Products Support > Charlotte KCLT Support FSX/P3D

LM P3dV5 HF 2 KCLT still a Stutterfest

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So after $1200 of upgrades to a new almost the best MOBO/CPU/more than adequate GPU on the market, a CPU that is OC'd  loading in Windows 10 2004, LM P3dv5 HF2 and the latest Nvidia drivers and flying with settings that are around 50% the last 3 miles on the approach today to KCLT were one big stutterfest show.

I know you have a video showing everything is just fine but that is with a default aircraft. I have done the same thing with a default Piper Cub and got the results you did Umberto. I am sorry to say you do not optimize your scenery's for 3rd party aircraft like FSLabs or PMDG or addons like ASP3. It seems you only optimize for default.

Again I do not have the issues I have with your products with other 3rd party scenery developers except LVFR.

You really need to figure out something more efficient. KCLT will be a airport I will not be making regular stops in and likely maybe the rest of your scenery's.

I am already to take the blame.


--- Quote from: rsmith6621a on June 28, 2020, 11:56:38 pm ---I know you have a video showing everything is just fine but that is with a default aircraft. I have done the same thing with a default Piper Cub and got the results you did Umberto. I am sorry to say you do not optimize your scenery's for 3rd party aircraft like FSLabs or PMDG or addons like ASP3. It seems you only optimize for default.
--- End quote ---

We make the scenery as best as we can and, if it runs well ( as you noticed ) with a default aircraft, it means the scenery is ok. That doesn't obviously mean there isn't always a better way to do things.

KCLT is still a scenery that support FSX, P3D1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and this without ever asking any extra money for updates, so those that bought it for, let's say, FSX when it came out, could continue using it with P3D V4 and they can continue using it in P3D V5.

It has *some* optimizations for P3DV4, but not nearly as much as a true native P3D4 scenery like KORD V2 or LFSB, which are 100% PBR and 100% made for P3D V4. There's no such thing as a native P3DV5 scenery, the format of 3d objects exported with the V5 SDK is still 4.4, the only difference is the AFCAD if the scenery uses the new Sloped runway feature, but it's otherwise identical.

Because KCLT had to support FSX too, it had to rely a lot on Simconnect to create objects, because many things that can be done with the V4 SDK with the standard SDK, could only be made using Simconnect before. And, there was no way this airport would fit in memory with FSX without a strict memory management, which is done by creating objects only when they are needed ( when you are close ). This is done with Simconnect commands.

The problem is, if you have OTHER add-on that send a lot of commands through Simconnect ( weather add-ons are an example ), it's possible the sim cannot keep up with all the requests, so the various Simconnect commands we send to the sim to create/destroy objects, which is usually done to keep fps up and prevent memory exhaustion in 32 bit sims, might be executed more slowly, or the sim can pause briefly, because it's busy talking with everybody else too.

However, thanks to the flexibility of our Couatl scripting engine, it's fairly easy for us to tweak the memory handling strategy without having to redo the whole scenery. KCLT already behaves differently if it runs with a 64 bit simulator but, those optimizations weren't enabled for the whole scenery, just the main buildings.

We did the same with KSDF when a user reported the same issue ( KSDF is similar to KCLT, it's very detailed but still support FSX ), and with a small update, it improved the stuttering a lot.

If you run the FSDT Live Update now, you'll see a new update that does the same for KCLT, and you can even disable/enable it using the YouControl menu for KCLT, it's a new option called "Extended loading range", which by default is Enabled, if the simulator is 64 bit.

Yes, there IS a cost in fps, nothing is free in this world, there was a reason why we kept the loading ranges fairly short, and was both to save memory for FSX users, but also to keep the fps up. I've measured the fps loss with the PMDG 737 NGXu, with AI traffic, at about 2 fps, but I couldn't see much stuttering.



Have you ever surveyed your customer base to find out what percentage uses DEFAULT aircraft and who uses 3rd party like PMDG/FSL/Aerosoft?

My bet is a person who simflys out of major airports dont udse default aircraft from the P3d menu.

Maybe if you would do some research into what your customers fly then you would see the benefit of optimizing scenery to suit their needs.

I have PacSim/Flightbeam/Imaginesim and dont get any stutters now on FB or PS, I do(minimal,not as bad as I do with FSDT) with IS because their scenery's are more detailed. They actually develop their scenerys for customers who use 3rd party aircraft.


Have you even READ my previous post ? From your answer, it seems you haven't because, someone that actually read it should have said:

"thanks a lot, you not only explained why the scenery USED to be made that way, but you even already UPDATED following my report! That's amazing, I'll try it now and will provide some feedback"

This is what you SHOULD have said, had you read my post.

And besides, you said:

--- Quote ---"I know you have a video showing everything is just fine but that is with a default aircraft."
--- End quote ---

But that's not the case. I also posted a video at KCLT with the PMDG 747:

Which of course works just fine, hardly a "stutter fest". And this was BEFORE the change we made, I would expect to be improved now.


So here is the deal. I hope you dont fly all the time like you do in the video. That is not the kind of video that is very convincing to me that there are no issues with the scenery. It would have taken the same amount of time to do a stabilized ILS approach than to dive bomb the airport, I gather now you are MORE a scenery designer and flying is not a passion.

So on to the task of this thing called YouControl. It would have been nice if the designer could have used the email bank from the scenery sales to email everyone that have purchased your scenery's to tell us about it and how to use it. Communication goes along way with me. I do not visit the forums until I have an issue as you well know and as of late I have gone months without visiting here which is a reflection how much I use FSDT scenery's as of late.

So once I found the Youcontrol settings at KCLT I launched a PMDG 737-800 SWA flight out of KBWI for KCLT, a flight about 1:15 long, just enough to start taxing my system work a bit and use resources. At 10.5/5.1 and 3.5 miles out I had micro stutters about the time it takes to blink, so I could have very well missed them had I blinked. I will admit it was like flying in to almost a new scenery and no stutters on taxi in to the gate,very refreshing.  I then loaded up a 748 KSDF/KPHX to get packages of ice packs to the people of Phoenix and took off 35L and again reached 33fps and 99.1% acceptable except for the micro stutter passing 100kts about 3000ft down the runway.

So the question is? How about KLAX/KORDv2/KFLL/KDFW/KMEM/CYVR/PHNL? Does YouControl enhance those scenery's as well for the better. I will be flying more in to FSDT scenery's in the future if that's the case.

You should put me on the BETA team, I think I would be of great value to you.

Now is there any PDFs on how to get the jetbridges top work with SODE if you don't have the payware GSX installed, otherwise can you post instructions on how to get the jetbridges to move with the Control J function cause that is not working on my system at the present time. You really need to do an update and go all SODE.   

Thnks for the help.



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