Author Topic: AFCAD?  (Read 4484 times)


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« on: February 04, 2014, 04:12:14 pm »
Hey guys I just switched over to FSX a few days ago and my ORD is really screwed up. American Airlines are the only ones parking where they should be. Everyone else seems to be parking all over the place mostly GA and Cargo Ramps. I was hoping someone could tell me where I could find a better one.


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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 12:26:50 pm »
Were all in the same boat by the looks of it . NONE to be found . Thinking about switching back to KORD Default  ???


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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 02:30:30 pm »
I really don't know what problem you might have but, KORD as all the parking spots assigned with their airline codes, and anyone can easily verify this by simply opening the AFCAD using any editor.

And, of course, anyone can (with the same editor) make any changes and save back, I really don't understand why the problems someone is having with making changes and saving back, since the KORD AFCAD is 100% standard, are you using outdated AFCAD editors ?

But as explained many times already, AI assignment is NOT as simple as assigning airline codes to the parking. The airline code will only have a meaning if the airplane is allowed to go into a parking in the first place so, the radius always comes first. Unfortunately, the radius doesn't affect JUST the AI assignment, but also how jetways work so, when an user complain that "this jetway doesn't work", it's usually because the parking radius is too high, so the wrong jetway moves, and by reducing the radius, while it usually fix this problem, would result in that parking not being usable with some airplane models that, if another parking which is large enough is available, the AI WILL go there,  regardless of the airline code.

And BTW, what AI packages you use ? Are they model radius set correctly ? Do you use something like WoAI (that shouldn't be used in FSX in the first place), which might still have model radius coming from FS9, when it was common to play with purposely-wrong radiuses, to control airline assignments and make up for the lack of the airline codes ?

And as explained many times already, since all our sceneries have custom ground vehicles, we need to set all parking spots as "GA", so the (SLOW) default vehicles won't appear, which means we only have the airline codes and the radius to direct AI assignment, with the radius being the more important, as explained before.

So, instead of insisting the AFCAD is "wrong", it would be best if you would be aware of all the issues, because it's impossible considering how FSX works, to have an entirely realistic AI assignment.

Or, more precisely, it might be easier if we were doing sceneries as if was 2001, with static jetways and relying on default ground vehicles to get some details. In that case, yes, we might have an easier time assigning AI, but the rest of the scenery (those that YOU and YOUR airplane will use, which is obviously more important) will suffer badly for this.