Author Topic: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!  (Read 24564 times)


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I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:29:20 am »
Ray Smith was kind enough to show me how to activate xwind runways. Turns out its possible and very easy, who would have guessed.... I activated all the runways so now they open depending on wind direction (ATIS is unreliable now, but your choice, ATIS or xwind, Im going with xwind). I added missing gates at T2 for UALX, renamed vehicle spot names so that all the fuel trucks are activated so that there is not only one truck that services the airport, I changed some gate sizes so more heavies can park at T1 and T3, and reassigned some parking assignments such as T2 Concourse F which is mostly used by UALX. Your welcome...

(Thanks to Ray Smith)


(make sure to remove the older AFCAD file, this file is an edit of it so there should be no jetway problems etc)

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 01:48:41 am by axiom13 »


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2008, 12:21:22 am »
what do i do to activate all the runways at an airport with crossing runways?  Thanks for your help.


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2008, 12:42:26 am »
Download the zip file and extract the BGL file and overwrite here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FSdreamteam\OHareX\scenery


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2008, 01:02:53 am »
I mean in general because I want to edit the ImagineSim KLGA afcad to have xwind runways.


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2008, 05:51:30 am »

What do you mean by ....

I activated all the runways so now they open depending on wind direction (ATIS is unreliable now, but your
choice, ATIS or xwind, Im going with xwind).
?? ?? ?? ? ???

I ask because I would like to enjoy the benefit of parallel departures/arrivals too but, don't want to mess up the ATC interface.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2008, 05:53:52 am by JamesChams »
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
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  James F. Chams


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2008, 11:32:31 pm »
It doesn't affect ATC procedures, but ATIS will call out the fake runways as open even though they don't exist, the fake runways are needed to get crosswind.

download the newest version of Airport Design Editor on

-First there is math involved, lets say at KORD we want to complete the gap between Runway 9R and 14L so that planes land on both and not one when the wind blows in thier direction.
-9R's heading is 90.0 and 14L heading is 140.0.
-You have to add 7.9 to 90.0 until you reach 140.0 and depending on how much times you added 7.9 is how many fake runways you'll create using each new heading.
-there is a "add Xwind" option in the runway list, just add each new fake crosswind runway using each new heading until you bridge the gap between two runways.
-(go to my KORD's runway list to see what it looks like)
-save the new AFCAD file, put in your scenery folder, go to FSX and turn on ATIS, if your fake runways are called out the fix worked. planes should be landing on both runways were you bridged the gap. At KORD you have to bridge the gap twice since there are 6 runways)

Hope this helps.




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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2008, 03:55:31 am »
I have ADE.  I just have a few questions.

Do you always use 7.9 no matter what or do you have to divide at all to make the headings even?

In the program how do you make a runway xwind?

Does it matter where the runway is located or can it be anywhere as long as its in the airport area?

What do you mean by filling the gap? Here is a screen shot of the Imagine Sim's KLGA afcad:

Can you just give me one example of what you mean by putting one runway down.

The heading of runway 4 is 32.1
and runway 13 122.2 where would I start to add the fake runways?




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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2008, 08:44:36 am »
i use 7.9 no matter what and get as close to the other heading as close as possible. Go to list in the toolbar and list the runways. click on the heading tab to order the runways from smaller heading to larger. if 4 is first on the list just on paper  write 32.1 and add 7.9 unitl you get to 122.2. 32.1, 40, 47.9, 5.8, 63.7, 71.6, 79.5, 87.4, 95.3, 103.2, 111.1, 119 thats 11 fake runways, each with each new heading. on the runway list there is an "add xwind" option, just type in the new haeding in the heading box and make the new fake crosswind runway, make 11 with each heading, they will be placed in the north pole. also on the runway list reorder the runways from smallest heading to larger, and you'll noticed you bridged the gap between 4 and 13.

here is what i mean, all the headings are in order with the fake runways in between to bridge the gap, notice how i bridged 4R/22L and 10/28:


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« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 08:50:52 am by axiom13 »


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2008, 04:19:40 pm »
I have a screen shot of what I did so far and I have a few more questions.

Since I have the headings of runway for through 13, now do I have to do 13 to 22, and 22 to 31, and 31 back to 4?  Is that correct?  Tell me if I did this right so far:




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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2008, 05:17:31 am »
since there are only two runways thats it, you fill the gap between two runways, and you did it correctly so it should work. put the bgl file into your scenery folder and while at the airport tune to ATIS, if ATIS annouces all the fake runways as open your fix worked.



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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2008, 11:08:31 pm »
It doesn't affect ATC procedures, but ATIS will call out the fake runways as open even though they don't exist, the fake runways are needed to get crosswind.

Hope this helps.


Dear axiom,

Thank you!  ;D
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (Prov.13:20 NIV)
Thank you very much.
  James F. Chams


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2008, 10:28:16 am »

I will add something. There are two runways at this airport: 04/22 and 13/31. Now, the position where you start depends on what you want to have. The wind settings will force you to use one of these combinations:
- 04 + 13
- 13 + 22
- 22 + 31
- 31 + 04
If you see, you need to afcad files for this. One file will use 04 + 13 or when the winds are coming in the opposite direction, it will 22 + 31. The other file will use the other two combinations for the same situations.
If you want to have 04 +13 and 22 + 31, you need to start the fake runways with runway 04 and stop at runway 13. If you want to use 13 + 22 and 31 +04, you need to start at runway 13 and stop at runway 22. You will get more fake runways in this second file.

Sometimes you have to make an inversion of the runway. For example, LPPT has two runways 03/21 and 17/35. This is how the default afcad comes. The first runway of all the system is 01/19 and the last runway is always 18/36. In this case, 03 would make a pair with 17 and 21 with 35 which is not real. So, if you want to pair 03 with 35 and 21 with 17, you need to turn runway 17/35 into runway 35/17. So, you need to make an inversion of all the caracteristics of that runway. If the heading was for example 174, you need to write now 354. If the papis were at runway 35 and after the turn they will move to runway 17, you need to move them again in order to have them at the right place which is at the left side of runway 35. And so on... Then, you start your fake runways with runway 35 and you will end with runway 03.




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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2009, 04:03:54 pm »
When I use this afcad I always get default buildings along with the fsdreamteam ones.  You can notice it by the north cargo ramp, buildings along 4L/22R, hangar alley, and even the south cargo ramp.  Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.  I already removed the default fsx o'hare afcad.



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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2009, 04:41:31 pm »
If you have Fly Tampa Midway, check that you don't have the Fly Tampa default KORD fix. The installer should automatically remove it, but if you install Midway after KORD, it would still be there.


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Re: I activated Crosswind Runways! No more long lines!
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2009, 05:24:17 pm »
I don't have fly tampa midway I just downloaded and copied the afcad file in this thread into the o'hare scenery folder and overwrited the other one.  The Afcad that comes with the installer works fine, but I like the crosswind runways in this one.