Author Topic: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?  (Read 21367 times)


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2013, 09:40:28 pm »
I want to install Bergen in P3D V2. I don't have the migration tool.

The P3D support announcement thread only mentions FSDT product. It doesn't say anything about Cloud9 products Which means, you can't install them without the migration tool.

But of course, there's a reason why we haven't updated ENBR, there are still issues with it in P3D so, even if you manage to install it in some way with the migration tool, I suggest to wait for a proper P3D installer.


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2013, 09:53:06 pm »
OK thanks Umberto.

Does this mean that you will at some point be producing a P3D V2 "native" for want of a better word, installer for Bergen?
If so then I'm happy to wait until that comes along, its just that  in the first post you mentioned that you don't plan to update the Cloud9 installers.

Thanks for the rapid reply!


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2013, 10:27:56 pm »
Hi Atco

I can help you, because I did install Bergen in Prepar3d v2. But to be honest to you - it is not worth the trouble. It Looks bad and truly needs a face Lifting since the terminal buildings are all blurred and glare very bright white. I felt sorry seeing that, because Bergen was a real jewel.

But check it out yourself: Using the MigrationTool is the fastest way to install it. Just enable virtual FSX with a simple click and then run the FSDT Bergen installer. As soon as Bergen has been installed, you must run the FSDT addon Manager before starting your sim. Once in the sim you have to open the addon Manager in the menu addon bar and activate Bergen with your key. After that, check if it is in the scenery library too. WATCH OUT: if Bergen is not in the scenery library don't install it there, because the Prepar3d v2 -editor of the scenery library is faulty and can really screw up your sim! Use a text Editor instead or even better get Addit! pro (it renumbers the layers in the scenery.cfg after editing - which is important).

Good luck
Robert  ;)


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2013, 10:29:52 pm »
But to be honest to you - it is not worth the trouble. It Looks bad and truly needs a face Lifting since the terminal buildings are all blurred and glare very bright white. I felt sorry seeing that, because Bergen was a real jewel.

That's exactly what I've said...we'll try to fix that.


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2013, 11:34:10 pm »
Looking at those past Messages in this thread, some Readers will see that there was a harsh misunderstanding between Support and myself.
And I now realise what it was, that created that misunderstanding and anger. I would like to reconsile that affair with an explaination to help others, who may fall into this trap.

The FSDT-Team is so deep into there software development and thinking over the years, that they (understandably) have forgotten how alien it feels when there customers first meet the addon Manager and their esellerate system. It takes awhile to understand. The purpose of this system is to prohibit piracy and manage easy updating for both sides. On the surface it does its job. Although I am personally uneasy about all the rights the software needs on my pc to manage it's protection rescources. And to be honest, the System has also caused me trouble and uncertainty with respect to compatibility with other products over the years. Whatever - I was willing to go along, because the sceneries of FSD are enjoying to have and have been innovative to my sim Experience.

Now back to the misunderstanding. FSDT support talks about "installing" there addon Manager to get scenery updates or Information backup. But that is a misleading Expression. As a customer I thought the Addon Manager itself has to be installed on my pc over and over again, everytime some scenery backup is needed. But that is not true. When they say "install" the Addon Manager,they don't mean to reinstall the Addon Manager on your Computer again. They mean "RUN" the Addon Manager, which then takes over the installation of scenery updates and other important data.

I hope I have contributed to clear this misunderstanding.
Of course Support could help too, by simply using that word "RUN your Addon Manager" instead of "INSTALL your Addon Manager"  ;)

P.S. Of course the Addon Manager itself has to be updated once and awhile by downloading a newer Version.

Best Regards
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 12:44:55 am by earnorbust »


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2013, 12:08:23 am »
The FSDT-Team is so deep into there software development and thinking over the years, that they (understandably) have forgotten how alien it feels when there customers first meet the addon Manager and their esellerate system. It takes awhile to understand. The purpose of this system is to prohibit piracy and manage easy updating for both sides. On the surface it does its job. Although I am personally uneasy about all the rights the software needs on my pc to manage it's protection rescources. And to be honest, the System has also caused me trouble and uncertainty with respect to compatibility with other products over the years. Whatever - I was willing to go along, because the sceneries of FSD are enjoying to have and have been innovative to my sim Experience.

This is really hilarious. When I first "met" the add-on manager, it wasn't "alien" at all, it was very strait forward, to anyone with a basic understanding on how computers and software works. 99% of customers get how to operate the add-on manager with no problems, there is just some, unlucky, who have problems with it. (Mostly caused by user negligence).

And if you *really* think that the add-on manager's only sole purpose is to protect against piracy, than you have another thing coming. You obviously haven't read the hundreds of topics on Avsim about how much the add-on manager does for us? Look at this topic:,7296.msg61519.html#msg61519

Maybe you should read and listen better to what Umberto is telling you, because it's extremely clear to me, and he's said it many times over again. (And English is Umberto's 2nd language).


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2013, 12:44:07 am »
You are upset and presumptuous, because you didn't read my post with respect (Quote: The purpose of this system is to prohibit piracy AND manage easy updating for both sides.). And you obviously didn't understand my intentions. I am a pro customer and wanted to help resolve problems I had and others could have, when unapropriate expressions are used. Running a program is something completely different then installing a program! And that did cause a major confusion and misunderstanding with misfeelings between Umberto and me.

Common language is:
One runs the Addon Manager to install files and Information.
One installs the Addon Manager when one wants to reinstall the Addon Manager.

I realize that Umberto probably speaks italian as a mother language. And I know that using wrong words causes misunderstandings. I was just trying to be of help.
I live in Germany and was brought up in the USA, I had the same language Problems often myself.
But this is nothing personal and certainly doesn't Need any fostering from others.

P.S. But be honest buddy, how the heck do you know what 99% of the people here believe - when you don't even know your next thought!?  ...that's also hilarious!  :)

No need to keep this thread going...enough has been said.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 12:46:23 am by earnorbust »


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2013, 01:03:36 am »
Now back to the misunderstanding. FSDT support talks about "installing" there addon Manager to get scenery updates or Information backup. But that is a misleading Expression. As a customer I thought the Addon Manager itself has to be installed on my pc over and over again, everytime some scenery backup is needed. But that is not true. When they say "install" the Addon Manager,they don't mean to reinstall the Addon Manager on your Computer again. They mean "RUN" the Addon Manager, which then takes over the installation of scenery updates and other important data.

Entirely wrong.

I  knew what I meant and, if I meant "run" the Addon Manager (which is a concept that doesn't make any sense, since the Addon Manager is a flight sim .DLL module that is started by FSX, so the only way to "run" it, is starting FSX), I would have said so.

So no, when I've said "install" the Addon Manager", I obviously mean it. Or, if you prefer a 100% technically correct explanation, I mean "RUN the Stand-Alone Addon Manager INSTALLER", which will of course Install (Re-install, call it as you wish) the Addon Manager.

But it will not do "just" that.

It will update lots of supports files that belong to various products but, of course, it does it only for products that are ALREADY installed when it starts (again, I'm referring to the Stand-Alone Addon Manager INSTALLER). THAT'S why I keep repeating, over and over, you must run this INSTALLER again after you run something from Cloud9, that had installers without online download capabilities so, the Stand-Alone Addon Manager installer will update anything that MIGHT have been "downgraded" by an older Cloud9 installer.

So yes, I meant INSTALLING, because the Stand-Alone Addon Manager is not "just" an installer, is also acting as an UPDATER. No, it will not update "everything", just support files related to sceneries (docking systems, shared libraries, GSX code, etc.), but main/large scenery files like .BGL, textures, objects, are only updated by the scenery installers.


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Re: How do I install my many FSDreamTeam and Cloud9 products to Prepar3d v2?
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2013, 02:08:14 am »
OK...I understand what you mean now.

I wasn't critisizing your work. I wanted only to clear my misunderstanding.

thx  8)