Author Topic: Missing jetways **SOLVED**  (Read 4388 times)


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Missing jetways **SOLVED**
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:40:58 am »
Hi,  Yesterday I downloaded the latest GSX full installer, but at KDFW upon arriving at night, many of the textures were missing, such as the runway being a brown path, no runway lights, etc.  So I reinstalled KDFW, but the jetways are missing.  I reinstalled twice but no results.  I checked the forums and I saw posts stating it is caused possibly by AES.  I don't have AES. I also tried the Couatl rebuild airport cache, but did not fix the problem.   Is there any other possible causes?  Attached is an image of the missing gates.

Note:  I also checked FSDT KLAX and KJFK, and the gates are there, but the terminals are missing.  It seems after downloading the latest GSX full installer, it has done something to all my FSDT airports.  All of these airports were fine until I downloaded the GSX full installer yesterday.  I downloaded the Standalone Manager tonight and it fixed the missing terminals at KLAX and KJFK, but the jetways are still missing at KDFW, so I am at a loss.   I have my FSX scenery set at high levels as well.

UPDATE:  I saw a post from FSDT that having AES can cause gates to disappear.  I did not realize I had AES from Aerosoft until I remembered years ago I did purchase it once, but did not care for it because it caused other issues, so I never used it again. Can't remember how it worked, except it made jetways work at certain add-on airports.   The post said it is located in the scenery library and I found it there under "AES Basepack" and disabled it.  After that, the KDFW gates came back.  It is kind of strange because I never had a gate disappearance problem before, even with AES not being disabled in my scenery library.  Learn something new all the time.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 03:31:06 pm by virtuali »