
What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?

Sydney (YSSY)
47 (40.9%)
Milan (LIMC)
6 (5.2%)
Beijing (ZBAA)
8 (7%)
Narita (RJAA)
33 (28.7%)
Cape Town (FACT)
3 (2.6%)
Moscow (UUDD)
10 (8.7%)
Johannesburg (FAOR)
7 (6.1%)
Doha (OTBD)
1 (0.9%)

Total Members Voted: 114

Voting closed: February 02, 2013, 08:07:39 pm

Author Topic: (UNOFFICIAL) What INTERNATIONAL Airport would you like to see FSDT make next?  (Read 62135 times)

CX 747-400

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************** THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL POLL... ********************
I noticed a lot of people are still looking at the old polls from 2 years ago. I thought I would give us a fresh start. The poll will be open for 21 days.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 08:09:48 pm by CX 747-400 »

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Being from South Africa, it has to be either FAOR or FACT.


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RJBB Kansai International Airport. Japan is poorly represented in the FS world.


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I voted for SYDNEY but there were some very good candidates!

Sydney is a favorite destination for me, and as far as I  know it has never been done by a quality developer! And it is a UTX coverage area(soon the whole world will be!).

But JBurg also needs to be done, with some serious regional surroundings, it's an important airport also never seen in quality production.
Yours truly
Boaz Fraizer
Copenhagen, Denmark

Anders Bermann

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Voted for Sydney (YSSY) too...

Still amazes me, that such a big international airport haven't been made in a decent edition for either FS9 og FSX...
(And no - I don't think CLS's edition was very good)
Best regards, Anders


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RJBB. Is there any major scenery for Japan?


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Being an Australian, Sydney would finish the east coast major airports with Orbx's Melbourne & Brisbane International Airports.
There wouldnt be anyone better to do Sydney than FSDT, with Orbx not doing major airports anymore.


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I vote for EHAM or EDDF since the current ones are FPS hogs and EDDF from AS is old. Dont care for the others on the list.


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I keep a pretty detailed pin list in Google Earth of all the airports that are out there for FSX in good enough detail for me to operate flights to and there are many parts of the globe that hasn't got any payware loving at all.

I'm worlds away from down under and God knows there are tons of airports that i'd love to see done but i won't lie YSSY and NZAA needs some serious payware loving pronto! With Orbx, UTX like regions covering both NZ and AU having one of these airport in FSDT glory would sure complement each other.  With PMDG's 777 and 747s coming out soon nothing says good loving like taking an all black 777 out of KLAX for a long haul to NZAA. South Africa we hear you!


Anders Bermann

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I vote for EHAM or EDDF since the current ones are FPS hogs and EDDF from AS is old. Dont care for the others on the list.


Amsterdam EHAM would be very interesting as an FSDT development... So would EDDF actually...
Although you could hope that Aerosoft would update those (at least EDDF) in the near future?
Best regards, Anders


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KJFK redux with the planned T4 etc expansion.





Frank Lindberg

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YES  :) I voted for Sydney, finally...  ::) 
VA. Senior Captain Frank Lindberg
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Id go with,

Hong Kong
Kansai International Airport
Narita International Airport


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************** THIS IS AN UNOFFICIAL POLL... ********************
I noticed a lot of people are still looking at the old polls from 2 years ago. I thought I would give us a fresh start. The poll will be open for 21 days.

Great idea for polls like these! Nice job!

PS - Just for future reference, Johannesburg is FAJS, not FAOR