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GSX Support MSFS / Re: simbreaf error exception1=ssl connect error
« Last post by yihuazlx on Today at 09:05:47 pm »
About this?I'm seeing an error message in the file。
EuroAirport Basel / Blue, Yellow and Red Lines N1, N2 and N3 missing
« Last post by Brittanix on Today at 08:50:42 pm »
Hi there. ATC at LFSB has today again asked me to taxi via B and N3 to gate 34. In the scenery however, the blue line N3 doesn't go straight ahead to the main apron as it's supposed to.
It splits left and right onto taxiway A instead. The same goes for the parallel red line N1. The yellow N2 should go in between those two. The taxi lines to the North Apron are completely wrong.
Can this be fixed?

I have added screenshots of the scenery, the charts and a google maps image to compare.
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Re: Cargo Plane check mark
« Last post by Pitter on Today at 02:21:00 pm »
Hi Kevin, thks for your answer.
I have only one folder with 7 freighters inside.
The GSX file shows "iscargo=1"

I don't know what happen, because I did a few flights today and everything was normal.
We keep it this way,

Thanks, Peter

GSX Support MSFS / Re: VR and toolbar crash
« Last post by wakevortex on Today at 01:12:27 pm »
You need to bind a Key or joystick command to VR Toolbar  - that should fix access to toolbar in VR.....its not the same as 2D toolbar
Hope that helps  !
Hey, i have the problem several times that coatl app hasnt started. When i triy to start coatl64_MSFS manual... there is no .exe in AddonManager/coatl64 for this.

If i deinstall gsx and install again... the problem is solved.... but later the same is existing again .... i dont know whats the problem... but i cant use GSX ...
GSX Support MSFS / Re: CTD/freeze continues
« Last post by jgoggi on Today at 09:06:52 am »
Hi Umberto,
I chime in to ask your opinion about an issue that I have 90% of my flights. During descent, most frequently around 3000-2000 ft on approach, I get a freeze of the sim of about 5 to 10 seconds, (during which everything freezes except sound), then it resumes to normal operation, without crashing. I don't have other stutter/freezing issues but this. Could it depend on GSX loading at the destination airport? If I takeoff from airport X, fly around say for 15-20 minutes, then land back at airport X, everything is ok. If I takeoff from airport X and land at airport Y, most times this happens.
Thank you.
GSX Support MSFS / Re: Can we make the GSX window NOT dissapear ?
« Last post by AndyCYXU on Today at 08:47:11 am »

That's exactly what the manual says, when the menu is explained, at Page 89. The manual go into detail to explain the *reason* why it's like this so, it's useful to read it and no use repeating it here entirely but, this is the short version:

You really think most people are going to read though 88 pages of manual to get to page 89, LMAO

BTW I have not closed GSX window with an "X" since very long time, maybe it has been fixed but I recall closing window with an "X" actually closed it and the icon went grey so i just got used to using the "hot Key" and let move it out of sight so it closes by itself, might try it on my next flight but Fenix did great job integrating GSX with the aircraft not having to deal with the GSX menus almost at all.
GSX Support MSFS / Mis-aligned parking positions
« Last post by rfkicker2000 on Today at 04:52:09 am »
I regularly experience mis-aligned parking positions when positioning or re-positioning my aircraft at an airport in MSFS 2020 using GSX Pro. Here's a screenshot from KBNA, gate 22.

I know the jetways are not affected by GSX Pro (except for their look) but why is the GSX database so badly out of sync with the parking spots and markings? I am using "Airport Ground Enhancement Pack" from 4Simmers in the MS Marketplace, though I don't think this impacts the parking position data in any way.

For reference, I am running MSFS 2020 Deluxe Edition.
GSX Support FSX/P3D / Re: Disabling Cabin Sounds in GSX Completely
« Last post by Captain Kevin on Today at 01:49:02 am »
I dont know ,cuz while recording i turned off the sound pack (from fslabs itself ). These sounds play when boarding/deboarding is initiated(GSX Active).

Please help me , i want to disable these sounds.
Again, I'd have to defer to Umberto for this one because I'm not sure if the sounds for GSX in MSFS are any different from the sounds in GSX for P3D. I just don't know. I don't run MSFS myself, so I have no way to check this for you, or I would have.
GSX Support MSFS / VR and toolbar crash
« Last post by XE901 on Today at 01:39:01 am »
I just get GSX Pro and I have this problem, that when I switch to VR I loose access to the toolbar, I cannot access the menu and if I quit the flight it just goes in infinite loading to main menu. 
If I stay in 2D no problem at all. Is there any fix to this. I been reading some answers but nothing recently (2020). Thank you for the help.
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