Thanks for the reply, but there is a misunderstanding. The 28 ILS/DME does show up in GPS, and in the FS map, etc. ATC never uses it. I reinstalled KORD with the default AFCAD and the problem is still there. ATC will never assigns vectors to ILS/DME runway 28 approach, always visual, and when I go to change approach there are options for every single other ILS vector accept for ILSE/DME 28 (There are two odd choices just labled "[ILS]"). Try to ask for approach change in FSX and tell me if vectors to ILS 28 exists on your list, because it doesn't on mine. I tried fixing this myself, I was able to solve the crosswind problem, but Im having trouble with this Navid. (All the other ILS approaches work fine, AI get assigned ILS etc, accept for 28. I live under the 28 approach path, I see planes approaching 28 everyday, this navid needs to be fixed.)
you haven't tested my Xwind yet? Seriously?