yes I am in fs2020 and I am missing runways and taxiways and that means navigraph does not work
Then why, exactly, you started with that misleading comment about "no updates in 3 years", when the scenery HAS obviously been updated, last year for P3D and in September for MSFS ? Reading your comment, it seemed you missed entirely the complete makeover of the scenery that we made in 2019.
As far as I know, RWY 9C has been opened November 5th 2020, that is just 2 week ago, not "3 years", are you really trying to say the scenery should have been updated already ? Maybe you don't know much about scenery design but, updating as scenery is not exactly the same as taking data from a database made by others you have licensed from, which is what Navigraph is, you cannot expect or demand we'd update the scenery with the same frequency, ESPECIALLY considering you haven't bought a "subscription" to the scenery, like you have with Navigraph.
So yes, the update will OBVIOUSLY come, but it will take some time.