
What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?

Sydney (YSSY)
47 (40.9%)
Milan (LIMC)
6 (5.2%)
Beijing (ZBAA)
8 (7%)
Narita (RJAA)
33 (28.7%)
Cape Town (FACT)
3 (2.6%)
Moscow (UUDD)
10 (8.7%)
Johannesburg (FAOR)
7 (6.1%)
Doha (OTBD)
1 (0.9%)

Total Members Voted: 114

Voting closed: February 02, 2013, 08:07:39 pm

Author Topic: (UNOFFICIAL) What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?  (Read 62130 times)


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The ICAO for Johannesburg was changed on 1/10/13 to FAOR. it was change to to represent the current name of the airport: OR Tambo International Airport.


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I guess being a local boy I was always going to be one eyed to Sydney Airport...... ;D

For an FS9 user the old VOZ Sydney Airport still fills the void atm but a really good representation with the use of GSX (for FSX) or AES (for FS9) would just make that long haul flight that little bit more special LOL. (its only 9 and a bit hour flight from YSSY to PHNL ;))....



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I remember flying a lot in and out of Narita in previous MSFS editions. That would be my second best choice

Yours truly
Boaz Fraizer
Copenhagen, Denmark

Frank Lindberg

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Why do we wast time on a UNOFFICIAL poll? wonder if Umberto/FSDT will take note of this poll?
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
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I would vote for NONE of these I really like the fact that FSDT is working on N.A airports.

CX 747-400

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Why do we wast time on a UNOFFICIAL poll? wonder if Umberto/FSDT will take note of this poll?

I bet if enough people vote on this UNOFFICIAL poll they will will take note of it. If they make anything off this poll, that would be great, and if they dont, make another designer will notice and start making one of them.

A part of the Flight Sim world since 1983
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Frank Lindberg

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Why do we wast time on a UNOFFICIAL poll? wonder if Umberto/FSDT will take note of this poll?

I bet if enough people vote on this UNOFFICIAL poll they will will take note of it. If they make anything off this poll, that would be great, and if they dont, make another designer will notice and start making one of them.

One can hope  ;)
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
"United we stand and divided we fall"
My PC spec: MS Win10 pro 64 bit - Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ OC to 5.0 GHz - 16GB Ram - Geforce 2080TI 11GBVRAM - P3Dv5.1


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Why do we wast time on a UNOFFICIAL poll? wonder if Umberto/FSDT will take note of this poll?

I bet if enough people vote on this UNOFFICIAL poll they will will take note of it. If they make anything off this poll, that would be great, and if they dont, make another designer will notice and start making one of them.

One can hope  ;)
How do we make polls?

CX 747-400

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It looks like FlyTampa is not going to be doing the reboot of KSEA, and George said he might do YSSY. That is some good news.

A part of the Flight Sim world since 1983
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High Quality Asian Airports need to be put into the world of FSX. I'd go for narita, and if george is doing YSSY. Let's go Narita! :D


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Narita (RJAA)  ;D

New Jersey EWR


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I don't understand why we are restricted to these choices only. Why not other considerations - it would not be subjective at this. There are quite a few international airports in North America. Choose whatever International airport you wish . . . . . . .
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 03:46:50 am by wb2002 »

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I don't understand why we are restricted to these choices only. Why not other considerations - it would not be subjective at this. There are quite a few international airports in North America. Choose whatever International airport you wish . . . . . . .

I think the overall post is for International airports outside North America, but By North America do you mean USA or Canada and Mexico Included in that post?

For USA there is already an unofficial post for people to chose airports from.
For Canada, FSdreamteam have done Vancouver for FSX and Jonathan Gabbert Vancouver for FS9 (Available at Avsim) while Fly Tampa have just completed Montreal for all Platforms.
While Mexico has great representation from Taxi2Gate, LatinVFR, Bajasim and Tropicalsim doing a variety of international airports in that region.



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Flytampa will make sydney so my vote is for narita or beijing.


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Flytampa will make sydney so my vote is for narita or beijing.

For those that want Sydney done for Flightsim get on over to the flytampa forum and show some love ;)......