FSDreamTeam forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: 777captain on June 24, 2011, 02:38:15 am

Title: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 24, 2011, 02:38:15 am

I saw some posts by LatinVFR, that Junior (Intersim) might close the company. To be honest, Intersim has really shown us nothing but the J terminal and a few buildings over the past 6-8 months. I dont know if Miami will EVER be completed by them. Therefore, if they were to close, would you guys still to MIA?
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 24, 2011, 03:10:59 am

I saw some posts by LatinVFR, that Junior (Intersim) might close the company. To be honest, Intersim has really shown us nothing but the J terminal and a few buildings over the past 6-8 months. I dont know if Miami will EVER be completed by them. Therefore, if they were to close, would you guys still to MIA?

This doesn't surprse me. But either way, I am sure that by the time LAX, Hawaii vol 2, and Zurich Redux is complete (which might around be the end of this year or the beginning of next year) and Intersim still hasn't released, I believe Umberto will focus on MIA. Too many people voted on it 2nd after LAX.

Lets just hope LAX sells enough sales in the FS9 version that Umberto will recreate MIA in FS9 if an FSX version is made...



He did say though MIA will still be released under Taxi to Gate. Perhaps now JR will solely focus on KMIA and not so many projects at once. Lets just cross our fingers...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: virtuali on June 24, 2011, 12:27:20 pm
Lets just hope LAX sells enough sales in the FS9 version that Umberto will recreate MIA in FS9 if an FSX version is made...

I'm sorry, but the next new scenery will be FSX only. FS9 users, however, will still get upgrades (like Zurich, O'Hare and likely JFK next) of existing sceneries.

We said it many times already, and it's confirmed: there's no way we can support 3 different platforms once MS Flight will be out.

And besides, what we are doing with KLAX is so advanced (KDFW will look "dated"...), that we can't progress anymore if we were still bound by FS9. Porting KLAX to FS9 will not be trivial which means, for the first time, we might not be able to release the FS9 version at the same time. And, it will look drastically inferior to FSX anyway.

It's time to move on, guys...

About MIA, we never be worried about other developers doing it, and I was quite sure they wouldn't be able to pull it out because, one thing is showing some 3d renderings, but it's way more difficult turning them in a sellable product that works well and into a commercial operation make strides into the market.

The issue is, after KLAX, we'll have our hands full with GSX, all the old products updates and then supporting MS Flight, which will keep us busy for a while even without starting entirely new airports.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: JamesChams on June 24, 2011, 01:17:40 pm
Lets just hope LAX sells enough sales in the FS9 version that Umberto will recreate MIA in FS9 if an FSX version is made...

I'm sorry, but the next new scenery will be FSX only....
An extremely wise decision on your part... and about time, as well. :D

Check your PM!
Grazie! :)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: sticky1202 on June 24, 2011, 02:40:28 pm
  From a business standpoint it makes perfect sense to stop supporting FS9. That being said, I'm sure many of us FS9 users are not going to jump ship and start using FSX. Until "flight" comes out, many of us FS9 users will just be sitting on the sidelines waiting for the release of flight. Way too much money/time invested in FS9 at this point.

Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 24, 2011, 02:47:49 pm
An extremely wise decision on your part... and about time, as well. :D

A lot of posts in the LAX backdoor forum mention that LAX would be their last scenery from FSDT, so it may prove to be an unwise decision.  I would've liked seeing both supported until the release of Flight, but I'm not a developer.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: virtuali on June 24, 2011, 04:47:02 pm
 I would've liked seeing both supported until the release of Flight, but I'm not a developer.

Which is exactly as I've said:

The issue is, after KLAX, we'll have our hands full with GSX, all the old products updates and then supporting MS Flight, which will keep us busy for a while even without starting entirely new airports.

FS9 WILL BE supported after KLAX, at least until the Flight release, because in that time we'll do:

- Zurich and KORD updates, possibly a JFK update as well, all of them which will be available for FS9 as well, save for the FSX-only graphic updates

- Hawaii 2 will be for FS9 as well.

- GSX has always been said it would be for FSX only, because there's no way to make it run on FS9 (no skinned animations=no people, no simconnect, no simobjects, etc.)

So, exactly as you would like, and exactly as I've said, FS9 WILL be supported at least until MS Flight is released. There will be NO NEW and UN-ANNOUNCED products for FS9 but because, quite simply, we don't have much "new and unannounced" to announce right now.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 24, 2011, 05:15:30 pm
Looking at it from that perspective, you'll always be supporting FS9 because those users who can't run FSX on their system surely won't be able to run Flight... I'm not even sure my Core 2 would run it.  When I speak of supporting FS9 until Flight, I mean with new product.   ;D
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: PUP4ORD on June 24, 2011, 05:48:32 pm
Some people have a hard time to except change and the reality has come full circle with FS9 development winding down. I'm not saying the FS9 users have to switch over to FSX this minute but they will have to realize they will have to. No bones about, FSX has gone through a rocky start but with new addons being developed FSX will be around for some time to come. :)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: virtuali on June 24, 2011, 06:14:59 pm
Looking at it from that perspective, you'll always be supporting FS9 because those users who can't run FSX on their system surely won't be able to run Flight... I'm not even sure my Core 2 would run it.

Those running with 5 years old systems (I had my Core 2 in 2006) will eventually upgrade because, at a certain point, it becomes more costly to *mantain* such system, than to purchase a new one. FSX runs well on current sub-1000$ systems, like this 899$ i7 Sandy Bridge:


So, the hardware argument is moot, at today's prices.

When I speak of supporting FS9 until Flight, I mean with new product.

Which we ARE going to do, since Hawaii 2 is a NEW product, which will be released after KLAX and before MS Flight, for FS9 as well. You are confusing "new products" with "new AND un-announced products", and I was quite careful writing "new AND un-announced products" in my previous post...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: cmpbllsjc on June 24, 2011, 06:19:12 pm
This doesn't surprse me.

To be frank, it doesn't surprise me either. The whole deal has seemed so amature from the start when they were using this and the FlyTampa forum to advertise their product until they had their own forum. Then there was the "it will be done in 45 days" post, which came and went. I'm sure they are nice folks, but I think the way they went about the whole deal from the very start was very very bad to put it mildly. There is always some drama, just like when they closed the first time and now the recent posts you gave the link to.

If they close it will only be a matter of time before the "Intersim is not dead - Part II" posts pop up hear and on other sites.

He did say though MIA will still be released under Taxi to Gate. Perhaps now JR will solely focus on KMIA and not so many projects at once. Lets just cross our fingers...

I didn't see that part of the post, but who knows how long and/or if it will ever materialize. If it does how will it perform?

I noticed in a post from Richardo regarding the Key West project that the models had too many polys and weren't up to standard of good design technique to be able to provide sufficient performance. If KMIA is the same it would have probably ended up being an FPS hog anyway, which is one reason I was praying for FSDT to do Miami since they have proven time and time again that they are the masters of FPS optimization!!

I guess only time will tell when we may see KMIA from someone. Since Umberto and team are going to be tied up for a while with updating older products, KLAX, and GSX, I will continue to use my FlyTampa KMIA FSX port over until something comes along.

Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 25, 2011, 01:49:30 am
Well, Umberto, I guess when the Hawaii guys are finished, they could work on Miami? I really really really hope that you decide to maybe hold off on the "upgrades" or hire some more designers, or make the Hawaii guys do Miami, as I really think that FSDT can make its mark with this airport.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: virtuali on June 25, 2011, 10:15:27 am
Well, Umberto, I guess when the Hawaii guys are finished, they could work on Miami?

It's possible, but they would like to do another very large US airport instead, we haven't announced yes. And no, don't ask which one, we'll not tell until after Hawaii 2 is out.

I really really really hope that you decide to maybe hold off on the "upgrades" or hire some more designers

We promised the updates a while ago, and they are long overdue. And putting new designers to work on older projects, on top of having to teach them our design methods, will result in too much time lost (by an otherwise too busy team) just to have them figure it out how to assemble the whole scenery and work with our tools, since we use far more than plain simple SDK.

And, if the Intersim/Latin VFR story is teaching us something, is that it would be very difficult to find reliable designers we can trust...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: HarFRXtreme on June 25, 2011, 11:46:57 am

I saw some posts by LatinVFR, that Junior (Intersim) might close the company. To be honest, Intersim has really shown us nothing but the J terminal and a few buildings over the past 6-8 months. I dont know if Miami will EVER be completed by them. Therefore, if they were to close, would you guys still to MIA?

well according to me because i am a staff member of intersim i think they said that new shots will be following this week and KMIA will be relelased soon!
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: cmpbllsjc on June 25, 2011, 12:51:51 pm
It's possible, but they would like to do another very large US airport instead, we haven't announced yes. And no, don't ask which one, we'll not tell until after Hawaii 2 is out.

I hope that if FSDT doesn't do KMIA, that tackle KPHX which is another airport that has long been touched by a 3PD. Aside from the fact that it would round out the KLAX and KLAS area nicely as well.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: virtuali on June 25, 2011, 01:29:39 pm
well according to me because i am a staff member of intersim i think they said that new shots will be following this week and KMIA will be relelased soon!

This further post of you, further demonstrate what I've just said about reliability, which doesn't have anything to do with the fact you'll (they ? you ?) be able or not to release KMIA in the end, it's way more than that, like disclosing in public your petty fights, showing contracts, etc.

This doesn't look very good in any business world, which means all people involved (regardless of who was "wrong" and who was "right, it's doesn't really matter anymore)  have probably burned out any chance they had working with some of the more important players in the future...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: JamesChams on June 25, 2011, 02:58:00 pm
well according to me because i am a staff member of intersim i think they said that new shots will be following this week and KMIA will be relelased soon!

This further post of you, further demonstrate what I've just said about reliability, which doesn't have anything to do with the fact you'll (they ? you ?) be able or not to release KMIA in the end, it's way more than that, like disclosing in public your petty fights, showing contracts, etc.

This doesn't look very good in any business world, which means all people involved (regardless of who was "wrong" and who was "right, it's doesn't really matter anymore)  have probably burned out any chance they had working with some of the more important players in the future...
That's right... Teach them, Umberto!
...And, if you'll take it from me as a person that has "sometimes" learn't the hard way, if you "burn bridges" with people it is extremely difficult to earn the trust of others, especially in a rather medium-to-small community, like FS seems to have.

On a more positive note, I like that your teams are going to do more major airports.  I only ask that, if you have the "man power," you perhaps consider adding these to your development list(s)...
1. a small-medium size recreation/business airport like Van Nuys Airport (KVNY) (http://www.airnav.com/airport/KVNY): http://www.airnav.com/airport/KVNY .
2. a Military package of sorts, to your GSX or Airport collection - like Pensicola NAS.
3. a (Tandom) twin-seater FSX Military aircraft (like the F-14) to rivel your FS9 version of the F-4.
While we've talk about these before, if it is now in your power to reconsider them, perhaps you can?
Finally, if you make KMIA or not... is entirely up to you'll.
Grazie! :)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 25, 2011, 06:01:45 pm
James, you are making me laugh again....

As for the Intersim situation, the bottom line is Intersim or Junior has yet to ever release anything. Insted of selling his project he should have just finished it. For once finish what you start dude! All this mess with LatinVFR could have been avoided if you for once, would just take some pride in finishing your work. Honestly, you really look pathetic to the community right now and there is really only one way to clean all this up. It aint sending threats or trying to sue over $250 bucks. It's simply about finishing your work!!!!!! Because honestly, after seeing all this, I have no hopes that you will finish MIA or any of the thousands of projects you are working on.

He said a short while back here: "MIA will be complete in 4 months!" and went on to post that crap all over the community, then insted of going to work on the actual airport, he went on to to render the entire city of Miami... WTF?? So honestly, if he releases something, great. If not, then no sleep lost. Junior and his team really seem talented. The MIA terminal looks really nice, the Miami city looks great. You make Sasha's (aerosoft) work look bad. But guess what, at least he finishes his work. Junior and his team are really talanted, they just can't seem to actually finish anything. SO with Virtuali being clear there will be no FS9 KMIA, and is also seems FSDT may not go on to do MIA next after all, this is a golden opportunity for Intersim. So just drop the KEYW BS, it's over. They released their scenery. If you see this as a loss then cut your losses, learn from the mistake, and move on. You are an adult yes? Act like one. ;)

As for FSDT and FS9/Flight. I see FS9 users like a third world country that is skipping a technological generation. Maybe we don't have land lines because we either didn't have the money or chose not to invest in landlines, but well go straight to building cellphone towers so we saved a helliva lot of money. And besides FS9 doesn't let us down, she looks great, and moves fast. She is the old lady who still looks young with a sexy body. She may lack the cool features of the younger girles but she is much better in the sack.  But like a third world country, we can save money on not having paid for the infrastructure needed to run FSX and it's addons. So we can skip that generation of FS and go directly to MS Flight and look back on all the money we saved by not going FSX. So if LAX, Hawaii Vol2, and the updates are all we see from FSDT for FS9, then thanks for the FS9 memories we will continue to have for years to come. Let's just hope Flight doesn't suck... or i'll have keep screwing that old FS9 hag. :D
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 26, 2011, 05:05:20 pm
You make Sasha's (aerosoft) work look bad. But guess what, at least he finishes his work.

Sascha also gets paid for his work before he finishes, Junior doesn't get paid until he finishes.  Go back to that Intersim thread bashing Ricardo, and read the string of emails Ricardo posted between himself and Junior on page 4, it clarifies a lot about who scammed who.

Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Frank Lindberg on June 26, 2011, 09:31:43 pm
But I'm confuse here  ??? Who will do KMIA, LatinVFR or Intersim studios?
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: specialist on June 26, 2011, 10:18:45 pm
But I'm confuse here  ??? Who will do KMIA, LatinVFR or Intersim studios?

Looks like Intersim is doing a great job on KMIA, but the questionis when will the release come?
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: HarFRXtreme on June 26, 2011, 11:01:20 pm
But I'm confuse here  ??? Who will do KMIA, LatinVFR or Intersim studios?

Looks like Intersim is doing a great job on KMIA, but the questionis when will the release come?

well the link of video you shared is maded by me ..... junior told me today that he will release some new shots of KMIA and the talk of Latinvfr and Intersim will be between the owners so junior said that he will create his own version which will be better then latinvfr and i am going to be beta-test it after all i am staff of that company :D

AND ONE MORE THING JUNIOR TOLD ME THAT '' Intersim never will be stopped ''
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 26, 2011, 11:54:41 pm
AND ONE MORE THING JUNIOR TOLD ME THAT '' Intersim never will be stopped ''

Did he tell you if (and when) he plans to release Miami City and KMIA?   ???
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 27, 2011, 12:08:28 am
You make Sasha's (aerosoft) work look bad. But guess what, at least he finishes his work.

Sascha also gets paid for his work before he finishes, Junior doesn't get paid until he finishes.  Go back to that Intersim thread bashing Ricardo, and read the string of emails Ricardo posted between himself and Junior on page 4, it clarifies a lot about who scammed who.


Yeah I read them about 10 minutes after it was posted. I am in agreement with Thralni & divemaster on this. I didn't know Sasha got paid before finishing his work. I know you are a beta tester over there but let me ask you this: Is getting paid before hand really the impetus for Sasha to finish his projects?

Either way, it seems JR is now hell bent on finishing KeyWest. So once again, here we go with the BS. The purpose of selling the work to LatinVFR in the first place was to focus on KMIA which he didn't do ANYWAY because he went to work on the city project insted. So once again here he goes working on the Key West. I don't think he is ever going to get anything done.

Is his rendition of Key West better than LatinVFR? Yes. Absolutely. No question. But it doesn't matter if he never finishes it. I honestly don't care if he puts MIA on hold to finish KEYW just for the love of God, finish SOMETHING. JR has NO credibility AT ALL because he is nothing more than screenshots. I don't know about y'all but screenshots don't make the airplanes fly on my sim. So Junior, I know you are reading this, dude, FINISH SOMETHING! And you will know where your potential customers really are. You both need to admit, you both are wrong in this childish dispute. I know the intentions between you both were good. But keep this in mind, human history tells us that some of the worst paths to hell were paved on good intentions. What matters is that you both learn from this situation. You need to drop all this mess and move on. You BOTH need to just let it go, unless you like entertaining us all with this.

And next time you decide to do a deal get advice. A lot of people here in the community can be a good resource for that.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: HarFRXtreme on June 27, 2011, 12:33:19 am
AND ONE MORE THING JUNIOR TOLD ME THAT '' Intersim never will be stopped ''

Did he tell you if (and when) he plans to release Miami City and KMIA?   ???

well Bruce i think that he will be releasing the City first and after few weeks KMIA will be following :) i think city will be first because the designer (david) said that only night texture are left putting on the building.... stay tuned few minutes before Junior told be he will release the KMIA shots today

http://intersimstudios.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=94&sid=9793257627a6b96c4bf0cd5ae53c84fa&start=120 (http://intersimstudios.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=94&sid=9793257627a6b96c4bf0cd5ae53c84fa&start=120)

Keep your eye here new previews are coming today :)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: PUP4ORD on June 27, 2011, 12:55:41 am
Things are getting way out of hand for Intersim Studios :-[ JR decided to put all this workload on himself instead of concentrating on one project :P
It might be best if Intersim closed up shop now before the hole they are in now keeps getting worse :P
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 27, 2011, 01:08:53 am
Things are getting way out of hand for Intersim Studios :-[ JR decided to put all this workload on himself instead of concentrating on one project :P
It might be best if Intersim closed up shop now before the hole they are in now keeps getting worse :P

There is obviously a lot of talent there that the FS community needs. I think insted of closing shop, their needs to be a focus on completing a project. Whatever that may be. And I use the term "may' very loosely...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 27, 2011, 05:56:33 am
Intersim is just a pile of trash now. They are cursing, removing users etc. Junior and that team annoys me, because they partly de-railed FSDT's Miami plan. Now, this guy who claims to be from intersim IS SHOWING US THE SAME PHOTOGRAPH THAT JUNIOR POSTED BACK IN MAY AND HAS MADE TWO VIDEOS OUT OF A (THE SAME) PICTURE. I AM TIRED OF THEM NOW, AS THEY HAVE ANNOYED MANY CUSTOMERS. /rant

Jeez, they are so unprofessional, and frankly idiotic. Why bash all your users and also other people who don't side with you? To go as far as to delete people, so that it seems as if everyone is defending you??? Wow, this is just plain horrid now.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: cmpbllsjc on June 27, 2011, 07:37:45 am
I think insted of closing shop, their needs to be a focus on completing a project.

I would have to agree.

It seems to be a vicious cycle that they have been in. Opening with grandeur a year or two ago with the announcement of KMIA, then closing since due to some problems with team members, the opening again and claiming they weren't "dead" as soon as FSDT said they would do KMIA, then the 45 day Miami release which came and went, then nothing, now the drama over key West.

It's been a funny story watching this KMIA project morph from being modeled, then up for bid to any developer who wants to buy it and finish it, then being released as freeware, now its on again, etc. In the lastest 15 page thread I though I read that they were trying to sell it to FlyTampa or something to that effect. Personally I dont even get what is going on with the project since it seems to change every day.

In my opinion it's become too much talk and very little action, with a soap opera and drama mixed in along the way.

At this point I think the best thing they could do is keep quite, put their heads down and go to work and finish something without talking about it.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 27, 2011, 03:04:15 pm
I didn't know Sasha got paid before finishing his work. I know you are a beta tester over there but let me ask you this: Is getting paid before hand really the impetus for Sasha to finish his projects?

I need to correct myself on this one, I was thinking Sascha was an Aerosoft employee, when he in fact owns LimeSim.  I only beta test for one developer, and it isn't Sascha, so I don't know his impetus to finish projects.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: cmpbllsjc on June 27, 2011, 06:21:03 pm
I can't believe Intersim even made a youtube video about the whole deal.

Even funnier is the fake looking user accounts that have replied to it and posted commments. 5 different users with the numbers 30131019 in their user name. If your going to create fake user names to reply to your own posts they should at least be a little more creative.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 27, 2011, 07:37:57 pm
This is why these guys haven't made anything, and split up on the first place.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Frank Lindberg on June 27, 2011, 09:08:54 pm
Yeah those guys are idiots  >:( now we don't get any MIA for fs9  :-\ Damn...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 28, 2011, 05:36:11 am
So they bosted new KMIA screenshots would come before end of day yesterday. Not surpriesd it didnt happen... ::)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: _Dre_ on June 28, 2011, 05:42:39 am
LatinVFR and anyone affiliated with them has lost all credibility and legitimacy from my point of view. See here:

Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: cmpbllsjc on June 28, 2011, 06:43:49 am

Wow, I can't believe it  :o

The plot thickens...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 28, 2011, 02:41:22 pm
LatinVFR and anyone affiliated with them has lost all credibility and legitimacy from my point of view.

Glad to see that link before I spent the money on KW... They'll be the first to pitch a bitch when it ends up on bit torrent, but getting caught stealing from FlyTampa twice is acceptable.   ???
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: sticky1202 on June 28, 2011, 03:18:44 pm
Yep..me too. I was almost ready to buy it. Not now!
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 28, 2011, 05:04:10 pm
Yep..me too. I was almost ready to buy it. Not now!

Well Junior needs to finish his and Simmarket needs to pull the LatinVFR KEYW off the market ASAP!
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on June 29, 2011, 02:08:25 pm
...Simmarket needs to pull the LatinVFR KEYW off the market ASAP!

Thats about as likely to happen as Blueprint producing FSDT quality scenery.   :D
Simmarket gets a percentage of every copy sold, unless someone proves to them it was stolen...
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: HarFRXtreme on June 29, 2011, 02:35:04 pm
well the problem is solved between latinvfr and intersim

have a look yourself http://intersimstudios.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=272 (http://intersimstudios.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=272)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: PUP4ORD on June 29, 2011, 03:54:36 pm
Ok ??? I don't think it will change anything that has happen over this but we shall see :-\
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 30, 2011, 12:23:08 am
To be honest, if they LatinVFR is credible or not, I don't really care. If the scenery looks good to me, I'll get it anyway.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: newmanix on June 30, 2011, 05:16:52 am
To be honest, if they LatinVFR is credible or not, I don't really care. If the scenery looks good to me, I'll get it anyway.

Yes, people like you, that's just what they were betting on when they stole other peoples work to sell their scenery.
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Pontiac151 on June 30, 2011, 07:01:34 am
I was thinking SLC, thoughts? No attention AT ALL!
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: 777captain on June 30, 2011, 04:49:33 pm
To be honest, if they LatinVFR is credible or not, I don't really care. If the scenery looks good to me, I'll get it anyway.

Yes, people like you, that's just what they were betting on when they stole other peoples work to sell their scenery.

Listen, the guy apologized to FT, sorted it out with both them and Intersim, and is continuing on. What more do you people want? It's the guys only work of income, and I don't think you have ANY idea how hard it is to make a scenery. When you have made a good one, come back to me  ;) I agree that it was wrong, but I mean, what's done is done, and you can't go saying "remove it form SimMarket" etc. Just chill out. He makes a LIVING from these sceneries, so doing that would just make another person homeless/jobless, and we wouldn't want that now would we?  ;)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: Bruce Hamilton on July 01, 2011, 01:47:18 pm
He makes a LIVING from these sceneries...

So do George and Martin, and this is the second time they've caught LVFR stealing their textures.  ;)
Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: rduda on July 01, 2011, 03:32:14 pm
Correct, that's my opinion too Bruce. For me this is an act of "honesty" between designers definitly not to do so.
And it wasn't the first time. I decided this week to end my support for LatinVFR, maybe you sometimes had read my name in his manuals.

George and Martin responded very respectful. Superb guys.

Title: Re: Miami Please Reconsider!
Post by: theshack440 on July 01, 2011, 09:02:43 pm
So do George and Martin, and this is the second time they've caught LVFR stealing their textures.  ;)

Bruce I could never your choice of emoticons after your posts