but my sceneries I get the exceeded maximum activation, then I get another windows that says that the serial is not correct, to make sure it is. I do a copy/paste of the serial. I did it before on another computer and worked fine, but on this one it gives me that error. I do have windows 8, but my old machine also had win8 and worked just fine...
"Too many activations" it's one thing, and it can only be solved by us, so this kind of message should have been sent in private or by email, so you can send your Order Number and we can add an activation. Your mistake in this case was that you forget (for 5 times, it seems...) to DEACTIVATE the sceneries before reinstalling the new computer, as explained here:
http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=4082.0The "Serial not correct", instead, it's an entirely different thing, that can't obviously appear at the same time of the "Too many activations" message. If you see a "too many activation" message, it means your Serial IS correct for THAT product, otherwise it couldn't checked for its activations count.
If you are seeing the -"25001 Serial Not Found" error message when activating, it simply means you typed the Serial wrong.
The most common mistake is to confuse the letter "O" with the number "0". Other common mistakes are not respecting upper/lower case, not inserting Hyphens, or inserting the correct Serial, but with another product selected for activation, which will of course not work, even if the serial is correct.
Another common mistake, are inserting something else entirely as the serial, like the order number or the SKU number. You have to insert the SERIAL Number. The Serial Number is indicated on your purchase receipt as "Serial Number". You will not see a -25001 Serial Not found error in this case, but a message saying ""This doesn't seem to be a correct serial for xxxxx", meaning you selected the wrong product.