Well, Mr. Kea, thank you very much for the info! No, no one's answered my questions yet, other than you, that is. I am sure people are busy and have their own concerns, but that they will take the time to answer when they can. They always do
Maybe I can ask you: I tried AHMenace's textures in the Prototype v1.55 and it works great. Love it! The cockpit textures are fantastic. Crisp and clear and readable easily. Yeah yeah I wear my readin' specs when I must. My eye is getting old (yeah, just one).
Having said all that, the only C model I can see is the VFA-136 he made, and it's great, don't get me wrong. I guess that's what his Texture.F-18C was for. Would I be able to use the Texture folder in place of the Texture folder in the 15.2 version (
FA-18C_FSXBA2014 FLT15.2.zip)? What about the planes and textures by Peter,
airplane_v1.7.0_NH_FA-18C.7Z and
Yeah, I
could try it and see but I'm a firm believer in asking first, then messing things up
If I could use it, it would sure sharpen up the cockpits of all those planes a lot, this solving one question of the many I have
Thanks for the answer, I appreciate the work you've done! I wish I could afford TacPac! Can it be added to the above listed aircraft? Or only on certain aircraft? I noticed Dino's F-14 and T-34 are ready for it, just need a liscence (I think) to be good to go.
Ok, ok, I'll stop with the questions. All this FSX-SE stuff is brand new to me (I'm a FS9 guy from back in '04). But this plane (the New FSXBA Hornet) is just too good to pass by. Best plane I've seen in the sim world so far, and that's saying something. At least for FS9, anyway. Thanks again for all the help and the texture's you came up with!