How many Fuel (Gal/Kg) is GSX loading per second or minute or 5 sec, it means how fast is GSX refuiling?
It depends if the aircraft is flagged using a custom fuel system. Most of the popular payware ( FS Labs, PMDG, Aerosoft, Leonardo, etc. ) are, which means GSX is NOT refueling them, it only adapting its animations and its fuel counter to what the airplane is doing, and it's also different depending if the airplane is refueling itself PROGRESSIVELY or not.
- If the airplane is refueling progressively by itself, GSX will use the fuel rising in the last 5 seconds detection method to know when the airplane finished refueling itself and, in the meantime, it matches its own fuel counter with the raising fuel quantity controlled by the airplane so, the refueling speed in this case will be entirely controlled by the airplane.
- If the airplane is refueled instantly, what GSX does depends if you have the "Always refuel progressively option" checked in the GSX Settings.
If it's checked, GSX will animate the fuel counter and the crew AS IF GSX were refueling itself ( but it's not really refueling, the aircraft already did that, instantly, in this case ), so the refueling speed depends on the "fuel_pump_gpm" parameter in the SIM.CFG of the refueler used so, for example, the bigger tanker TZA45FM has a fuel pump capable of 1000 gallons per hour. If it's not checked, the refueling will be extremely fast, lasting only a few seconds.
On airplanes NOT flagged as using a custom fuel system, instead, GSX WILL actually refuel them, at the speed of the "fuel_pump_gpm" parameter, as above, the only difference is that it will doing it for real, actually filling tanks. This is typical in default airplanes, freeware airplanes and any other airplane that doesn't come with a custom fuel system, so it can be safely refueled by GSX.