Author Topic: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3  (Read 41201 times)


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #60 on: March 26, 2012, 11:13:46 pm »
I have Ut2 also, so I don't think that's it!! Hope you get yours sorted out though!!


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #61 on: March 26, 2012, 11:44:22 pm »
BTW I am using Ultimate Traffic 2.   Are you also?  Maybe that is the snake in the bush(?)

I have UT2 installed and usually make tests with it, but I don't normally keep it enabled. However, it would be fairly easy to check this yourself, by simply terminating the UT2Services.exe with the Task Manager, before trying.

We had some issues in the past with UT2 clobbering the Simconnect pipe with so many requests, that a feature we used in KDFW to adjust the terrain that required Simconnect, didn't work for a couple of users because of UT2 for that reason, our module didn't get a change to "talk" with FSX, because UT2 talked too fast...

We sidestepped the issue in a different way for KDFW, by not using Simconnect for that feature but, unfortunately, GSX can't be done without it. But it would be useful to know if this is the problem.


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #62 on: March 26, 2012, 11:57:57 pm »

If you are still following, I think I might have it.  In my situation I am moving the AC back to the "T".  (Nose wheel on the "T")  When you start a flight or when GSX parks you, It is always forward of the "T".  I move the jet back to the "T" to use the jetway.  I just ran a test leaving the jet where FSX put it when starting a flight from the gate.  In this case I used gate 4 at KCAK.  In instances using the 737 and other default AC GSX performed normally.  As soon as I moved the jet back to the "T", the baggage unload would hang.  I used to do this in the previous versions of GSX without issue but maybe something has changed in v1.3.  I hope that helps.  I would suggest you re-run your test moving the jet back to the "T".  I don't know if that helps the others having issues.



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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #63 on: March 27, 2012, 12:02:04 am »
That's interesting: how do you move it ? With slew ?

And when, exactly, you move the airplane ? Using slew is supposed to trigger a reset, with all vehicles immediately disappearing.


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #64 on: March 27, 2012, 12:09:00 am »
Hi Umberto,

I either use the engine reverse or FSX pushback "shift P".  I back the jet up to the "T" for looks and to use the jetway.  I start GSX and proceed.  I have done this with previous versions with no problems so I didn't think of even mentioning it.  My fault......should have explained in better detail.  I never thought moving the jet would be the issue.  I move the jet back after GSX calls for engine shutdown.  When using GSX I use function shift P to back the jet up.  When starting at the gate, the engines usually running, so I reverse back to the "T" and then shutdown and start GSX.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 10:19:39 pm by Lawgiver »


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #65 on: March 27, 2012, 12:29:23 am »
I think it might be a problem only if you used slew to back up. Reverse thrust should be absolutely safe.

Default Pushback might be a problem, but it should caused issues in the *previous* version since we used to intercept the Shift+P key to call our own pushback instead, but don't anymore since a couple of releases.

But of course, I'm trying that right now, at KCAK, Gate 5 with default A321, moved there using the FSX menu, selected Shift+P to back up on the parking tee, and selected deboarding with GSX, no problems at all.

Can you try the same with the default A321 ? And, please, can you tell me exactly the total cargo load weight ?


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #66 on: March 27, 2012, 12:47:17 am »
Maybe you found something: I WAS able to replicate the problem, but *only* with the PMDG NGX and *only* if I backup from the default parking position to the parking tee, using the default Pushback key.

Still don't have the slightest idea why it does that, but at least we have a base to further testing. Will surely give more information tomorrow.


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2012, 03:04:47 am »
I reinstalled again and it offered me only 1 live update and I know there was one immediately after the v1.3 release and some were reporting a new one today.  My live-update module says latest is already installed.  I think there is another one that is just not occuring yet.

Anyway tried the defautl PMDG -900wl and set payload to empty to replicate one of Umberto's tests.  This time since there were no passengers it stopped deboarding within a minute or so.  It still sent baggage trains but with only 1 cart each and it did unload bags.  The rear train finished and left before deboarding completed and when I received the "deboarding complete.  Baggage unloading in progress" message it made sense since the front train was still loading up the last cart.  After front train left then within a few seconds the message "deboarding complete" appeared and I was free to select next process.  I know this is how it is supposed to work.

I reset GSX and this time put 1/2 payload weight and passengers.  This time sent 2 trains with 3 carts each.  Baggage finished early while deboarding still in process.  When deboarding finally ended I still got the message "deboarding completed.  Baggage unloading in progress", but there WAS NO baggage being unloaded so nothing to complete.  The message never changed to "deboarding complete" message so I was unable to move to next process. 

Is my baggage process ending sooner than it should?  Is that what is causing the problem in v1.3.  Back in previous before major upgrade the message "baggage unloading completed" would occur as the train pulled away.  When deboarding finally finished the message "deboarding completed" would finally occur and I was good to go to the next step.

Umberto, did you lengthen the baggage procedures so that they would still be active AFTER deboarding (or boarding)?  If so then the message would indeed make sense but in all me tests (except for payload empty) the baggage routine only lasts a few minutes but the passenger routines take much longer and are still in progress way after baggage routine has completed, not the other way around.   Is this normal?  From your comments in the B737-900 thread, it sounded as though your baggage routines were lasting longer that boarding/deboarding.  If so then it may be a clue to why my process never complete.

BTW, I am NOT moving the aircraft from its position (which is aligned perfectly with the AFCAD footprint since I have modified airport parking in the airports as I fly to them) before I start GSX.    How can that be a factor in the completion of the board or deboard sequence? 

I realize that you have really put in a long day trying to help us with this crazy problem and it is indeed greatly appreciated.  Many thanks.

Craig Williams
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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #68 on: March 27, 2012, 10:26:35 am »
Good Morning Umberto,

I did as you requested and this is what I have.  The first test was with the default A321, Location KCAK:  Active runway:  Static weather(Fair):  Selected daytime 12:30PM.  FSX spawned the AC on runway #1 engines running.  Called up the GSX UI selected parking Gate 5, no follow me vehicle.  Taxied down the runway and turned off on taxi way Bravo almost directly in front of the gate.  Followed the director's instructions and parked where GSX wanted the plane to stop and shut down the engines as requested.  Unable to use the jetway as the AC is too far forward of the parking "T".  I then selected deboarding from the GSX UI.  The GSX service vehicles went into action and serviced the AC.  GSX completed normally and I proceeded through the menu of options ending with push-back.  Ended the flight.
Loaded another flight using the same AC and parameters only this time selecting to start at Gate 5 KCAK.  The AC spawned at Gate 5, engines running.  I started the flight applying brakes so as not to put the nose of the AC in the building.  Using thrust reverse, I moved the AC back so the nose wheel was on the "T".  I shut down the engines, opened the main cabin door and activated the jetway.  After the jetway was attached, I called up the GSX UI and selected deboarding.  All service vehicles appeared, I opened the cargo doors, and GSX went into action.  GSX advised that "Deboarding Passengers now, baggage unload in progress".  A few moments later, GSX advised "Passengers deboarded, baggage unload in progress".  The AC was unloaded, the pallet tug and baggage tug left the AC and thats where the hang up is.  GSX would proceed no further.  The UI advises "Passengers unloaded.  Baggage unload in progress".  If you select any other services, the UI responds with   " XXXXXXXX requested, waiting for deboarding to complete".  Using the options of "Reset Position", or "Restart Couatl" from the menu is the only way of getting things moving again.  At this point there are 2 options, One, you can start GSX again this time skipping deboarding and starting with Catering service.  GSX will complete normally.  Or, I found out you can start the engines again and move the AC back where it was originally spawned forward of the "T".  I didn't even close any doors.  Start GSX over again and it will complete all services normally.   I started another flight same as above, spawning at Gate 5 engines running.  This time I shut down the engines and used "Shift+P" to move the AC back to the "T".  Again, GSX would hang at the same moment displaying the same messages.  I used all default settings and made no adjustments to the radius, deboarding times, and payload/fuel.   Something else of note, when GSX would hang, I started the engines.  I immediately received a "Baggage unload completed" message from GSX.  The only problem being all the service vehicles disappeared.  But you could start GSX over again without moving the AC forward starting with catering service and GSX would complete normally.  Weight and payload is as follows:
Payload:                14340 pounds
Fuel:                     7635.66 gallons
Gross Weight:         159160 pounds
Max Gross Weight:   187392
Max Allowable Fuel:  7790.00

I also performed all the above using the default 737 at KCAK using GATE G3.  Same parameters just a different gate.  The results were identical.  I ran the tests again not using the custom repaint just to be safe.
Payload:                22850 pounds
Fuel:                     6830.35 gallons
Gross Weight:         154323 gallons
Max Gross Weight:   155500 pounds
Max Allowable Fuel:  6875.00 gallons

Conclusion:  If you leave the AC where GSX wants to park it, or where FSX spawns it when starting from a gate or parking position, one should be OK.  This does not usually work.  As mentioned in many other posts, most AFCADS are really bad and one needs to move the AC to get the nose out of a building, or the nose wheel back on the tarmac, utilize jetway, etc.  GSX was never this precise before.  For me, in previous versions I always used shift+P to move the AC back.  Depending on type of AC, sometimes thrust reverse was not available or did not work.  When I first tried shift+P, I was concerned that GSX would start the pushback process.  This was not the case.  GSX ignored it, the AC would go back to a visually correct parking position and all would be well.  I had no other issues using default, payware, freeware AC.  The only issue I had was corrected in the first release with the follow me vehicle.  Thats why I was so dumbfounded.  GSX was working perfectly until I installed v1.3  Then it dawned on me the other night when you were asking for "precise details" I did not mention moving the AC back to the "T".  I would have never thought moving the AC would cause any issues because it's something I have always done using GSX. I hope a little lee-way can be put back in.  I hope this helps Umberto.  If anything, it's as you said "at least we have a base to further test"  Maybe this helps other people reporting this issue.  If I can do anything else, please let me know.  More than happy to help.


« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 10:24:39 pm by Lawgiver »


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #69 on: March 27, 2012, 03:20:30 pm »
Based on your tests, Rob, I did a final uninstall/reinstall without my antivirus just to make sure I was not getting anything improperly installed and then tested default B738 by SPAWNING it at both a gate and a free-stand and then verifying with the AFCAD file for the airport that it was DEAD-CENTER on the footprint.  I ignored the jetway and DID NOT move the aircraft in any way.  Since the problem was not present prior to v1.3, it is questionable that it is a position problem entirely.  But GSX must poll an internal variable to determine when baggage handling has completed.  That process became more complex now that TWO loaders must be individually polled.  From the different load tests I have run, it seems that when the front loader completes first with passengers still in progress, the program is unable to now determine when the rear loader has completed.   If the passenger loading completes first, however, then it correctly waits for the baggage handling to complete and then gives the "completed" message and all is fine.  (I have been able to duplicate THAT scenario using  a ZERO payload.)  If this were a position issue that would not be the case. 
Craig Williams
I7 7700K OC to 4.8Ghz 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SD RAM GTX1060 6GB LIQ Cooled Win10 Home 64


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #70 on: March 27, 2012, 03:27:30 pm »
As I've said in the other identical thread, it doesn't matter if you move the airplane or not, or if you park in the center or not. The only thing that matters is that, due to the relationship between the distance of the rear door and the parking radius, the rear loader find itself outside the parking when it's still loading.

Also, it would be best if you stop posting about the same issue in multiple threads, because the only result is that force me to reply on all threads saying the same things (so no threads ends up unanswered), which doesn't obviously help to speed up the release of the fix.


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Re: Bagagge unloading never ends since GSX 1.3
« Reply #71 on: March 27, 2012, 10:13:28 pm »
Hi Umberto,

That makes sense to me.  Believe it or not, I actually understand that explanation. I read the comments in the other thread as well.  I was going to post my other tests results with a few smaller regional jets, but no need for that now.  There was more room to move the smaller jets around within the parking area and still have GSX perform normally.  I also tested the larger jets at different default airports with larger parking "as defined by GSX" and GSX performed as it should.

CRAUDS:  The one thing I didn't change in any test I did at various airports was change the weight or cargo.  Hopefully the new live update will take care of your issue as well.  Could you post your results here.  From what I have read that particular AC is a really nice payware add-on to have.

Thanks Umberto for your time.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 10:22:56 pm by Lawgiver »