to hoist sling loads from shore to sea, but he can't get multiple instances of the ,NET version to run. Second version etc just won't start at all. You said the functionality is identical, so I was just wondering...?
Thanks in advance for the help I'm sure you'll provide.


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2017, 07:03:30 am »
Hey Orion, just wanted to say "THANK YOU" for providing ALL OF US access to amazing to have aicarriers available for the platforms provided....

now for the selfish question, and i apologise in advance...I know there is not a public SDK YET, but have you considered plans to apply the port of to include DTG FSW....I am hoping and praying this is the is still in early alpha, so who knows how long the SDK will take to be made available...

at any rate, thanks for all you have already done, regardless of your answer to my question'


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2017, 03:43:49 pm »
Greetings all,

I am totally new here, but also totally lost. I just transitioned to P3Dv4 from FSX and can't seem to figure out how to make the AI work. I've got AI Carrier Tracks 1 & 2 working (without wake for some reason), but keep getting the attached error message with AI Carriers. Could someone assist me please?

I could not do a standard install, so had to install manually.

1. Do I need to have the file AI Carriers 2r2 or AI Carriers 1.0 from this forum installed? I have both in my P3Dv4 folder (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\AI Carriers\

2. How do I make the "EXE" file work and the program work.

Any help appreciated.



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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2017, 07:18:29 pm »
Greetings all,

I am totally new here, but also totally lost. I just transitioned to P3Dv4 from FSX and can't seem to figure out how to make the AI work. I've got AI Carrier Tracks 1 & 2 working (without wake for some reason), but keep getting the attached error message with AI Carriers. Could someone assist me please?

I could not do a standard install, so had to install manually.

1. Do I need to have the file AI Carriers 2r2 or AI Carriers 1.0 from this forum installed? I have both in my P3Dv4 folder (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\AI Carriers\

2. How do I make the "EXE" file work and the program work.

Any help appreciated.


looks to me like you are using the old version with JAVA....
I know for a fact it works well with FSX boxed and Steam version if using the .NET version

install is pretty much the same as the java version.
place Aicarriers anywhere and copy cvn_68_69 to the conf.d directory in aicarriers directory
and edit the exe.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
-<SimBase.Document version="1,0" Type="Launch">
         <Path>REPLACE WITH PATH TO AICarriers.exe</Path>      {like C:\FSX UTILITIES\AICarriers} where mine is located

hope this helps
also should download and install javiers nimitz package as well(thats where the cvn_68_69 comes from)

copy cvn_68_69.cfg into 'conf.d' folder inside your 'Aicarriers' installation folder.
Copy all three folders (Simobjects, Effects and Sound) into you main FSX folder.
Run Aicarriers2 program and select any of the multiple carrier variations provided in this package
within the sim, while flying,  you should be able to access aicarriers using Shift J i believe(if memory serves)



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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2017, 09:02:21 pm »
If you decide to install the Nimitz take a look here first

Theres an automated installer available. No need to do the manual copy routine.  ;)


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2017, 09:09:20 pm »
Mike seems to have covered most of what needs to be done. If I may add a few notes, however:
There seems to be a quirk with P3Dv3 and later. It requires AICarriers to be placed IN the main P3D folder to function properly. So, when you install, as you did, make sure it's under your P3D root folder. Like: C:\LM\P3D\AICarriers\, for example. Almost always, a failure of AICarriers to load when the sim starts is a fault in the EXE.xml file's path entry. It only takes what we would hardly consider an error. A capitol letter vs a lower case, a comma in the wrong place, anything.
Second, did you install the .NET version of AICarriers, from this forum, or the older, .exe version? I personally will only use the .NET version. It works perfectly on my Windows-7, FSX:SE.
Not only that, but did you install the .NET Framework 4.0 Client, as specified in the Readme file? Very important!
Do you have the latest FSUIPC from Doug Dowson? Another very important file.

Your memory serves you correctly, Mike, Shift+J will call the menu, presuming you have AIC in the EXE.xml correctly. Mike showed the proper way of adding an entry for AICarriers to the EXE.xml. If you do not have the EXE.xml file in the correct location, you need to create it. Remember to only ever use Notepad, which comes with Windows, or Notepad++, a freeware, easy to find and install. I utilize it extensively. Never ever, EVER use a word processor to edit any form of .cfg or .xml file, as they add symbols to the file, making it useless to the sim. Always make a backup before editing any file, as well. Critical step in the process.
Bear in mind, when you install a carrier's .cfg file to AICarriers, frequently, the length of the file will make the menu have multiple pages, rather than just the single you get when you first install AICarriers. The last entry on a menu's page will be a 0-Next Page entry. Sometimes, people don't notice them, or scroll far enough down to see it.
Finally, and then I'll shut up, when you start adding .cfg files to the ...\AICarriers\conf.d\ folder, don't just do so indiscriminately. In other words, there are a ton of boats, destroyers, cruisers, various carriers, and so on, and they all seem to come with an AICarriers.cfg file. If you keep adding more and more .cfg files to the conf.d folder, the menu in the sim will become unwieldly and very difficult to use to locate the ship or formation you desire. I've solved this by making a sub-folder under the conf.d folder, thus: ...\AICarriers\conf.d\BACK\ . I place all the .cfg files I've collected, and there are many, in the \BACK folder, and swap them in and out of the conf.d folder as I desire. I want the Forrestal, but not Javier's Nimitz? Just swap their .cfg folders before AICarriers starts. Or swap them, shut down AICarriers, and restart it with a desktop icon I created. This keeps the menu you get when you hit SHFT+J from winding up with 10 pages I need to search through to find the carriers and formations I desire.
It also keeps the conf.d folder from getting over-crowded, making it difficult to trouble-shoot troubles with a particular .cfg file.
Make certain that if/when you add a .cfg file, you start it's numbering with [Formation.0] not [formation.1], or AICarriers can not read the file.
Many add-on ai boats that come with an AICarrier's .cfg file, recommend to add their file to the main AICarriers .cfg file. I strongly recommend against doing this, as again, it makes the Menu unwieldly very quickly. Make them their own .cfg file with a unique name, and place it in the .conf.d folder, or your \BACK folder for later use. Leave the main AICarriers.cfg file alone.

Lots or words, but I hope some of them will help a bit. Thank you very much. Mike, for the assistance. Very good information, and well presented.
Enjoy! I sure do :D


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #68 on: June 25, 2017, 11:29:56 pm »
Thanks for the replies. Here is my "EXE" file:

<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
    <Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\AICarriers\aicarriers.exe</Path>

I have the AI Carriers folder in the P3Dv4 subdirectory as described, and 68 & 69 placed in the config.d folder inside AI Carriers. I get nothing in the "Addons" tab, nor anything happens when I hit Shift+J.

Do I need to make the path to AI Carriers/aicarriers.exe, or do I need to point it towards the AI Carriers 1.0 file folder?

I've also downloaded the file ctek1 advised.



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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #69 on: June 26, 2017, 01:43:30 pm »
I've done everything exactly as required. I have the .NET Framework, I have FSUIPC (unregistered), I have SODE 1.5.2. I've tried to direct the "EXE" file to both AI Carriers and AI Carriers1.0. When I try to manually start the program from AI Carriers, I get the attached code. I don't know which file in 1.0 is the EXE file, so I can't start it manually to see if it works.

At least I have the carriers in AI Carriers Tracks 1 & 2. They work fine except there is no wake from the carriers.



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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #70 on: June 26, 2017, 09:44:38 pm »
<Path>C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\AICarriers\aicarriers.exe</Path>
Well, there's one big problem, right off the bat. You have everything stuck in ...\Program Files . Especially in WIN10, windows has severe personal problems with allowing you to do anything. But we'll presume for the moment that everything works OK for you.

Is the indicated path, inside the P3d folder where it should be, the AICarriers.NET, downloaded from the first post in this thread, or the original, AICarriers.exe? Note: The .NET and .exe suffixes are simply used to indicate the difference between the two versions. Orion likes to use this when making posts in this thread to make sure everyone knows which version is being discussed. In the actual AICarriers folder, the file used to run AICarriers is aicarriers.exe .
If it's the .NET from this thread, is the path you show exactly, precisely the exact path? Spaces, lack of spaces, capitol letters, everything? I've found an easy way to make sure, is to go to the folder in question, then in the bar across the top of the page that shows the path, left click behind the path shown, then rightclick on the highlighted path, select COPY, then paste it into your EXE.xml file, adding "aicarriers.exe" (no quotes) on the end. This makes certain there are no mistakes in your typing.

If you want to start AIC as a test or whatever, just go to the AICarriers folder, right click on Aicarriers.exe file, and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

The one you showed, with the error message, I suspect is the older, original AICarrers.exe. But anyway, it looks like you're missing the Simconnect file it's looking for. I don't know where that's hidden in P3D, so I hope someone with P3D will give me a hand on this. I did find this for the P3D SDK: . It has the SDK documentation in one link, and the actual SDK in another. I strongly recommend getting both downloaded, and following the instructions to installing Simconnect.dll . From what I read there, the older AICarriers.exe may not work with P3D v4 at all, since the Simconnect included is 64 bit, and the older AIC is 32 bit. I can't even say the newer AICarriers.NET will work, either. I hope Orion will ring in on this to lend a hand. He wrote the AICrriers.NET version, so he's the chief brain on this stuff. But in any event, the error message indicates that the program needs the Simconnect.dll and isn't finding it.

The lack of wakes is because they didn't include an effect file for them in P3D. Try going to Avsim library and seeking out this file: . Try downloading and installing it, and see what happens...

Good fortune, and keep us appraised (big word of the day :D ) of how things are going!


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2017, 11:02:12 pm »
I can confirm AICarriers2 (NET version) is working with P3DV4. I installed the NET version back when it was first released and havent touched it since. Actually its sitting on a completely different drive from my P3DV4 install and in a different Folder from my P3DV3 install (on same drive in this instance). It runs fine in P3DV3 or V4. In fact i used to use it in the FSX Steam Edition but thats now history. That one install of AIC2 has got me through P3DV2 thru V4 without changing a thing. I dont mess around with the EXE.xml file to sart it on launch of the sim. I start manually from a shortcut on my desktop when I want the carriers.

Reggie, looks to me as if your using the original Java version of AIC. If it was me I'd get rid of all the AIC files/folders and start with the NET version on page 1 of this thread. Like Pat said that Java version may not work. Unzip the NET version to a new folder you create anywhere but not in Program Files then start the sim . After its loaded start AIC2 via the AICarriers.exe. If you put your mouse cursor over the AIC2 icon in you tray it should pop up a message about being connected to the sim (any version your trying).

If you need to install Simconnect there is a \redist folder in your \Prepar3d folder that has different versions of simconnect . Try the FSX SP2 version first . The installer file is called simconnect.msi.

Good Luck


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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2017, 01:28:16 am »
Glory be - I got it working. I had the wrong folder with the wrong contents. No wonder I couldn't find anything.

Thanks to all for the assist.



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Re: AI Carriers .NET
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2017, 08:23:35 pm »
Actually its sitting on a completely different drive from my P3DV4 install and in a different Folder from my P3DV3 install (on same drive in this instance). It runs fine in P3DV3 or V4
Thanks for the help, ctec1. I've heard it both ways, that it has to be in the P3D folder, or that it works fine outside. I figure, if it works both ways, recommending it be under the P3D main folder won't hurt. I appreciate the heck out of the input from someone with P3D, though. Nice to have help.

After its loaded start AIC2 via the AICarriers.exe.
I like using the EXE.xml file to start AIC, mainly because I'm lazy. Just one less program to fire up when I want to use it. And the .NET version uses so few computer resources, I just let it run, even if I'm not going to use it.

Just so you know, at the moment, I am using AIC to load up helicopter sling loads, testing the new MV-22 Osprey from Sim Outhouse. Just goes to show how versatile it can be. I've got .cfg files for modern and WWII carriers, destroyers, cruisers, used for VTOL ops, sling loads, all kinds of "stuff". I just swap the .cfg files in and out as I desire.

Glory be - I got it working. I had the wrong folder with the wrong contents. No wonder I couldn't find anything.

Thanks to all for the assist.

Glad it's working for you :)
Now, use the F-18 v16.1 from here (phenominal plane!), AICarriers, and vLSO, and go out and have a ton of fun! Bear in mind, those AI LSO's can be downright mean. They sure are to me! :D :D

Just a head's up: the F-18 requires 35kts WOD, so you may want to add about 10kts of wind down the angle, presuming you have the boat in motion, with the sim's weather settings. Along with any other fun weather you might want, of course :D



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AI Carriers .NET and Oculus Rift/FlyInside
« Reply #74 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:39 pm »
Have any one used this with Oculus Rift in Prepar3D V4? I am using FlyInside.

It loads, but I am having trouble with the menu selection. I have a joystick button assigned to Shift-J to call the menu, and most of the time it works. But the menu items are difficult to select in VR, and the "Forward" command seldom triggers by mouse input. Perhaps some "Window" focus issues, when loaded as a virtual window in FlyInside. The AI Carriers menu UI also have a "timer", and sometimes it closes before you have managed to select anything. Any others with this experience?

It wold be cool to have this as a gauge in the VC for VR sessions :-).
