What "customer service" has to do with announcing promotions in advance ? Has you ever seen someone saying "yes, we are going to have a promotion next month, so please hold off your purchases until then"
Yes, of course we have promotions here and then, but the dates are not obviously announced in advance and they aren't always the same, one year it might Christmast, the other one Thanksgiving, next one might not related to any special holiday. The point is, even if we had a sale tomorrow, it won't be announced until it's really started.
And of course, the Cross-sell discount, explained here:
http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=2159.0Is always active:
And we HAVE a promotion running right now (until the end of the Month), which is the discount on CYVR for existing GSX customers. And yes, it works even if you don't have GSX, just purchase it now, and then you can purchase CYVR at discount immediately thereafter.