
What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?

Sydney (YSSY)
47 (40.9%)
Milan (LIMC)
6 (5.2%)
Beijing (ZBAA)
8 (7%)
Narita (RJAA)
33 (28.7%)
Cape Town (FACT)
3 (2.6%)
Moscow (UUDD)
10 (8.7%)
Johannesburg (FAOR)
7 (6.1%)
Doha (OTBD)
1 (0.9%)

Total Members Voted: 114

Voting closed: February 02, 2013, 08:07:39 pm

Author Topic: (UNOFFICIAL) What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?  (Read 62134 times)


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I would prefer EHAM / Amsterdam Schiphol. I've found out the beauty of CYVR's very little frame impact and i would love to have that kind of frames on EHAM with the great 3D modeling skills of FSDT in stead of the slow, rather ugly scenery from Aerosoft.


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I would prefer EHAM / Amsterdam Schiphol. I've found out the beauty of CYVR's very little frame impact and i would love to have that kind of frames on EHAM with the great 3D modeling skills of FSDT in stead of the slow, rather ugly scenery from Aerosoft.

SYDNEY. Come on guys, VATSIM World Flight ended with Sydney this year, it was TERRIBLE with the current scenery we have available.

I would like FSDT to use its mojo to create Sydney -- I'll be the first on the block.


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FlyTampa seems interested in Sydney as well, but nothing is set in stone. It will be interesting how Sydney will turn out.


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It looks like FlyTampa is not going to be doing the reboot of KSEA, and George said he might do YSSY. That is some good news.





It is way OVER DUE .... since George is Abanding thatAirport ...which the Old Fly Tampa Version WILL NOT WORK ...for FSX...

Frank Lindberg

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Yes...we need KSEA for FSX/P3D
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
My PC spec: MS Win10 pro 64 bit - Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ OC to 5.0 GHz - 16GB Ram - Geforce 2080TI 11GBVRAM - P3Dv5.1


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While I would love to see YSSY done I really think FlyTampa will do because of Martins intrest, but RJAA is way overdo especially for FSX.  Lastly PMDG'S 777 and new 747 are soon to release which means many amazing intl. flights from around the world because RJAA does see more 777's than YSSY, and heavies are superior in Japan! I love how people hijack this post and talk about domestic  ;)


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30.2% for Narita not bad  :)

New Jersey EWR


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It looks like FlyTampa is not going to be doing the reboot of KSEA, and George said he might do YSSY. That is some good news.





It is way OVER DUE .... since George is Abanding thatAirport ...which the Old Fly Tampa Version WILL NOT WORK ...for FSX...

No, that's stupid.

So there are like 15,000 airports that need to be 'redone' or 'did' in FSX. Why don't we let Virtuali CHOOSE NOW.


  • Jr. Member
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  • Next Stop Los Angeles Intl Airport
It looks like FlyTampa is not going to be doing the reboot of KSEA, and George said he might do YSSY. That is some good news.





It is way OVER DUE .... since George is Abanding thatAirport ...which the Old Fly Tampa Version WILL NOT WORK ...for FSX...

No, that's stupid.

So there are like 15,000 airports that need to be 'redone' or 'did' in FSX. Why don't we let Virtuali CHOOSE NOW.

I personally would pay 500.00 for a sim done by FSDT FlyTamap ORBX and Aerosoft if they all work together! I know others wont so lets just take the airports we get as a blessing as Brittney agrees. 


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You know, we all agree we need a new flight sim.

Can't we all setup a kickstarter and all contribute to start it up?

Anders Bermann

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It's a bit sad, that FlyTampa has skipped a development/reboot of KSEA... But I understand George's reasons for doing it!

YSSY by FlyTampa seems very interesting...
I have actually voted for YSSY - but since FlyTampa looks like doing it, then FSDT should focus on something else?
As a US contender I've voted for KSEA - but that seems like a bad idea - for the reasons stated by George from FlyTampa on their forums...

Link to the post from George from FlyTampa stating why KSEA won't be developed/rebooted:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 03:47:03 pm by Musjo »
Best regards, Anders


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Please do an eastern asian airport. Especially with the PMDG 777 coming out.

Narita (would be heaven!)
Manila (would be heaven too!)
Kuala Lumpur
Seoul (Even though Overland did one, FSDT's version would be 100x cooler)

A while back, I remember the old company Cloud9 was about to do VHHH but they cancelled it. Maybe you can continue the project? 

Just a suggestion. I know your hands are full because of the KJFK update!


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Looks like FT is a go now for YSSY, http://www.flytampa.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6150


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You know, we all agree we need a new flight sim.

Can't we all setup a kickstarter and all contribute to start it up?
It's already being made! Look at that!


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Do RJAA Narita. better airport, more airlines, United,Delta,American, ANA, JAL and others. YSSY is BORING!others will agree!!!in the long term more people will enjoy RJAA wich has more life to it!